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This game sucks. I don't know why you want credit for it.

Could you elaborate on why you feel this way with some constructive criticism? All I see is a father who made something cool to teach his kid some fun things. Maybe you can't understand because your father never loved you enough to do the same?

I hope this kid grows up to be your boss.

edit: could

I just presumed he was joking. The game is very obviously amazing.

I hope my kid grows up to be his own boss ;)

> This game sucks.

tedjdziuba stated his/her opinion. It doesn't make it worse one because it isn't the appraisal of the game, like seen in most of the comments. Different tastes here and that's all. And that's fine too. De gustibus non est disputandum.

> Maybe you can't understand because your father never loved you enough to do the same?

Yet you go ad hominem, and what makes it really worse, regarding his/her family. Despicable behavior.

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