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Without locality pay, which varies by locality, a GS15 max salary is $146,757. The max GS14 is $124,764 and the max GS13 is $105,579. [0]

The 23 paid days off per year is only after 15 years of service. Someone new, without prior military service, would start at 13 paid days off per year.

The pension, for those hired after 1984 is roughly 1% x 3 yr high salary x years worked. (If you your three year high salary was $100,000 and you worked for 30 years, you get a pension of $30,000 per year.) You would also collect Social Security. (Feds hired prior to 1984 have a much higher pension and don't get Social Security.)

[0] https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries...

15 years of service gives you 26 days of leave (normal paid time off) plus 13 additional days of sick leave.

If you retire at 62, you get 1.1% per year of your high-three salary for the annuity. This is in addition to whatever contributions you make to TSP, which are matched to 5%.

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