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Why would you use this live at all? You already have a proper mixer set up in those situations.

For electronic music performances it's common to bring your own portable desktop mixer(s). Then you pull the stereo output from that into the PA mixer. PA guy does very little during the performance.

If you don't have a lot of gear (which is increasingly the case because of more integrated music tools) you only need a small mixer for this purpose. If you have a lot of gear you may want small sub-mixers.

Okay but if you don't have a lot of gear, this thing is well outside of your budget, several times over. You'd bring your cheap behringer, yamaha, mackie, etc. mixer instead. You're doing a performance, you packed for that.

And if you can afford this thing, you're not going to do live mixing with it. You bring your flight case with all your performance kit instead.

> Okay but if you don't have a lot of gear, this thing is well outside of your budget

That's a strange assumption. I have more money, therefore I need more gear to play music?

> And if you can afford this thing, you're not going to do live mixing with it. You bring your flight case with all your performance kit instead.

And that case doesn't contain a mixer? I don't see how using this live and bringing your setup in a flight case are mutually exclusive.

The only other realistic use cases for this are for a portable/temporary studio setup or a really cramped bedroom studio. There's certainly little obvious use for it in an already well equipped studio.

Don't reverse an argument and expect it to still hold up, because it doesn't. It's the other way around: if you don't have lots of money, you don't have this kind of "toy" gear (because this is a --super cool, wish I had a use-case for it-- "because I can" piece of kit). You first buy the stuff you (or your band) actually needs. Including a decent mixer that doesn't break the bank. There are lots of perfectly decent <$400 mixers to be had.

And if you are a professional (EDM or otherwise) musician and you have regular gigs, you probably already spent some money on a better-than-$400 mixer and you're still not going to use this device because you have more a reliable TRS+XLR mixer for your live gigs.

This device is just for "toss in a backback, and have fun" (either alone on the go, or hanging out with other musician friends). Unfortunately, and necessarily, very expensive fun.

> It's the other way around: if you don't have lots of money, you don't have this kind of "toy" gear

Yes, but you suggested that if you don't have lots of gear, this is outside your budget. That is a different argument. That you can construct a new argument doesn't somehow invalidate my response to your previous argument.

well, I wouldn’t, because it has a switch that can be easily thrown and it costs way too much for what it does. so I don’t understand its market. but if it weren’t for those reasons not to use it, then I might for the same reason I would use a 1010 bluebox or any other similar minimalist mixer. size, weight, utility. something like this would be useful for a submix of 1/8” gear. just look into the types of musicians who love the 1010 boxes

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