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No, it's a proxy indicator. A 50-year-old can be hot if she takes care of herself (TV is full of people like this these days, hell the streets are too). Just as they have stopped caring about their appearances, they have stopped caring about customer service. If you doubt this, just try flying United long-haul.

I'm saying is "hotness" doesn't have a bearing on customer service.

I don't care if my cab driver, dry cleaner, and barrista are good looking. It's about as relevant as promoting programmers based on what kind of funny t-shirts they wear.

And yet... there's an awful lot of Mac users on HN.

The amount of jobs listed on HN that are geared toward Mac users is quite sad. Not that anyone is saying "Mac Only!" but, there have been quite a few posts that simply ignore that there are skilled developers using other platforms. When I've brought it up in the past it seemed that my opinion was quite unpopular though.

Ironically, I am the only developer at my job not on a Mac. Sure I get some jokes at times, but I am just as efficient as anyone else, and if I had made a switch to a Mac just to fit in, I wouldn't have been able to hit the ground running.

I'm puzzled as you seem to be. I've had to work on many platforms. Mac tools are immature, buggy and frustrating. The frustration may be due to my unfamiliarity, but the rest is not.

If so many use these tools, they should be more mature. I conclude that only a vocal minority actually develop on the Mac.

"Hotness", is created, not given, and a committed customer service employee will perform at least the minimum self-maintenance to make them selves not unattractive.

I have never worked a customer service job where a neat appearance (or cool, if at a certain kind of place) was not necessary.

>committed customer service employee will perform at least the minimum self-maintenance to make them selves not unattractive.

I absolutely agree.

But the article bemoans the lack of "hotness", which I feel is incredibly sexist, no matter what sex the flight attendant is.

TV is full of people like this thanks to the wonders of modern plastic surgery and botox, and Photoshop in the magazines.

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