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> In 1939, a misunderstanding brought about surprising results. Near the beginning of a class, Professor Neyman wrote two problems on the blackboard. Dantzig arrived late and assumed that they were a homework assignment. According to Dantzig, they "seemed to be a little harder than usual", but a few days later he handed in completed solutions for both problems, still believing that they were an assignment that was overdue.[4][6] Six weeks later, an excited Neyman eagerly told him that the "homework" problems he had solved were two of the most famous unsolved problems in statistics.


Does anybody have more examples?

Not exactly this as far as official sources say, but the Karatsuba algorithm (long multplication in n^1.6) was the result of Kolmogorov (already a foundational figure, but only beginning his work in what would come to be called algorithmic complexity) starting a seminar with the goal of showing that long multiplication can’t be done in less than n^2 time (because nobody was able to do it faster in thousands of years) and a student (Karatsuba) coming in after a couple of meetings to prove him wrong (the catch being that the constant factors make the result not worth it for values of n people historically worked with by hand).

(The algorithm boils down to the observation that (Xb + Y)(Zb + W) = XZ b^2 + [(X + Y)(Z + W) - XZ - YW] b + YW, for a total of three unique base-b products, plus what is nowadays a routine exercise to see that calculating these products recursively in base b/2 yields complexity n ^ log_2 3.)

Reminds me how once I had a math test in college about simplifying trigonometric expressions (cos(a + b) kind of formulas) and I made a cheat sheet with all the formulas because I couldn’t remember them all. Obviously I forgot one formula and as fate would have it it was on my test. Took me about 15 min, but eventually I derived it and put it all on the test paper. My gosh the math professor was proud of me, probably one of the top 10 moments of my life when he kept boasting about it when he announced the test results. Many years later I kept thinking I should tell him the full story, but alas he died not too long ago. RIP ‘Stakan Stakanovich’

Huffman coding was invented when Huffman's professor, Robert Fano, gave a class the option of either taking a regular final exam or solving the optimal encoding problem which (unknown to the students) he and Shannon had been failing to solve for some time.

In a class of his that I took he told us that even crumpled up the paper with the solution threw it away then went back and retrieved it and realized it was right

Not quite the same scenario, but Dantzig had the roles reversed on him by John von Neumann. From Wikipedia

> When George Dantzig brought von Neumann an unsolved problem in linear programming "as I would to an ordinary mortal", on which there had been no published literature, he was astonished when von Neumann said "Oh, that!", before offhandedly giving a lecture of over an hour, explaining how to solve the problem using the hitherto unconceived theory of duality.

Not quite the same thing...

> George Pólya, whose lectures at ETH Zürich von Neumann attended as a student, said "Johnny was the only student I was ever afraid of. If in the course of a lecture I stated an unsolved problem, the chances were he'd come to me at the end of the lecture with the complete solution scribbled on a slip of paper."

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_Neumann#Cognitive_abi...

Does anyone know what the two unproven theorems he proved were?

They appear to be published in these two articles, as described and cited by Snopes[1]:

Dantzig, George B. “On the Non-Existence of Tests of ‘Student’s’ Hypothesis Having Power Functions Independent of Sigma.” Annals of Mathematical Statistics. No. 11; 1940 (pp. 186-192).

Dantzig, George B. and Abraham Wald. “On the Fundamental Lemma of Neyman and Pearson.” Annals of Mathematical Statistics. No. 22; 1951 (pp. 87-93).

[1] https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-unsolvable-math-proble...

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