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Show HN: Multiplayer Demo Built with Elixir (multiplayer.dev)
221 points by wenbo on April 11, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 57 comments
Hey HN, I’m an engineer at Supabase [0] and one of the creators of this demo. My team and I have been working hard to bring developers the next version of Supabase Realtime.

The current version of Realtime [1] is a Change Data Capture (CDC) server for a PostgreSQL database that broadcasts changes via WebSockets to authorized subscribers. It’s written in Elixir/Phoenix.

The server utilizes PostgreSQL’s logical replication functionality, which writes database changes to Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) segment files, and a replication slot, responsible for managing and retaining WAL files.

Database changes are polled from WAL by the server using PostgreSQL’s replication function pg_logical_slot_get_changes and changes converted to JSON objects using the wal2json [2] extension by setting it as the output plugin.

Security is enforced through two checks - each check ensures only authorized client subscribers are sent database changes. The first check validates a JWT that is sent by clients subscribing to database changes. This JWT must contain an existing database role and optional claims, both of which can be referenced in Row Level Security (RLS) policies. Every valid client subscription is then inserted into the realtime.subscription table with an assigned UUID, database role, and claims. The second check calls the realtime.apply_rls SQL function from Write Ahead Log Realtime Unified Security (WALRUS) utility lib [3]. This function takes the database changes, executes a prepared statement to verify if the database role and claims have SELECT permissions on the changes, and outputs an array of authorized UUIDs. Then, the server finds all the subscribers whose UUIDs are in that array and broadcasts the changes to them.

The next version of Supabase Realtime will offer three features: Broadcast, Presence, and Extensions.

Broadcast, our Pub/Sub offering, can be used to pass ephemeral data from client to client such as cursor movements. This runs on a distributed cluster of nodes built on top of Phoenix PubSub + Channels.

Presence, can be used for tracking online/offline users and their state. This is built into Phoenix, and uses replicated state across a cluster using an Observe-Remove-Set-Without-Tombstones (ORSWOT) CRDT [4] which prefers adds over removes when resolving conflicts.

Extensions, are a way for the community to add additional functionality to take advantage of the WebSocket infrastructure. We have converted the existing Change Data Capture system to an extension that supports connecting to multiple customer databases (multi-tenancy). Other possible extensions include listening to other databases like MySQL and getting stock market events server-side [5], then broadcasting them to connected clients.

This demo is built using a Supabase project, Supabase Realtime, and Next.js and deployed on 20 Fly [6] nodes located around the world. You can find an introduction and walkthrough of the demo here [5].

Supabase Realtime is entirely open source and you can find the demo code here [7]. Once we have stabilized the release we will add it to the self-hosted offering [8]. This demo is a way to highlight the upcoming features and gather feedback/ideas.

Feel free to ask me anything and let me know what you think!

[0] https://supabase.com

[1] https://github.com/supabase/realtime

[2] https://github.com/eulerto/wal2json

[3] https://github.com/supabase/walrus

[4] https://gsd.di.uminho.pt/members/cbm/ps/delta-crdt-draft16ma...

[5] https://supabase.com/blog/2022/04/01/supabase-realtime-with-...

[6] https://fly.io

[7] https://github.com/supabase/realtime/tree/multiplayer

[8] https://github.com/supabase/supabase/tree/master/docker

This is awesome. I recently built a multiplayer Phoenix LiveView experience - https://internetfight.club - and in the process had the idea for a fully DB-reactive dev experience, seems like you scratched the itch first! Well done. I think this is the future of web development and I'm quite happy about it. That being said, I wonder how far you could get on ETS alone..

Would love to learn more about how you built Internet Fight Club! What were your design decisions and what challenges did you encounter? Also, what do you mean by ETS alone?

It was mostly a learning project for me, but I'm planning to do a write-up soon as a guide for Python developers moving to Elixir.

Re: ETS, I was just imagining something like Realtime but without Postgres, just using ETS. Most of the use cases I can think of for this type of thing don't require relational data, so I was thinking of just using ETS as a KV/document store to hold user and application state and then reacting to changes in to that the way you are here. I think you'd lose the benefits of relational queries and persistence but gain some function in overhead and decentralization. I'm moving to Elixir after spending a lot of time doing "serverless" and event-driven architectures, so now I'm spending a lot of time thinking about how to get the benefits of both worlds.

> write-up soon as a guide for Python developers moving to Elixir

Awesome initiative!

> ETS as a KV/document store to hold user and application state and then reacting to changes in to that the way you are here

This is actually pretty interesting. I can't speak to ETS but Mnesia has replication and you can expose the replication log using something like https://github.com/emqx/mria. I've only had a cursory look at this so I could be wrong about its capabilities but it would be an awesome extension to the new Realtime if possible.

