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The fact that there was an outcry big enough to merit this is sad. HN and sites like it are saturated with people trying to turn the tides of a world with better worker protections. Some of it is because people making startups genuinely think they will "do better than those guys" which is never true at scale. The reason that the job market is such a mess in the US is that it is dehumanizing from beginning to end, from interview to exit and at both of those stages there isn't really any benefit to trying to speak your mind. Companies will do whatever makes them profit. If a car kills X people it has to outweigh Y in legal costs before a Z amount will be spent on a recall. You can be friendly and enjoy the comrodery of your fellow employees but at the end of the day make no mistake they are not invested in you and will replace you the moment you are dead or inefficient to their KPIs. Take care of yourself, take care of your family and friends but do not make the mistake of confusing those with your bosses or managers because I promise they won't get those mixed up when it comes your well being.

Exit interviews are a trap...because everything you say and do at your company has little landmines built into it because they are constantly trying to use humans like cogs in a clock and when you wear out you are no longer helpful to the clock maker or the people who use the clock everyday...then you get removed from the clock and replaced quickly.

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