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Anecdotal counterexample (I'm Gen Z) -- Ukraine is pictures on a screen, and that's what brought my attention to it! I want Ukraine to win the war and I think what Russia is doing is extremely wrong and heinous, and I also wouldn't have become nearly as invested in the conflict were it not for the fact that this is the first major war to be broadcast on social media. I've seen video clips that made me angry, sad, and horrified, and have catalyzed me to make a firm stance on the issue instead of being ambivalent.

Also anecdotally, every other person I know in my age group is also very pro-Ukraine and not ambivalent, perhaps as suggested by one of the other comments the poll is outdated?

Gen Z kid here; my friend group largely doesn't care in the slightest about the war in Ukraine. We think what's happening is wrong, but we don't see the point in doing anything ourselves. The Middle East was bombed for decades while no one had the spine to really do anything about it. We didn't even have the virtue signalers that you see online today. Why should we care when it happens to Europe?

This is all without mentioning the fact that the war exposed a lot of the biases we knew were present in the media- how many reporters just straight up admitted that they care more because the people dying are white this time?

As someone else on this post said, Europe is a rich peninsula with enough money and manpower to handle Russia by itself. If they want American help, they can buy American weapons. America has committed enough war crimes over the past few decades. We don't need to expand that list and further risk the future of this country, which is already looking bleak.

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