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Good luck convincing 70 year old congressmen that 22 year old software engineers working for the government should be paid as much, if not more, than them.

Government needs a pay raise across the board. The president should earn $10 million per annum. Senators, $2,000,000.00. Representatives, $1,200,000.00. Government employees, an average of $175,000.00. And entry level software engineers for the government, $200,000.00.

I got a BS in botany thinking I wanted to work for the Park Service, Forest Service, BLM, something like that.

Not only was entry level a paupers wage, and strictly seasonal, but there was no clear way to get into a career tract position. I ended up going into industry and making 2x, and within 3 years was making 3x.

I would much rather be out in the world counting plants, but I would have never been able to buy a home, or get ahead in any reasonable fashion had I continued that path.

No thanks. Doubt it would change performance. Gov jobs are already considered cushy jobs for the incapable.

Everyone always wants to do these things with my money. Why don’t you form a Voluntary Taxpayers Union and you guys can go do that.

I’m fine with government engineers being paid nothing because they’re going to deliver nothing irrespective of how much you pay them.

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