> Python developers moving to Elixir.

was this your path? I am heavily considering it, as I have been thinking about the BEAM for a couple years now but haven't dove in yet (coding is mostly hobby for me, though it does benefit my work sometimes)

This was actually my path. I started working on side projects and picked Elixir because I had my eyes on it for a few years and wanted to give it a shot.

What was your first elixir project?

Did you have any trouble skipping Erlang and going straight to elixir?

> first elixir project

Simple Phoenix server that made requests to third party API endpoints.

> Did you have any trouble skipping Erlang and going straight to elixir?

I don't think I referred to any Erlang code and just picked up Elixir. Ultimately, you will have to pick up some Erlang but you can get away with just Elixir for a long time.

You don’t need Erlang especially if you’re not developing in Elixir professionally.

sounds like you want "Meteor" as it was when it first came out. Which is nearly a decade old now! I really liked it, but the whole community fragmented a while back, not sure what it is like now

Meteor but built using a well-designed language.

I believe OP meant https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html by ETS

Is there any chance of getting access to the source? If not, no worries!

Of course! You can check out the demo code here: https://github.com/supabase/realtime/tree/multiplayer.

Oh wow- I’m a huge fan of Supabase and have loved using it in a few Sveltekit projects so far! I gotta ask- how straightforward would it be to power a collaborative code editor with this?

I have a YJS powered collaborative Svelte REPL I built using y-monaco and y-webrtc, all “serverless” on Vercel using CFWorkers to connect/verify users. Supabase already houses the private REPL loading/saving/sharing features. Native Supabase CRDTs could be perfect for the next version of the app!


definitely. it's one of the primary use-cases we had in mind when developing this, and something we've wanted to offer for a long time. I'm happy to see it popping up early in the comments. We wouldn't offer our own CRDTs, but Realtime can be a nice transport layer for other CRDT implementations (which can then be serialised and persisted to your database)

> YJS powered

I'm also glad to see you're using Yjs - it's very cool. We hope that this implementation can be another Yjs Provider[0] if Kevin is onboard with that. Once that's implemented, you would be able to use it with all the same bindings (i.e. y-monaco).

[0] https://github.com/yjs/yjs#providers

I want to add that each room is capped at five players. Whenever you go to https://multiplayer.dev, you're assigned to a room with the fewest players so that no one is alone for too long. If you feel stuck in a room try navigating back to https://multiplayer.dev.

Hi wenbo - would you mind explaining a bit more on what the user is suppose to experience in this demo. Maybe I'm the only person confused but I just see people chatting in the bottom right bubble. And occasionally, someone moves their cursor. I don't feel like I'm try grasping what is being "demo'ed".

The purpose of this demo is to show off three features of the new Supabase Realtime.

- Broadcast: Cursor movements and messages (floating bubbles next to cursors) sent directly to other players in the room.

- Presence: Whenever someone joins the room, you'll be able to see that person represented as a colored circle in the upper right hand cover. When they leave, then their circle disappears.

- Change Data Capture / Replication: When a player sends a message, that message is inserted into the database, and that change is then broadcast to all players in the room. You can see these message in the chat box in the lower right hand corner.

- Latency: You can see how long it takes your client to send a message to the nearest node in the cluster and have the node respond with a message. This will vary depending on your internet.

wenbo recorded a short video earlier which might be easier for mobile users to see what's going on: https://youtu.be/BelYEMJ2N00?t=103

more details and full video in this blog post: https://supabase.com/blog/2022/04/01/supabase-realtime-with-...

in contrast, I had a pleasant experience with people engaging with each other by leveraging the text bubble next to the cursor and then multiple people putting the cursor at the same place and shaking it for fun

I love the direction Supabase is taking; finding the building blocks of modern applications (database, auth, functions, presence, realtime subscriptions), making them easy to use, and then sharing the source code. I’ve learned a ton just from cruising around supabase GitHub.

Can you say which of these new components will be open sourced? There are some other features (e.g. function hooks) that are also closed-source at the moment. Is Supabase heading for an “open core” model?

> finding the building blocks of modern applications (database, auth, functions, presence, realtime subscriptions), making them easy to use, and then sharing the source code.

Great observation!

> I’ve learned a ton just from cruising around supabase GitHub.

Glad to hear it!

> Can you say which of these new components will be open sourced?

All of these components are open source and licensed under Apache License v2.0.

> There are some other features (e.g. function hooks) that are also closed-source at the moment.

I actually worked on the initial implementation of function hooks. We've actually already open sourced both the client (see: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/tree/88bcef911669595428...) and the pg_net extension it requires (see: https://github.com/supabase/pg_net). I think we've yet to open source the SQL commands needed to create the schema, functions, etc. I'll talk to my team and we'll open source it.

> Is Supabase heading for an “open core” model?

