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Honduras Repeals ZEDEs (laprensa.hn)
47 points by zone411 on April 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Frustrating to have this nixed before it could get off the ground. I'm not clear what it means for existing ZEDEs.

https://mariposa.city/en/resources/official-zede-statute/ is the original law

> ARTICLE 45.- In accordance with the provisions of Article 329 of the Constitution, this Act may only be modified, amended, interpreted or repealed by two-thirds (2/3) in favor of the members of Congress. It shall be necessary also to hold a referendum or plebiscite for the people living in the area subject to special arrangements when their population exceeds one hundred thousand inhabitants. In the event of the repeal of this Act, the same shall remain in force for the period specified in the clauses or legal stability contracts signed with natural or legal persons residing or investing in Zones of Economic Development and Employment (ZEDE). The transition period may not be less than ten (10) years, during which time the rights of residents and investors in the Zones of Economic Development and Employment (ZEDE) shall remain in effect.

I don't know what, if any, transition period was established in the repeal.

> I'm not clear what it means for existing ZEDEs.

The story says "total repeal". I assume they'll be gone, pending a confirmation vote next year.

This is sad. I was really excited to see more (totally opt-in) experimentation in this area.

It's clear that the way most nations build most cities isn't working well, and innovation or experimentation of any kind is generally impossible.

We can't iterate if we can't experiment.

Me too, I wanted it to happen to see what could be achieved. I think it died mostly from political than technical reasons.

Seems like a significant change in governance was required for this change to happen.

For those unfamiliar (as I was) a ZEDE is a "special economic zone", along the lines of Shenzhen, Dubai, etc. If an area (city, town?) was classified as a ZEDE it gains the ability to disregard some laws (I can't find what/any limits there are), gains its own judiciary, etc.

I can understand the rationale for removing them, as it certainly sounds like something that would have questionable legality, however at the same time it sounds like the previous president has been extradited to the US? So who knows how much of this is politicking

-> it certainly sounds like something that would have questionable legality

Honduras is a former banana republic. Corruption is the name of the game.


Not sure what a ZEDE is. Article is not in English, but somehow it's made it to the front page of HN so what's the background?

Honduras needs a leader like Najib Bukele.


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