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What software engineers can learn from the rapid collapse of Fast (pragmaticengineer.com)
685 points by gregdoesit on April 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 461 comments

I was an engineer at Fast for over a year and wanted to clarify a few points-- - engineers did have access to data and could write their own queries to check revenue (but few people did until the article came out). - the strategy leadership decided on was to go after massive enterprise sellers which would, in theory, result in step-change functions in revenue. Many people knew about the low numbers but were willing to let the strategy play out for a while. There was a lot of excitement internally around closing the first $1B+ seller - Internally, the culture was something akin to "toxic positivity" which meant that we weren't willing to discuss failures or misses in a productive way - The company spent a lot of money on marketing events including sponsorship deals with the Tampa Bay Lightning and the rumored million dollar concert by the Chain Smokers. People are talking a lot about high engineer salaries but IMO those were far from the biggest problem (possible biased view)

The story is a lot more complicated and nuanced than the headlines you read in publications but I will say that Fast was full of really talented folks who I'd be happy to work with again. For me, a big lesson I took away from this experience is the perils of an overly positive fully remote culture. It's very easy for leadership to hide things from people when information doesn't easily spread across different organizations

I joined Fast towards the end of last year.

I didn't get as much exposure to the rest of the company as parent comment, but I'll say I saw a weird air of complacency and assumed success.

I first ignored my instincts that something was wrong, but as I saw more of how the company operated, I became convinced that the single largest problem the company had was the culture. On the surface, I agree with the parent comment, things were definitely positive, but rather than toxic, I think it was more of a naive one, like most of these people had never worked at a startup before, and didn't understand that it's always easy to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and that if they didn't understand what they were doing and how it affected the company then probably nobody else did either. It felt like everyone was very smart, but somewhat foolish (myself included).

That being said, I enjoyed my time there, and definitely learned a lot, especially organizationally. The people are solid and I think Affirm is going to get a pretty sweet deal.

This whole thing is strange to me. It's targeted at software engineers, and the dominant theme is that you should be wary of toxic positivity and a number of specific indicators that you should be able to see from your desk as an engineer. The discussion in here is also focused on that.

But if you are an early employee with equity, you are not just an engineer. You are, figuratively, a shareholder. One of the reasons they give you stock options as opposed to actual shares is that shareholders have a ton of rights against companies, and can e.g. sue for investor fraud, vote the board out, get quarterly reports with financial & performance statements therein backed by federal law and the threat of investor fraud lawsuits. You, on the other hand, are given the financial exposure to the company's performance without any of the attached rights. And they will happily lie to you in order to keep you happy & get you to project enough positivity to hide flaws & keep outside investment flowing until it all collapses.

So as an employee, you should be trying to claw back some of what being a shareholder would get you, given you are so heavily exposed. I've worked at companies where there is a monthly meeting, nearly everyone present, where the entire company's business position, prospects and challenges are discussed openly. The employees (largely) didn't even have equity. Any cracks (like an imminent complete collapse in the next three days) would show very early on, but there were none, because the employees were empowered to do something about any challenges.

So, yes, there are warning signs, and your response isn't a binary choice between staying and leaving. I would like people to come away with a better model of this than "if they are hiring exclusively from big tech, that's a red flag, get out of there". You can demand more transparency if you know what transparency looks like. If you are content to sit at your desk and happily churn out React components, satisfied with management sending enough emojis at you via slack, then you can't protect yourself at all.

This is an excellent post. I've worked at 4-5 different startups over the past 22 years with a range of exits including shutting down and getting laid off, 3 acquisitions while I was still at the company, and one acquisition after I left but had kept my equity. They all existed on a spectrum between what Fast sounds like and what you're talking about with "extreme" transparency.

You want to be at the company where the CFO gets up at the monthly all hands and goes over the numbers in gory detail and doesn't hold anything back. You do not want to be at the cargo cult company where they get up and cheerlead and never talk about numbers. It took me a shockingly long time to figure this out.

In the end the stock gains have all been in the periods where I didn't work at startups but instead worked at public companies. Go figure.

