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The thing that is really dooming Russian armor in Ukraine isn't really the ATGMs and RPGs being deployed, it's the complete lack of functional thermal gear. Other than IR spotlights on most of the tanks I've seen, they're lacking in the high quality thermal sights found on most Western tanks and IFVs. If they use the IR spotlight, it's like shining a flashlight in a dark room. Everyone knows exactly where you are...

This means two things. First the UA owns the night to a large extent. This gives their SOF and TDF troops the ability to hunt the Russian vehicles at night and survive the encounters. It also helps them during the daytime as well; thermal sites are very handy in low light conditions. A hot tank engine stands out a long ways to a thermal site.

Even the Javelin CLU used by the UA has incredible thermal sites. This give troops armed with it much better situational awareness. I believe the NLAW has a good thermal sight as well, but it's disposable.

I'm sure yours is a great comment, but too many acronyms for an average reader to be able to follow.

Not sure if I'm an average HN reader or not:

* ATGM - anti tank guided missile

* RPG - rocket propelled grenade

* IR - infrared

* IFV - infantry fighting vehicle

* UA - Ukranian army

* SOF - special operations forces

* TDF - territorial defense forces

* CLU - (I did have to look this up, though I understood it from context) command launch unit ie the screen+trigger

* NLAW - next generation anti tank weapon

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