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Partnership for Public Service, a much heralded public/private partnership between MasterCard, Workday (sp?), MSFT that interviews and places cybersec grads into GS roles for 2+ years and then preferred interviews into private sector, were insisting:

GS-7, and max, maybe, but would be hard, GS-11. Experiences of selectees pushing back on that salary due to how low it was vs. the market ($30-$50k) with requirements to live on DC or similar were met with almost disbelief and offense from that org when candidates pushed back, because the program was for "new grads."

Knew someone who turned it down and took a private sector interview/offer going on concurrently for $145k remote, despite providing offer/pay stubs to try at help the GS/PfP teams meet the on-paper salary even remotely close.

> GS-7, and max, maybe, but would be hard, GS-11.

I’m guessing that this was actually a 7/9/11 position, with automatic annual promotions (apprentice, journeyman, master, iirc).

Still… that’s really low for someone who can get a decent tech job in the private sector.

Note that an ambitious person with the right skill set could probably be GS-15 in the DC area in their late 20s, and they would hit the GS salary cap soon thereafter. I’m not necessarily saying that’s a good thing (total comp still low), but I just wanted to throw that out there.

It’s rather hard to get hired in a spot over GS 11/12. It happens but it’s not common. From 13 on I believe promotions are in front of a panel. Getting hired as a 15 would usually imply the hire-e was recruited.

Apologies if I wasn’t clear…

I meant that a motivated and skilled person who enters federal service at the age of 22 in a 7/9/11 position could probably be GS 15 in their late 20s in tech in the DC area.

You’re absolutely right that getting directly hired into a higher level is much tougher, although not impossible if you are connected.

Being in that area with friends who are highly connected in this arena and climbed ladder quickly, it’s a stretch to get a 15 in your late 20s

Just curious, and slightly belaboring a point…

Are they in DC?

14s and 15s are relatively easy to access in a few fields in the DC area at a young age (tech and contracting are the two fields I know people who have fast-tracked in the GS system in DC). Anywhere else… not so much. Those are usually mid-career or late-career positions outside of DC area.

No that's an incorrect assumption, I dug into it.

GS 7 and walk through the steps as normal for that role, jump to a higher GS via a job change/similar.

> GS 7 and walk through the steps as normal for that role, jump to a higher GS via a job change/similar.

If that’s the case, then they should approximately never get applicants who could also get private sector jobs.

I wonder if they are targeting vets who got a small amount of programming under their belt while serving… or something like that.

Not even being a 7/9/11 for an in demand technical area (esp. if in the DC area) strikes me as extremely short-sighted.

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