"On another note, why is your software better than cPanel?"
That's actually the same note. If you had the question when looking at the website, others will too. ;-)
I'm working on a new comparison chart (the old one was too wordy) to post to the website sometime soon.
Short answer:
We're mobile capable. Nearly everything in the browser UI degrades to a usable mobile accessible version
We're clean and polite to the underlying system. Sysadmins who've dealt with cPanel or Plesk on the command line will know how valuable this distinction is.
Comprehensive and easily scriptable command line and remote API.
Ruby on Rails and Gems support in the next release this weekend
PHP 4 and PHP 5 simultaneously with php.ini and PEAR modules management
mod_fcgid with suexec (rather than the old and rather clunky suphp)
spam/AV filtering per-user and per-domain
built-in WYSIWYG website builder
nice database GUIs for MySQL and PostgreSQL (I believe they are nicer than phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, but if the user disagrees we also provide those)
70+ easily installable applications (compare to Fantastico at $199 extra), including SugarCRM and a few others that nobody else has the guts to touch because they're so damned complicated to install
comprehensive monitoring and alerts (also mobile capable)
optional Google Analytics (and Quantcast and MyBlogLog) injection into all pages, regardless of how they're served--static, PHP, Ruby, CGI, whatever
tiered pricing, so someone with a couple of domains doesn't have to spend $450
On another note, why is your software better than cPanel?