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> Not to mention that he's compromising on accuracy. Yeah, 1 second is tiny, but why give it up if you don't have to?

While NGINX may use very little CPU and have minimal hard drive access, PHP (or Java/Python/Ruby/etc.) will hit those resources hard.

Look, I'm not one of those environmentalist wackos who pisses his pants when somebody forgets to turn off a light ... but ... if you're keeping your BLOG server a hundred times busier than it has to be just so that your users don't experience a staleness of 1 second ... you're an asshole. A military or medical application, fine. But a blog? Sorry, no.

you're an asshole.

Not necessary.

> Not necessary.

He might have a point if 100x is even close to a realistic increase... again, as demonstrated by other posts in this thread, this isn't the case.

It's not about whether he has a point, it's about calling others assholes. In face-to-face conversation there are lots of ways to do that without being strident; in writing it's too heavy-handed. Scrupulously avoiding such aggressiveness is one of the few easy things we can do to prop up the discourse.

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