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The one thing that used to drive me crazy, especially about Windows, was "why the hell are you using swap and why are you freezing to do stuff with the hard drive on each click when you have a third of the physical RAM free right here according to your own task manager". I still don't understand that. I still feel like modern desktop OSes are terrible with memory management when you run out of physical memory (which I did way too often on all my previous machines).

1. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26244093 | M1 Mac high SSD writes

Not sure if the above case has been solved in M1 Mac

On x86 Mac, if the programs exceed the memory available, it would start swapping to disk too, though that is not as how Windows do swapping. On Windows, if I don't enable pagefile swap, some programs will crash even if there are so much memory available

Anyway, I do monitoring on memory usage on any OS that I use. Out of memory situation by people mostly is due to negligence, it's what it is. If people are unhappy because doing memory monitoring would waste their focus energy, just buy more computers

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