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I played with HomeAssistant for a while, and I kind of liked tinkering around with things, but it was still a huge pain in the ass, and I have no delusions that it was saving me money or time. For someone going into this with the expectation of tinkering, it's fine. For a commercial venture, I don't see current 'smart home' products/services as very viable. I've already switched my light bulbs to LEDs; how much am I actually going to save by having them turn off automatically after a preset delay? Not much.

One of my DIY projects was a couple smart plugs and a temperature sensor; at the peak of summer heat, when the house was hot but it cooled off at night, I automated ventilating our house. It had a great impact on our comfort without using air conditioning (which we didn't have). That is a decent use for this kind of stuff, but it's far too much effort for most people to go through.

I have learned that almost any effort is far too much for people to go through.

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