Couple of quick points, never in anyway compared the rate of law breaking in my post. Pretty sure I specified my post was anecdotal. I really don't care what stats say, I care that around me large groups of bicyclists blow through stop signs while I am taking my kids to school in the morning. I understand you have a cause to push but I'm not the guy you should be pushing it at. I'm just some middle aged dude trying to get his kids to school safely without running anyone over.
> Pretty sure I specified my post was anecdotal. I really don't care what stats say
Why should we care about your anecdotes here, though? Especially when they're going against the science.
> I understand you have a cause to push but I'm not the guy you should be pushing it at.
You're the one claiming your anecdotes to be the truth here, trying to push your anti-bicyclist view.
> I'm just some middle aged dude trying to get his kids to school safely
Ironically, you and the other drivers are the risk factor for school kids. Why do you even feel the need to drive them to school? To dangerous for them to walk/bike because of other cars is my guess.
He probably loves them, and quite responsibly would prefer to encase them in steel on the way to school. If I see an adult driving with kids and I'm biking I usually just fall back. They will crush you like a bug, and curse you for traumatizing the children as you shuffle off this mortal coil. I'll let em go first.
psst, you don't have to care that's the neat part. You are responding though so you have chosen to care, that's on you.
"push your anti-bicyclist view" lol, my what?
"Why do you even feel the need to drive them to school? To dangerous for them to walk/bike because of other cars is my guess." I am going to assume you have no children and no idea what you are talking about and that 90% of your daily concern is focused on you 'pro-bicyclist view'. My kids are young, school starts at 7:30 am. Their school is a good distance away. of course I care about them getting hit by cars, your argument is really bad. Its like when people in the US complain about police brutality and some genius retorts with "well why don't you live in communist china and see how you like it." Its ok to focus on multiple issues friend. I wish both you and your 'pro-bicyclist' agenda well. :)
I drive, walk, and cycle under the assumption that every single other person in view is both suicidal and insane at the same time, and act accordingly. It works pretty well, all things told.
Practically this means traveling in such a way that I always have an “out” and it has saved me from my own stupidity multiple times.