I think a lot of blog abandonment is a consequence of shifting priorities.
I started my most recent blog back in 2008 to keep track of the projects I was working on and to build a body of work that I could present along with a resume.
A lot of the content I tried to capture was original work I had done; some of it was writing about something I had learned and tried to apply to a proof of concept.
I went with a monthly format and for awhile this worked out well, but as soon as summer would come around- priorities would change and content wouldn't resume until November.
I've gone through that cycle the past four years and this past year I simply haven't had the motivation to stick with it due to projects at work draining me of my enthusiasm and deciding that there are better ways to spend my time than constantly parked in front of a computer.
I'm sure that I'll find myself updating it again. I think if I still had the motivation and focus I did when I was younger, I would be able to stick with it. But when blue skies and mountain calls you, you got to answer.
I started my most recent blog back in 2008 to keep track of the projects I was working on and to build a body of work that I could present along with a resume.
A lot of the content I tried to capture was original work I had done; some of it was writing about something I had learned and tried to apply to a proof of concept.
I went with a monthly format and for awhile this worked out well, but as soon as summer would come around- priorities would change and content wouldn't resume until November.
I've gone through that cycle the past four years and this past year I simply haven't had the motivation to stick with it due to projects at work draining me of my enthusiasm and deciding that there are better ways to spend my time than constantly parked in front of a computer.