Also --

"Toxic positivity" and ISOs/rights:

ISOs nominally give you "ownership" in the company, an extra incentive to make sure it succeeds. But you lose them within some time period after you leave (say, are fired), and there's no way to sell them during that time unless the company has gone public. So this thing that's supposed to make you an "owner" just makes you a hostage. It does not motivate you to take risks on behalf of the company, and it does not motivate you to speak the truth.

If they couldn't take it from you, then you'd speak the truth.

The reason they give options is that giving out stock basically forces an early IPO due to the 500 employee rule.

TIL it's actually 2000 shareholders as of 2012. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/5/500-shareholder-thresho...

Also, the taxes for RSUs doesn't work. Say the pre-IPO stock is worth $3 right now, and a good exit is $10. I'll need cash to pay taxes on those RSUs as they vest. Their current market value should greatly exceed my salary as IPO approaches, but even at $3, the taxes on the RSUs are likely to be 25-50% of my post tax cash income. With 33% effective tax on the income, paying another 50% tax for the RSU vest means my effective tax rate would he 66%. Compensating for by increasing salary would increase the company run rate, and would bump many employees into the 51% tax bracket, so their marginal rate would be something like 75%.

I think options will trigger this as well, this is where the “double trigger” rsu came from.

As in, if a company as 500 (now 2000 I think) options-holders, the SEC will start regulating them as if they're public? I don't think that's true?

Double-trigger RSUs are AFAIK just a way to avoid paying taxes on illiquid assets. The reason to shift from options to RSUs at all is (I think) that once the company's FMV gets high enough, the strike price and taxes due for the options will be so high that employees won't be able to afford paying them if they leave the company.

No but companies don’t want to risk that 2k of the options holders might exercise and force the issue so it’s functionally the same.

I thought it was common knowledge that fb started the double trigger thing to avoid this limit, and I heard something similar when a startup I was in converted options to RSUs.

This echos my experience at a $100M startup that I worked for and that ultimately failed.

HR would tell us we were extraordinary, we would have world-class catering for lunch every day, and yet we had no customers, no contracts, and no money except the investors'.

It was a sobering realisation on the damage that can happen when you are submerged in toxic positivity. You forget that companies still need to earn actual money, that it's not a party every day.

> we would have world-class catering for lunch every day

I'd like to point out that this is not the case for every Silicon Valley start-up: the three start-ups I worked at (CollabNet, Aeluros, Ardatech) were incredibly frugal with money (exception: salaries were competitive).

At one of the companies, the CEO and I took a trip to Safeway to buy soft drinks for customers. When we got back, I walked around the office telling everyone the soft drinks were _not_ for them, only for customers.

At another company, I had to make a compelling presentation to the CTO to buy a $1.5k printer. "The Linux workstations need a PostScript printer!" We bought the printer, but he didn't like parting with the money.

Being frugal doesn't guarantee success: my CollabNet stock was washed out in later rounds, Aeluros had a fair-to-middling exit to Broadcom, and Ardatech had a good exit to Google. But it's good to keep an eye on the money.

That sounds like way too far in the other direction at both places. Stuff like drinks and printers are basically noise compared to engineering payroll when you're paying people $250k a year.

The lesson should be buy whatever the hell people want, just stop buying people until you need them. They're the expensive bit.

3 great devs can do about the same work as like 30 average ones. People massively underestimate communication overhead. As soon as you lose the 'startup feel', you lose the speed, and it's gone for good. The transition is probably inevitable, but there's a threshold of revenue you have to reach before you make it. If you don't reach it, you're cactus.

150 devs and 50 sales people to generate $600k yearly revenue is laughable.

> The lesson should be buy whatever the hell people want, just stop buying people until you need them. They're the expensive bit.

Absolutely. We were frugal, but not to the point of self-sabotage. Our biggest expense was payroll, followed by the Cadence/Synopsys EDA software licenses.

So, for example, no catered lunches or breakfasts, but if there was a customer or investor dinner, it would be expensed.

We had good health insurance, but we didn't have gym memberships or (gasp!) an onsite gym.

The workstations were powerful, but we shaved costs by buying "gamer rigs" instead of the more expensive "engineer workstations". We bought prosumer equipment (Netgear) instead of enterprise equipment (Cisco).

