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A word of caution: these programs sound great until you realize they’re mainly there for big govt consulting firms to take tax money. It’s the sad truth about tech and US govts. They don’t actually want to change. They just want to appear that way. My two cynical cents.

Aren't things the opposite of how you describe? My understanding is that the big govt consulting firms exist to allow the govt to access competent developers who are paid market wages since the govt is constrained from paying govt employees adequately. The US digital corp is an attempt to hire good developers as govt employees who would replace some of the current developers working for the big consulting firms.

Now, whether the strategy of providing a less terrible govt work environment, and a more inspiring story, will actually be successful in outweighing the still-extant salary limits is very unclear. But this is at least an attempt to reduce the reliance on consult developers and the corresponding middle-man fees taken by the consultanting firms.

I understand this viewpoint but in this situation its not accurate. There are huge communities of people working to improve systems. 18F's github repos are public if you want to see exactly what they are doing: https://github.com/18f

I can't believe that you expect to be taken seriously while pretending the millions of people encompassed by "tech and Us Govt" are all a single hivemind with only the one motivation.

This is actually correct sir. We're not cynical, just rationalists

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