I don't think so. We want to continue to open source our projects under either MIT (client libs) and Apache License v2.0 (server libs).

Wanted to follow up on this. I spoke to the team and just wanted to re-iterate that we will be open sourcing the SQL very soon.

On the function hooks, that would be awesome. I was just implementing some of those SQL commands.

And I will look more at the realtime libraries to see the new stuff. Thanks for all the open code!!

> I was just implementing some of those SQL commands.

Way to take the initiative! I think it was more of an oversight on our part than intentionally choosing to keep it closed.

> And I will look more at the realtime libraries to see the new stuff.

Awesome! We have a lot of updates and better documentation coming in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned.

> Thanks for all the open code!!

You're very welcome and it's the least we can do!

Trying to run the demo I get a blank loading page on my nextjs app

```realtime-realtime-1 | Transport: :websocket realtime-realtime-1 | Serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V1.JSONSerializer realtime-realtime-1 | Parameters: %{"apikey" => "nokey", "vsn" => "1.0.0"} realtime-realtime-1 | 2022-04-11 22:30:17.543 [warn] Ignoring unmatched topic "room:" in RealtimeWeb.UserSocket realtime-realtime-1 | 2022-04-11 22:30:17.556 [warn] Ignoring unmatched topic "room:NAejZl5PKVbAwUsxCucM-" in RealtimeWeb.UserSocket realtime-realtime-1 | 2022-04-11 22:31:11.144 [warn] Ignoring unmatched topic "room:" in RealtimeWeb.UserSocket realtime-realtime-1 | 2022-04-11 22:31:11.166 [warn] Ignoring unmatched topic "room:jQCdG-h3NT8nFVk7BpCAc" in RealtimeWeb.UserSocket ``` Any idea what I might be missing?

Apologies, it's a bit complicated to get the demo server up and running. I'll put together the instructions and link it here.

If I understand this correctly, it's basically transmitting database changes over a websocket? If so, how does that work re: performance when it comes to something like live cursor positions?

Writing to the DB every 50ms for each cursor on the screen doesn't seem great for performance...or am I missing something?

This example is built with our refactored Realtime server which solves that issue. (We had a lot of developers trying exactly that, and it ended poorly for their database)

The new version adds "Channels", which are used for sending ephemeral/high-frequency events to other connected users.

It depends on the task at hand. If you wish to share cursor positions then you'll be using the new Broadcast feature where data is not written to the DB but forwarded to other clients. That's how we've implemented the multiplayer cursor positions in this demo.

Supabase developer here -- I'm excited to use this myself!

Have you signed up for the waitlist? ;)


This is amazing, and every day my excitement for Supabase grows. What would be the best way to build a multi-region cluster in Supabase?

> every day my excitement for Supabase grows

Love to hear it!

> What would be the best way to build a multi-region cluster in Supabase?

The easiest way we've found is to deploy the cluster on Fly.io. You can check out the docs here: https://fly.io/docs/getting-started/elixir.

This is great. Do you need to be cautious of overloading your Supabase database and impacting performance with heavy use of multiplayer?

> cautious of overloading your Supabase database

I think just being mindful about disk space and CPU usage will be helpful when setting up a database for logical replication because of changes being recorded to WAL files and having Realtime poll the database for changes.

Our initial version of Realtime streams database changes to the server and those get broadcast to clients. However, the only security offered is checking whether or not a JWT is valid when client attempts to connect.

The second and current version of Realtime, which I discussed in this post, checks database role and claims of subscriptions for every database change against RLS policies. This comes with a performance tradeoff as it prioritizes security. We are benchmarking this version in our new Supabase Realtime version and our team will try and optimize performance.

> impacting performance with heavy use of multiplayer

Realtime only needs a single connection to the database, and once a node gets the changes, it'll broadcast them to all other nodes in the cluster which will then be forwarded to all clients. This is highly scalable and nodes can be added in different regions experiencing higher loads. We're going to add in rate limiting to make sure that the cluster remains healthy, but those rate limits can be customized depending on the use case.

> overloading your Supabase database

It's also worth mentioning that "Presence" and "Channels" don't put any additional load on your database. You can broadcast messages (like the cursor movements in this demo) without it touching your database.

Supabase dev here but not a developer of this particular project, so I don't have the exact details or numbers, but for sure be considerate using a tool like this, it can add loading challenges in a number of dimensions.

In particular when it comes to the database side you're going to want to limit individual realtime event writes. I suggest write to an append only log table and process the data in batches using a background worker.

If you intend to insert every event one by one and index them various ways and have foreign keys to and from, inserting is going to incur a high cost. This can be mitigated for the most part with temporal partitioning, but even then it might be fine for you use case or analytic case to do background updates over an append only log and keep your appends quite fast.

As for the network traffic and loading of the HTTP front end someone else on the team can maybe chime in on that.

EDIT: Note this is very broad advice for any realtime app and not specific to this product.

Yeah this is one of the reasons for these new features. So you don't have to send things like cursor positions, currently online, typing, etc through your database.

