I don't judge anyone for believing this story, you are better off believing the story to keep up your optimism streak and avoid falling into a pessimism streak called depression, but it is either fake or a dream created by the brain. The creature is speaking English, which is a dead giveaway.
That's not a very effective counterargument - the being in question could have communicated in any way and the conversation would have been recounted in English later, unless it used interpretive dance or something.
These experiences seem to be very common. The question that I take from them is around the nature of "love", and how fundamental it is. Most religions feature infinite love and benevolence as a feature of God, and we know that the feeling of love in human beings has a biochemical basis. But is it an essential quality of the universe (like, for example, the structure of space)? Does it actually transcend the universe? I believe it does, in some form, but that's a position formed from a combination of faith and reason.
It could be that the "infinite love" feeling these religions describe is of a different nature to what we normally know as love, but there is no better word to describe it.