If someone needed, say, a Wacom tablet to accommodate a wrist injury, we made that happen.

We had a well-stocked lab, but some of the electrostatic benches we got at a good price secondhand.

Our office was near the train station to accommodate the engineers who commuted from the city, but it wasn't expensive space (all glass & chrome); it was a "B" office. We shared a bathroom with the other tenants. It was a little run-down, but it was clean.

We didn't have offices or cubes, just desks, and the CEO & President sat next to each other in the big room we all shared.

Netgear and Cisco are kind of a security shit-show, but kudos in principle.

"just stop buying people until you need them. They're the expensive bit."

If only they could be bought that easy right when you'd need them. At least in a corporation, the HR will tell you "50 engineers? That's going to take X monts, judging from the hiring rate we had so far."

How on Earth did the company raise so much money with so few milestones of any kind being achieved?

> How on Earth did the company raise so much money with so few milestones of any kind being achieved?

Fast pitched itself as taking the prudent path compared with e.g. Bolt. The latter went for big clients first. Fast started with small businesses.

There were clearly other issues. But the closing era of cheap capital favoured the bold, and Bolt’s seizure of the fertile low grounds cut off Fast from its growth. Despite Fast taking the orthodox path.

this doesn't answer the question at all, it's just a bunch of bullshit words strung together. we never raised any money, and we had more to show than Fast although we were in a completely different industry. this goes to show that all that matters is knowing people, it doesn't actually matter whether you have a real business and have achieved anything at all.

VCs sometimes follow "hot" companies. Companies become hot when several VCs think they are hot for whatever reason. When the company is hot and gets offers, other VCs will rush to give them more offers and at that point you might not even need a deck or any metrics anymore. The startup can then bid those offers against each and can end up raising even more they initially were trying to.

Fast did great job hyping the company on Twitter, likely the founder also was a good storyteller. The old adage is that you raise with a story, team or traction. Sometimes the story actually pans out, like with YC Airbnb is often an example of company that struggled for a long time in the beginning and no-one could really predict how big they could become.

traction doesn’t matter. or we would have raised. story and team maybe. i think that VCs buy into a certain type of person. maybe a younger version of themselves. somebody they want or wanted to be. that rules out anyone who is nerdy or weird. and they like to go to parties to hear what others are investing in and then do the same.

I'm all in if a founder can "sell" a company to raise money. It becomes a problem once people believe their own hype, so.

> we never raised any money

Who? (Also, given an open market, as was the case when the Amazon patent expired in 2017, the company fundraises to scale will beat its more timid competitor. This is basic strategy.)

If you were in a different industry…great execution in the wrong industry is as good as a Ferrari in a swamp.

> all that matters is knowing people

Sounds like you’ve been through some shit. I’m sorry for that.

The point I was making, summarily, is that Bolt ate Fast’s lunch. It went straight for the big customers. Fast wanted to grow towards them incrementally. In this story, if anyone had a fundraising connections advantage, it was Fast—they were Stripe backed. Bolt outmanoeuvred them (and was lucky).

This is unorthodox strategy. Fast played it conservatively. Bolt swung for the fences. Curiously, Bolt landed the home run.

FAST wasted $100M on nothing. That's not conservative.

I don't know why on earth this is downvoted. You're 100% correct and I'm bewildered that this 'conservative' trope is prevailing in the thread. Both companies spent functionally the same amount of money, and both maximised different terms of the [customer count]*[customer revenue] equation.

Fast made what was manifestly the wrong decision, both in hindsight and in foresight (I'm happy to post my WhatsApp screencaps from a year and a half ago when I was exploring starting a co in that space). It's not possible to build a hands-off 'platform' like Stripe in that space - integrations are complex, and so integrating a large number of small clients predictably bogged them down till they ran out of money.

(That's not the only reason, I'm sure. It was also a shitty implementation of one-click checkout: most saliently, it wasn't one click. Anyone who actually tried Fast at the time - and I & my prospective cofounder shared the few tiny client websites either of us found like they were rare gems - could see that it was a terrible implementation, in a space where UX is literally the entire game. Many actually did, e.g. this guy from back then: https://chrisfrantz.com/checking-in-on-fast/)

you can build a great business in any industry. VCs think this is limited to a handful of industries which they happen to think are hot. because of that thinking many good deals are lost.

maybe Bolt knew a couple of things Fast did not.

