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Sounds like working for a large corporation

Yeah except you get paid half as much and have to wear a button down to work.

Not to mention if you fuck up, you're creating permanent record in your state's system. Whereas if something goes bad with a private employer, (unless it's gross) just quit and move on.

>Yeah except you get paid half as much and have to wear a button down to work.

that sounds like working for a large corporation.

The incompetence of government exceeds the incompetence of the worse large corp I've worked for by orders of magnitude.

Managers are pure politicians, there's red tape covering everything and your coworkers are either checked out or engaged in the politics as well.

The work output is barely functional using non-standard practices and very expensive incompetent vendors.

Government is where you go if you're bad at your job and don't want to ever be fired.

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