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AMEL IA here.

I've seen a lot of near-accident videos and they all show the initiation of the accident sequence and allow you to step through the process the PIC went through to either _cause_ and/or _get out of_ the incident. This video had none of those qualities. Trim for best glide speed? Nope. Head on a swivel looking for suitable alternates? Nope. The performative display of pumping the yoke? Engine is out and the pilot is trying to do what? Precipitate an aerodynamic stall?

I can think of very few disciplines that are more contradictory than the juxtaposition of aviation with the "influencer"/social media spectrum. Hopefully the FAA revocation of his certificate paves the way for law enforcement to look into fraud and other issues.

Exactly! I wonder why he didn't at least act like he ran out of options before bailing out. "OK, there's an airport over there." <banks slightly> "Oh crap, I'm losing too much altitude! I'll never make it! Time to bail out! Buy a Ridge Wallet!"

> AMEL IA here.

If you're not one of Tony Stark's AIs, what might this mean?

Airplane, Multi-engine, Land.

IA seems to mean he is a flight instructor.

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