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C# is in demand, because C# developers are rarer. Also it's a more interesting language to work in and has features that attract smart developers.

Java developers are abundant, and mostly employed in the dark corners of big enterprise software shops you've never heard of.

I have seen some very dark corners reserved for C# programmers around Sharepoint deployments...

I worked on a major financial application that had a consumer front end written in share point... it was horrific... easily the worst thing I had seen in 15 years of developing.

The guys that put it together created a situation where there multiple front ends to one database. Each front end generated GUIDs and rammed them into the shared database. My work was to fix the sync'ing problem derived from this.

Most poeple I know refer to it as scare point now, as it scares most developers ;)

That depends on the country. In the Balkans for example, there are more .NET than Java developers, though both of them are in high numbers. The thing is, a lot of students after graduating are trying to get a job as a .NET developer thinking that it's easier, and after that they stick to that job.

And the second sentence, I have to disagree with you. I can't find the link right now (when I find i'll give you another reply), but there was report on USA's most wanted ICT jobs for 2010, and it was sorted per regions in Top 5 format, and the common 3 out of 5 everywhere were: Java, SAP, Oracle. .NET was 4rd or 5th almost on all of them. Second, there are more big companies with Java departments than with .NET departments (and some of them have both).

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