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Most of Neely's stuff is just wrong or misleading. I once tried to watch his video about why minor chords sound "sad" and major chords sound "happy" and it was just laughable how unsupported his claims were.

I have never heard such a complaint about his videos. Most? There are enough musicians in the world, on YouTube, and in my family that they would have called it out. I call shenanigans and say it is you, sir, who are wrong or misleading

Most musicians are ignorant of the deeper music theory - even jazz musicians like Neely, except on a standard level (which any jazz musician does). You need a trained composer and/or musicologist for that. Neely himself is not some music theory guru, he is a Berklee alumni who plays jazz, those are a dime a dozen.

That's a bit harsh. He's the one engaging an audience on more than one front performing as both a musician and successful YouTuber which the others aren't, and doing us a service as such exposing us to stuff we'll otherwise not ever encounter. He's publicly learning, including sharing his mistakes and entertaining and tries to keep 'fun' as part of journey. You may consider him a dime a dozen, but he's very far away from where I am, and therefore valueable to someone like me.

At some point claiming the person at the top of the ivory tower is the only one that knows the worth of something is useless if you can't get them to communicate with you.

Like anything you can really deep dive and get lost in you can end up lonely places that outsiders can't fathom. I found it quite poignant in Steven Levy's 'Hackers' book where Lee Felenstein remarks on all the focus on computer progress "You're doing all that the the computer? What are you doing for the people?"

You can still participate and get a value and joy out of something whilst being ignorant of its formations and there's nothing wrong with that. We're all standing on the shoulders of giants so to speak.

> it is you, sir, who are wrong or misleading

Or your opinions just differ.

The meaning of music is in the listener. what you hear may not be what others do.

even the Brown Note doesn't hit everyone.

citations needed

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