Going for bigger clients is the prudent path. Small clients require far more initial investments and the payoff will be much later.

We failed to raise money exactly because we had a bunch of small clients and not enough revenue. It was a prudent decision for the potential investors - but the main failure on our side was not to network enough with our current investors in order to get another friendly round of investment.

We had a competitor that was doing exactly the same thing (with worse metrics) that raised several millions a few months later, so it wasn't too far fetched.

VCs invest in a lot of baseless crap - sometimes the crap turns into gold and sometimes in order to be the chosen crap you need to know the right people.

Way too much VC money is not driven by business analysis, and influenced by FOMO, especially in big names circles. It's totally irresponsible.

I think a lot of egos are running the VC business than actual investment analyst.

A well known name was attached and it was at the peak of the AI craze.

Ah, celebrity investing. Of course, of course.

Look at Theranos. That con lasted over 10 years and was valued at billions yet they never managed to actually DO anything.

Well, they don't. The toxic positivity is the product and the investors are the customers.

Good point, I am always surprise when well funded startups hire former big-tech engineers, rather than experienced startup engineers.

I interviewed at Fast last year as an experienced startup engineer. I was given the "describe a production incident you were involved in" question.

I detailed a case where a recent deploy I had done had resulted in elevated error rates for some of our clients and how I had solved it with a quick follow up push to prod. The interviewer asked why it wasn't caught in staging and I mentioned that it could have been but as a small company we have to make velocity vs bug tradeoffs and in general it feels like we are currently at a sweet spot. The interviewer was unwilling to explore that space at all, or the concept that different companies might want to land in different places.

Later I was given feedback that I did exceptionally well in the technical interviews but the company didn't want any cowboys on their team. All of that is probably just a long way of confirming the other anecdotes in this thread that from the outside fast seemed somewhere between delivery hostile and overly cautious.

This is hilarious - velocity vs. bug tradeoffs is a key balancing act that every startup does, and you were totally right in what you were doing, also with your point that other companies may choose differently and that's also totally fine.

But to be deemed as a cowboy - utterly hilarious, given where they ended up. Pretty cowboy with the investor money instead I reckon?

What exactly is meant by "cowboy" here?

Not OP but in tech cowboy often means "taking unacceptable risks to increase velocity". In this case, shipping code without integration tests in Staging. whether that risk was 'unacceptable' is the difference of opinion at issue.

Fun fact: The 2011 article Cowboys and Pit Crews (https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/cowboys-and-pit-cre...) points out that modern cowboys actually spend a lot of time on communication and checklists.

Someone who plays it "fast and loose" in terms of engineering (for example, deploying straight to prod). As parent mentions- this isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on the context (but "cowboy" here has a negative connotation).

oof, i described myself as a cowboy at a interview i did last year to a higher up, no wonder i didn't get the job even though i did well on their technical exams. I always took cowboy coder to mean someone who had independence and resilience to get things done even if the environment isn't conducive towards that.

It’s a kind of cargo cult, cf the post “you aren’t google”. The kinds of people who succeed at FAANG (MANGA?) are used to a lot of infrastructure and are (at google in particular) mostly incented to ship rev 0, not build a sustainable system.

That’s a gross generalization, but gives you the flavor. I couldn’t do what they do (huge budget, low incrementalism) and would hate the environment. But they can’t do what I do, and when hired to do so, typically fail. Not because they are dumb, or lazy, or foolish, or anything negative — typically they are none of those things. Just haven’t experienced the startup environment.

My experience of Google is very much incrementalism and long term sustainability. Very few things at Google are built "new", it's tons of cobbling together systems that already existed and making small adjustments and optimizations to them.

There's a big difference between the product strategy side (v0 of N different chat products) and the tech side which is that all those products are made of many of the same components arranged differently.

