Umm, I honestly didn't have a problem with the sex work I did when I was younger until I was raped by NYPD officer at 17. I started off doing webcam shows, and I don't really have anything bad to say about it. I started prostitution at maybe 14, and it was honestly kinda fun, I don't recommend it, but a lot of the people paid for me thinking that I was an 18, if something bad happened I would pull the you just raped a child card, and have them empty their bank accounts at an ATM. And I still support sex workers. I was human trafficked not as a sex slave, but as a software and creative worker due to not having a visa in a country when I was about 19. I was being driven around in expensive cars and living in one of the poorest ghettos in the world. I didn't realize I was working for a gang until I had a package in my lap I was told not to look into, and obvi, I did and it was a brick of powder, so probably cocaine, but maybe heroin, and I kept doing the work, sleeping on my pile of clothes in a vermin infested home with plywood floors. I ran for my life when I came into the office and there was a pile of blood and a dead body. And when I say I ran for my life, I mean the physical act of running from people trying to murder me to shut me. Sorry for the vagueness, and lack of advice. Don't be a sex worker if you don't want to be raped, don't be lgbtqia+ if you don't want to be raped, and more than anything, don't be a woman. It's a reality for men as well, but most rapists are men, and most "victims" are women.
kinda fun is probably a trauma response, I thought I was one of Warhol's Superstars, the images and videos that persist are not things I consented to. What I should have said, was at the time I thought I was having fun, and a lot of the johns were very nice. But, there is a mental cost when you see your younger self in that position. You want to protect a person who no longer exists. I would never tell a 15 year old to do porn or be a hooker, or myself consume porn of that. And it felt innocent till I was violently raped the first time, I had innocence, I look like the boy next door, and maybe now the single dad next door, but I can't really answer this question with any sort of reasonable answer, there isn't one. Trauma makes you irrational