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A few inaccuracies here, but one thing that's hilariously wrong:

> Even if you don't, hope you like some dude staring at your dick a couple times a year as you pee in a cup to keep your job.

That's for the military. Civil service gets to go into a stall and shut the door. Also, unless you've got a TS clearance, you can go years between drug tests. Even with a TS, it's very random, some people getting tested nearly monthly, and others every 2-3 years.

Many civil service jobs don't require drug testing at all.

True, it depends on what you're doing. If you have a security clearance (which, importantly, is not true for all federal employees) then you are in a drug testing position. Otherwise, it depends on what you're working on/with. Like many jobs involving heavy machinery, wage grade employees without clearances are going to get drug tested, while a clerk in an office probably won't be in a drug testing position. Finance stuff? Probably a drug testing position, whether with a clearance or not.

Here's a job on budgeting with a secret clearance and no drug test requirement: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/646472000

Then things have changed. Didn't know that, not that it impacts me at all.

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