> I am always surprise when well funded startups hire former big-tech engineers, rather than experienced startup engineers

i'd say that if you plan on scaling, you need a bit of both. a lot of tricky scale/process/architecture questions have effectively been "solved" in big orgs, it's useful to have people who can bring this experience

to take a completely random examples: setting up a performance improvement plan, performing incident post-mortems, organising oncall rotas, branching strategies when you have a mix of small customers on standard product and big accounts with customisations etc

The risk, and I see that currently in non-software functions, is hiring people from big corps that know how to manage the people that solved those scale/... problems instead of the problems themselves. With the result that those senior people default back to building an organization that looks like the one they are used to. Which doesn't solve a single one of those solved problems.

Quite likely to happen of the founders / existing hiring managers have no idea themselves how big corp solved these problems.

That’s the problem. They had 0 need of scaling. It’s premature optimization 101.

nail it, then scale it

Exactly, scaling doesn't help you solve product-market fit. It adds operational complexity/overhead with, in this specific case, no benefits, and solidifies the product that doesn't have market fit. Watch this for a laugh: https://youtu.be/y8OnoxKotPQ

There is a pretty good reason. If the experienced engineer worked at a startup that went anywhere, they have a lot of money and aren't coming to work for you. So the choice in many cases is big tech engineer or failed startup engineer. It's not clear which is better, it is clear (ish) which seems better.

This is not true at all. A lot of people In BigTech companies boast of passing a tough interview as their biggest accomplishment and beyond that haven’t really done much.

Meanwhile, good startup engineers are used to learning new technologies quick, can work across the full stack, can own all aspects of their app/feature, work without much direction, never mind a formal spec, and generally are used to solve problems over shipping code.

Often, the key drawback with startup engineers who are available after working at one or two startups, is that they pick bad companies and do not really understand the business end of the equation. However they are still excellent problem solvers.

You've compared the worst big tech engineers with the best startup engineers. Those are rarely the choices faced.

Your comparison was similarly unfair at the other end while presenting it as a common scenario, which is why I presented a different one.

This is from my experience as a hiring manager who has worked at multiple startups and now works for a large public tech company.

But I was implying the choice isn't clear.

There aren't many good startup engineers with experience at successful startups who are floating around, especially from when the company in question was actually a startup.

edit: i re-read, my comment "failed startup engineer" may have read differently to what i intended. I meant they worked at a failed startup, not that they were a failure. It's largely unfair, but people do seem to think people who worked at a successful company are better than those who worked at a failed company.

From my experience, the choice isn't clear favoring BigTech engineers either.

For example, a pattern I noticed among the pool of BigTech engineers recruiters would pitch to me was the following. The engineer would join a startup with an immediate promotion in title, and then 18 months after the fact, they would jump back to BigTech to a higher level than the one they had when they left. When you asked what they delivered at the startup, it was clear that they didn't do much or often couldn't correlate the impact of their features to the ROI of the business. Nevertheless, the title upgrade in their resume helped them game the recruiter search and the BigTech ladder.

https://www.teamblind.com/ is full of recommendation for similar strategies that BigTech engineers use to climb the ladder.

Also, the good startup engineers aren't floating around, but you can still poach them. You'll have to give them a big signing bonus to cover the purchase of their options, but it isn't a risk to me when they are sure bets; a recommendation from my network for example.

Yep, the choice really isn't clear.

I think judging an engineer's engineering skills by the (effectively random) chance of them being at a startup that "makes them rich" just reveals a significant lack of understanding of how the current startup world works. The vast majority fail. The ones that succeed tend to not make anyone any significant amount of money except the founders.

There seems to be a significant number of tech industry employees still floating around that are convinced that instant financial independence is available for all.

At least in my experience, even people who understand how it works seem to have this bias. On average it might even be a fair bias.

> If the experienced engineer worked at a startup that went anywhere, they have a lot of money and aren't coming to work for you.

This is a stupid view of motivation and competence.

First, it implies people are only motivated by money. At the first startup I worked at, one of the senior engineers had been through 4 successful exits and was in the business to build things.

Second, competence of the engineering org and individual engineers is orthogonal to successful exits. An engineer can successfully ship many iterations of a product that are just a bad market fit and the company will fail. I’d still take that engineer any day over the typical FAANG cog who’s big project was a 2 year tax billing database migration.

A lot of what you are saying is true - but if you re-read my comment, it wasn't saying what you seem to be thinking it was saying. Just read it literally.

