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Yes, Mac developers tended to focus only on that platform, and a large portion of its user base was on monochrome for a long time. Therefore, you had a sizeable group of artists and devs who got developed strong techniques for monochrome art.

Comparatively, on PC I never saw CGA graphics which I didn't think were anything but compromised EGA images, which were themselves degraded from VGA images etc. Did anyone else play Prince of Persia on a CGA display?

Some CGA graphics assumed you would connect it to a TV via composite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composite_artifact_colors

I used to play Sim City on the monochrome 640x200 IBM PC Convertible.

There was a program called "SimCGA" which would fool programs into thinking you had a color CGA graphics adapter so it would run.

Visually, it was awful. But the novelty of playing games on a battery-powered IBM made up for it.

I never had Prince of Persia, but I had 16-color Tandy graphics that wasn't EGA compatible, so if there wasn't Tandy support, I'd get CGA. Not a lot of CGA games would hook me into playing, when I had other options.

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