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I don't know if your first paragraph is sarcastic or not, but I do not think that you consider Indians or Africans "inferior" in truth, and therefore I am going to reply to your comment as if it was ironic or exaggerated for dramatic purpose.

Just like the USA has been a front runner for racial equality and LBGTQ+ rights throughout the world, some people use the argument that "homosexuality is not allowed in Saudi Arabia, but that is THEIR culture" a good one. It is a universal human right!

Unfortunately, there are many places (which correlate with Spanish speaking or non-English) where non-binary and female presenting people are marginalized and do not dare speak up, while the Hispanic population of the USA does - the young generation at least. 10 years ago people used "gay" or "f*g" as an insult, but now-a-days they surely do not!

We have quickly changed as a society, and I hope that while today some people use the same arguments for the gendered language, I think in 10 years time the young generations in many Spanish speaking countries will help their friends to ungenderify - REALLY means to remove the patriarchic heritage of the lingo - Spanish and all other non-indigenous languages.

What would you propose other than latinx or latin@?

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