There are plenty of engineers from successful startups —- maybe the majority of them — who were lucky to get a new Honda Fit out of a very lucrative (for some) exit.

They pay them better salaries and comp too. Startups boast about poaching talent from big tech by matching compensation and putting those new big tech employees at forefront.

It's a fund raising and public marketing trick.

Or inexperienced startup engineers, given the nature of the name

Yeah...it's often a different type of person who goes from 0->1 than from 1->100. Neither type is better than the other, just different.

Hear hear.

If you're at a SaaS startup that tries to solve a churn or burn problem by moving upmarket, run.

It means your leadership can't think of a way to make the business work other than to get bigger checks from the same size customer base. "If only all our customers could pay us an extra zero!"

Moving upmarket doesn't work that way. They are totally different companies with purchase requirements and habits that will generate tons of work orthogonal to your core product. Spend a few quarters on compliance accreditations so you can tick boxes, multi-month sales conversations where you aren't even sure if you're just there to pressure the real Belle of their ball, etc.

If you can't do it small, you can't do it.


I've been on companies that did the opposite from going small to big. They started big, very big, with Fortune 50 costumers. That meant they hired a small but very specialized sales team with the right connections very early on.

Because the burn rate was very small (due to needing just a few engineers and employees and a small infrastructure) and the sales cycle took months, we could easily develop a strong product with the requested features, and then it turned out when we moved down to medium and small businesses most of the features were already in place all we needed to focus was on scaling the architecture.

Plus, big costumers pay very good and are loyal as long as you don't cause them headaches.

The only downside of this approach is if we hired the wrong sales people, the company would never take off.

Going after large enterprise sales is a well known trap, and it's just so easy for a startup to spin its wheels for months, and eventually years, and realize that all the efforts got nowhere. The first 1B+ seller is precisely the hardest: Even when you are a relatively well known company, you'll still see reticence in bids if they know you are going to be their biggest costumer by volume.

The companies I know that succeeded with that strategy either have great starting relationships with insiders in their first sales, and had contracts signed before committing to a big staff, or got into said companies when they were small: If one of your customers turns into a rocket ship and you are tied to their revenue stream, their growth is your enterprise-sized company.

Enterprise sales might not even be all that profitable when it's all said and done: How many other companies are going to try to bid on their business? With their large size, how good is their leverage to squeeze down the profits of the winning bid.

You might have a relatively unique product, the right connections, and end up being Palantir, but it's a very narrow road with steep cliffs everywhere.

Yeah I’ve worked places where the product was clearly superior to competitors in every possible way, including price, but selling to anyone beyond a small business was still VERY tough for multitude of reasons.

You would have companies where you have existing relationships, they love what you offer, and really want to work with you, but the deal just gets delayed by some other priority or reality of their business. The solution they already have is good enough (even if it’s barely good enough), and sticking with it is not actively putting them out of business for the time being.

It’s just reality… just like VC investing, selling into 100 small companies and growing along with some of them is waaaaay more likely to pay off than landing one whale

But didn't Bolt succeed (order of magnitudes more revenue) by taking those enterprise customers while Fast was only getting SMBs?

I'm currently at a seed-stage startup with a few Fortune 500 companies as users. We're lucky to have a great sales team that can bring that business in. If we're solving a problem for them, they're willing to use us regardless of our size, though they do care about some small particular issues around size.

I work for a competitor to Bolt (and Fast) though not in one-click checkout. To say "Bolt Succeeded" is premature IMO. The federated checkout space is very crowded, with razor-thin margins and huge competitors. If I was going to pick a winner it would be Apple or another org with their network and leverage. Bolt is definitely doing better than Fast ever did by several magnitudes, but still not profitable (though that doesn't seem to matter these days).

How is Bolt more than just your browser's saved credit card feature?

I was going to start a business in this space, and I can sum it up as broadly this:

- It saves all the details needed for 1-click, not only your card (which is just PayPal). So: shipping address, name, possibly even 'pre-done' age or fraud checks, etc.

