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Ironically the amount of oversight and red-tape is so intense that it becomes self-defeating. The only companies who are capable of successfully bidding and executing the contract are the exact sorts of companies you don't want winning the contract. The small, agile team full of domain experts isn't going to be able to jump the hoops to win the bid - they don't even have a contracting lawyer / combat-disabled veteran owner / etc.

I don't like the idea of my tax money getting wasted by Lockheed or Accenture on a failed project with no recourse, any more than anyone else, but I'm not convinced that micromanaging the bidding and execution actually resolves that. At a certain point you're chasing away the talent and selecting for the players that are willing to play your games rather than the best ones to do the job.

The way I always viewed it was that the USG just was willing to pay a large amount of money to sit in meetings and talk to contract officers, and if that's what they want to spend their money on, fine, we'll provide that service. Which is exactly why everything is expensive and nothing gets done.

It's the contracting version of "nothing is getting done, let's add a daily meeting to make sure that productivity remains high". At a certain point you'll chase away the 20% who are getting the work done, but you'll always have the 1xers and 0.1xers who are content to sit in meetings and take home a check every 2 weeks. If you keep doing it - that's what you'll be selecting for, and you'll end up with the Dead Sea effect but with contractors instead of employees. Which is where we are today, it's a toxic environment and the only thing that can survive are organisms that are specially adapted for it.

Agreed completely, and many times the contracting owner is a figurehead with zero job responsibilities who just takes down a grand salary so that the contractor employing him is eligible for more contract opportunities.

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