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F' these guys. Really.

There's nothing here that's orientated around doing what's best for the user (C'mon Zuck, I thought that was your mantra) -

* we know from Jeff Verkoeyen that this app has been V1 ready for some time

* the delay was so Apple and Facebook could do some biz-dev shenanigans - that ultimately broke down

* now this has been 'launched' in some slap-dash, careless manner.

Facebook for iPad may be the most anticipated/demanded app for iPad but if that means Facebook feels it can get complacent and use it as some (failed) bargaining chip with Apple then I refuse to want to be the pawns in the middle of all this.

Not downloading, not using, chalking this up as another reason to be done with Facebook and it's Empire.

Some of this anti-Facebook stuff is just over the top. I feel like it's the mid-90s and people just started drawing horns on Bill Gates.

Coderdude (I like HackerThings, btw). I'm not anti Facebook. I'm just tired of the complacency the company is showing towards it's users (and FB app developers) at the moment.

More than happy to trade karma to express my view, neg vote away...

Thanks Ben, I'm glad you like it.

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