- It 'maps to' the business's API far better than a browser's autofill can do, which only has some random HTML tags and a helluva lot of guessing. (In other words, users won't have to keep filling in the, like, 4 out of 9 inputs that it didn't understand.) Your advantage is that the merchant itself does the integration work themselves - though ideally your API/SDK will make that as easy as possible.

(Essentially, it's just: "user has a third-party cookie for your site, comparable to SSO, and you charge their saved details and call the merchant's API on the backend [or, for small businesses, a Shopify integration or whatever fresh hell the Fast engineers must've gone through]".)

It's an enormous potential market, though that's also true of the shipping industry and it doesn't guarantee big margins. I'm interested to see what comes of it all. I expect something boring like "Yeah, eventually [company X] got big enough, that's why Apple released the Apple Pay Checkout Fields API for JS".

As a footnote: Amazon has actually offered this as a service for ages, which I know because of the precisely one website I used which happened to offer it. If it weren't for the terrible antediluvian UX and the lack of any evident marketing, it probably wouldn't have been such an open goal for these startups. Here, this is what Fast was trying to sell a shittier version of, without a user base: https://pay.amazon.com/what-is-amazon-pay

If you can get them, that's awesome. Which company?

Quick comment on this. I also work for a seed level startup and we have gotten dozens of Fortune 500s, plus most of the big accounting, auditing and consulting firms.

The reason this is possible for us is because our tech isn’t mission critical for them.

I doubt the CEOs/CXOs of any of these companies even know we exist.

We’ve just been fortunate that a lot of ops teams in these companies need our thing.

So - that has really changed my paradigm of enterprise sales.

Sometimes, if you’re SAP, you need to get whole of company buy-in. But if you’re SurveyMonkey, you don’t

Yep, totally. I wasn't even surprised tbh. It's just a good thing and it takes a good ceo/early sales person to get those deals even if they aren't mission critical.

i worked for a startup with a promising product in a lucrative niche but rather than invest in their unique value propositions and use that as a sales ratchet they instead pursued a sales strategy of "outsourced IT" at below cost. engineering time was devoured by integration issues and custom work for customers that were paying far less than the cost of the custom work

I've been in situations somewhat like this before, definitely not as extreme, but the same sort of overall feeling. Everything talked about in Slack/Email is super positive and highlights all the great things customers are saying, but the financial results tell a different story.

It definitely is hard to have conversations about what isn't going well, even though it doesn't have to be negative or gloomy. Often the disconnect in results is chalked up to external factors outside of your control, which is sort of depressing because if that is true then you can't do anything about it.

It's like when someone encounters a bug in the stuff they wrote and look every which way they can to blame it on the library, framework, compiler, etc.. - I'd rather have the bug be in code I wrote because then I can fix it easily. You can show someone simple data that shows a strategy isn't working, and then they'll spend a week torturing the data to come up with a contrived counter-explanation.

Ultimately, it is tough because part of doing a startup is remaining positive even in situations where it isn't warranted and there are times where the strategy may not be working out in the short term but needs more time to play out. Being unwilling to ever even entertain the idea that what you're doing isn't working seems like it might be problematic though.

An overly positive culture is default behavior for most startups. It does appear to be poisonous and there is nothing you can do about it. If you call people out on BS, you are painted as a negative person. Not sure there is a fix.

Makes me think about theranos or wework. Charismatic leaders can get a lot of people/talent following them without necessarily having a solid grasp on all of the complicated aspects of the business they run. Of course you have really great charismatic leaders in startups like Marc Benioff for example who kind of get everything right.

I don't work at salesforce, but I can almost guarantee people who work there will tell you they are miles from getting everything right. Every company is pretty messy internally.

As for theranos and wework - i don't mean those kinds of things. I mean standard non-fraud startups. The always positive culture is there, and at least for folks who take some pride in being rational, it is quite demoralizing.

> I mean standard non-fraud startups.

Fraud is not black and white. "Toxic positivity" can enable shenanigans or conceal problems in an otherwise non-fraudulent startup.

Yep true. I should have been more clear - I just meant that toxic positivity is more widespread, it's not only at fraudulent companies.

If you rock the boat, you are toxic and not a team player. That’s how it works at most startups. It’s career suicide to say anything else other than what the team wants to hear.

