Finance is like this. Nothing happens most of the time but lots of people are writing about it furiously. Email lots of people, hope they read your email at a time they are going to do a trade, and then you make money? It is all quite pointless (but Levine's stuff is good because I don't think it pretends to have a purpose...UK brokers sometimes have research people like this, they don't really produce anything valuable but people read it because it is a bit of a laugh...dying breed unf).
"but Levine's stuff is good because I don't think it pretends to have a purpose..."
Yep. Agreed. He's there to drive visits to Bloomberg, but I know what you mean, and that is indeed part of what makes him good.
As a layman and small-time investor, I like his stuff simply because he makes me aware of things I would almost certainly never encounter were it not for him. He seems to like explaining things just to be explaining them, and I like reading or listening to folks who share their fascination and insight into how their field works. I have an almost physical revulsion for dismissive people who seem never to be intrigued or surprised by anything -- those folks to whom everything wonderful is simply to be dismissed with a halfhearted wave of the hand accompanied by a yawn, sneer, or a subtle roll of the eyes. Levine's content seems so different from the usual slop about how the economy is going to do this or that, and consequently, why you should buy this or that.