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What is the smart home supposed to do for me anyway? That's the thing that seems to me to be the reason for the failure of many of these companies: they are selling something that most people don't need so they rely on people who buy them on a whim.

There are definitely applications that are useful, even if they are firmly in the luxury territory. Smart lights, doorbells, thermostats, assistants, blinds/curtains and security cameras are all pretty useful.

I have a few of those but I've mostly avoided them due to vendor lock in. Stuff in houses lasts a long time. I don't want to have to replace my door lock every 5 years.

Some of the products are a bit difficult to actually integrate too. Smart locks are all "American security" level. Smart lights don't work well with existing switches. I don't actually know of any smart curtain openers so I'm making my own.

One day I think the issues will be resolved and it will become more common.

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