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From my experience, ICs in technical fields like programming, data science, and cyber get hired in as Gs13-15 in non-supervisory roles.

Yes, GS is adjusted for locality and it’s up and down. But $100k is the minimum for GS-13, step 1 in most localities and is higher in high cost of living areas like DC, NY, etc.

But if you want a programmer job in government it’s not a big pay cut unless you’re a superstar working for Google or something. If it’s a decision of random Fortune 500 or government, government will usually pay more, AND have more benefits and stability.

I am in a HCOL area on the locality chart :/ We get hired in at $70k and this seems rather common among my peers + contractors, so I don't exactly know how someone is getting $100k at the door. People who have been here ~5+ years are GS13 or equivalent. However, most of us aren't and I don't see any upward trends, as our GS14/+ slots are being slowly retired/transferred away. There seems to be a large age gap between the newer engineers and the older ones. Sounds silly, I know. I am wondering if most of us are going to wander off then come back for retirement? Or is the program doomed in the long run?

Thanks. I think I just needed to see it from someone outside of my program.

I live in a landlocked state and make >$200k with <5 YOE, as do 5 of my friends (all different companies). None of us work for FAANG. I think you are significantly underestimating private compensation at most companies that sell software.

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