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There isn’t an engineering office in Spain. Just a small one for a very specific product acquired by Google.

Truth be told if Google started a proper office in Spain they’d be able to find plenty of good candidates at the reduced 50% salary. Google is still paying way above local market rate.

In my case the reason why I wouldn’t stay is the psychological factor of seeing my salary cut in half and feeling the need to optimize what I earn. I already have a friend here working remotely for what I saw described here on HN once as a second tier American tech company and with less experience he’s making more than I will make once I move. I have researched what other companies pay and I could definitely get my German salary back.

I’m not saying I deserve those salaries or that Google is not being fair. But just as a multi-billion dollar company is optimizing their bottom line with the salaries they pay, I’m also obliged to do the same.

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