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What bothers me is that I would absolutely buy this if it was bigger and had 1/4" balanced or stereo TRRS inputs, I actually have a variety of input sources in my home office that gets dual use for work, gaming, and music. But to use this I would need to go XLR to 3.5mm (and no phantom power?) for my voice and amp mics, main out to a Y split 1/4 TRS for speakers, and 1/4" to 3.5mm for a synth. So my desk would be littered with annoying adaptors just to slim down the inputs to fit in those teeny jacks.

A built in channel strip that I can keep setup for my mic (gate, compressor, EQ), plus a metronome for practicing, easy connectivity to my tablet to record myself a bit? Absolutely worth it.

The synth part is a little dumb, but it's TE.

There are lots of desktop mixers with regular-size connectors available, some with audio interfaces and effects. This one is super small and based on mini jacks - that's its differentiator.

Main difference from the similar-space BlueBox seems to be having little faders instead of a touchscreen. And it's twice the price. Design looks nice, hard to evaluate the usability from pictures. Menu diving on little screens can be rough.

The TX-6 is aimed at people who own the other TE stuff which is 3.5mm. If you're looking for a solid audio interface, consider RME or Apogee.

My apogee duet sucked. Always had problems being recognized by logic and eventually they stopped providing updates to the software. Got a Motu M4 which is much cheaper and has been worlds better.

That sucks. I had the opposite experience, for those curious. I still have my firewire duet, I’ve been using over 10 years. Works great. It is unfortunate they stopped updating the software. My 2010 mac mini is running OS 10.11, and it works.

I have an RME actually, but the Apogee stuff has poor support for anyone not using a Mac.

Same for me, although 1/8" jacks are quite common among TE's line. I'm guessing they're targeting enthusiasts who already own a few other TE devices.

Does it even have mic preamps? I would be surprised if you could plug a mic directly into this without a cloud lifter or something.

It says each channel has up to 42dB of gain which seems plenty for most mics.

This is not really enough gain for most dynamic mics. Probably passable for many condenser mics, but they would also need phantom.


i too was scrolling and hoping to see phantom power for at least one input :(

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