Since you already have cursors, make it into a game of catch by showing small explosions when cursors collide :D

I like that!

Very interesting, I can see a whole raft of applications for this tech that are outside of the game scene, various collaboration tools use very similar tech under the hood and this would be a very nice way to abstract some of that out and to lower the bar to launch collaborative applications.

Great observation and exactly how we've envisioned this new Realtime.

Nice job, but the demo rendered extremely weird on my mobile device. Some weird jankiness forced half the site off screen. Hard to see what's happening.

Sorry about that! We've been prioritizing desktops but will be working on making it mobile-friendly in the future.

I'd recommend removing the chat feature to make this demo (much) more safe-for-work.

Edit: Or, restrict it to pre-built messages.

Neat demo. What are the scaling limitations?

For the Change Data Capture functionality, I mentioned that there's a tradeoff between performance and security in another comment (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30994062).

For Broadcast, we can scale by adding additional nodes to the cluster but up to a point. The current architecture works because every node is aware of all other nodes in the cluster, but this strategy becomes untenable after a certain point. The good news is that we're nowhere near that point and we'll optimize and develop other strategies to circumvent this eventual limitation. We'll also need to carefully manage and process the inflow and outflow of messages on each node to make sure we're not delaying message delivery or using more memory than absolutely necessary.

For Presence, it syncs the joins and leaves from node to node every 1.5 seconds (default) and there will be a point where this work will take longer than that interval. Fortunately, the underlying ORSWOT CRDT implementation can be refactored to make syncing more efficient.

That sounds like you might take good advantage of machines with more than one network card, send the local updates via broadcast to all the machines in a cluster via one network and do the internet side via the other.

I'm not the only one who's noticed that the development history of Eve Online looks a good deal like someone Reinventing Erlang Badly. But I suspect one could mine their developer blogs, especially the older stuff, for ideas on sharding and de/mux tricks. A lot of functionality they had to sweat is probably relatively straightforward/slightly clever genserver logic.

Interesting, I haven't heard of Eve Online but will definitely do my research.

What I recall is that there were several layers to handle receiving actions from users and broadcasting state to other users, others to represent entities and a few more to represent locations.

Like WoW in the early and middle years, the Open World feel is a bit of a fiction. WoW started with sharding akin to availability zones, but at ten million subscribers there’s only so much sharding you can do before people can’t meet each other. There were artificial choke points designed into both games that could be leveraged to offload some of the most intense interactions to separate hardware. Later WoW introduced phasing, which turned the map into a 4 dimensional space where actions were not observed by all observers (and map state could vary based on quest progress). The grouping system at that point had more situations where it could match you up with anyone in the same region not just the same availability zone, with or without moving you to a new hardware to do so.

Everyone noted how brilliant it was going to be for scaling the system up, but I’ve found that the best scaling designs are bidirectional. Both of these games made a system where they could respond to post-content-release flash crowds, and also power more hardware down. The other thing Blizzard did that in a non-cloud world I found particularly clever: before a major content release they would upgrade hardware, migrate users to the new machines, use the old hardware for load shedding tasks, release the content, wait for traffic to subside, then decommission old hardware to get back to steady state. You get to test the new hardware before the Big Show, and rely on burned in hardware to get you through to the other side. Very good operational intelligence IMO.

In Blizzard’s case some of the scaling tricks I mentioned earlier also improved the problem of users getting orphaned by declining subscriptions being spread out between too many AZs. In a pinch when traffic was low, you had access to the entire region (though I can’t say if that was controlled algorithmically or not). Previously the best they could do was a sort of traffic shaping by offering to move people from one server to another for free, where usually they charged a fee for doing so. That could take months to achieve load shedding. My suspicion is that at some points they had pools of hardware that belonged to the region and was parceled out between zones based on load. That allows you to absorb flash mobs better because those will be isolated to one zone instead of dependent on game state or time of day (after work on Friday everywhere with a low ping rate to that region, for instance).

Why use a backend heavy broadcast mechanism when you can just use webrtc data channels and communicate directly among users?

Well, here are Rules #0-5 of multiplayer games:

  - Never
  - Trust
  - the
  - Client
  - Ever.
  - EVER.

We want to provide developers with the tools that best fit their use cases. We're starting with WebSockets but have discussed offering additional protocols and technologies, like WebRTC. Plus, these tools can complement each other. For example, you can use Realtime Broadcast as the signalling layer for WebRTC. Then, you're free to use data channels to pass whatever ephemeral data you want between clients.

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