Think this is a particularly American trait - though infecting other parts of the world. Brits, e.g., tend to be more cynical by default, so it’s hard to run a sycophantic culture like that.

Australians too, generally. The Fast situation is a very peculiar Australian.

Most new businesses fail. Realists don't launch new businesses (unless they are spending other people's money).

> The company spent a lot of money on marketing events including sponsorship deals with the Tampa Bay Lightning and the rumored million dollar concert by the Chain Smokers

here we go, this is late 90s all over again

This is such a revealing comment and here's why:

The reason late 90's start-ups invested the way they did is because they had no meaningful way to track the effectiveness of their ads, much less the payback. A Super Bowl ad for Pets.com seems fine if you can (more or less) guess that it adds a bunch of customers.

Since then, start-ups have built a bunch of tools to track customer acquisition costs and paybacks in a pretty sophisticated way, and some of the obviously crazier ads dies (or at least become more one-off).

But now we are in a fintech/crypto era and nobody really knows how to calculate paybacks once again, because the business model is so new vs. a traditional ads or commerce business (will this new crypto.com user do $1k of transaction volume every year for the next ten? sure why not?)

As a result of all this, we see crazy 'spaghetti on the wall' style advertising again, usually focused in the crypto/fintech space (See: this year's Super Bowl). I wonder when the music stops.

Very good point and you are not alone seeing the deja vu

Remember beanie babies? We call them NFTs today.

Remember HYIP and e-gold? We call them cryptocurrencies now.

The point is that crowd behavior, especially markets driven by envy & greed, lead to the same outcome. every. single. time.

this is why guys like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger keep making money.

Beanie babies aren’t scarce and can only be produced by a single company.

neither is right clicking on a jpeg and saving it

Neither is photographing the Mona Lisa.

The music stops when the Fed tells it to. When interest rates rise appreciably.

> I wonder when the music stops.

Who cares? Champagne on the Concord, and let's order a bunch of Starfire servers from Sun Microsystems!

> let's order a bunch of Starfire servers from Sun Microsystems!

I wonder if any doomed startups will order a rack from Oxide Computer. I hope Oxide's primary customer base is established companies that actually need serious efficiency at scale.

Does it matter? If there's an infinite supply of VC-funded startups it doesn't matter whether those startups ultimately succeed - Oxide gets paid upfront either way. If anything, companies burning money by buying your stuff for hype reasons without actually making much use of it is probably better with regards to support queries/warranty claims than those actually making serious use of the equipment.

Worth adding AI to this list :-)

You think we get parties with Kid Rock again?

These days? Sure, an appearance by Kid Rock is much more affordable.

What I couldn’t understand was that there were times where something like ApplePay was a clearly superior way to pay. E.g. JavaScript says the user has it configured and able to make payments, so one click payments were actually possible.

At least publicly, Fast never addressed this, and insisted on requiring the user to log into Fast to make a payment even when it was a worse option.

Browsers like Safari are explicitly designed to prevent people from remaining logged into third party sites like Fast. All this was just brushed under the rug and instead it was just a bunch bluster on how Fast was a revolution.

At least Bolt allows payment via ApplePay, and seems more about doing whatever it takes to maximize each seller’s conversion, rather than having an ulterior motive to push its own brand everywhere.

I briefly made an MVP of 'basically Fast', and had to deal with mobile Safari, so I can tell you (hell, I can give you the code if you want it). We had to load our own site in a zero-sized iframe, at a specific endpoint which ran a script that read the cookies and sent them over the Window.postMessage API to the merchant page, where our JS was running and intercepted the cookie contents. But that was an MVP, and I was uncomfortable about the security implications even so - not sure how Fast's engineers hacked it together, if they even did.

The two of us ditched it when we realised how inhospitable the economics were, but even then we knew Fast's shitty play was bound to fail, and I heard the news from my prospective cofounder sending me a text ("we called it!") when it happened...

There is a lot of truth in that. Refusal to acknowledge failures and hard truth, ignoring the elephants in the room, default assuming success, hiding or keeping information secret... That's quite a risky combination.

I don’t get this sentiment: https://twitter.com/dcarter_js/status/1509916298574442498

“I could not be happier or more proud of my teams and what they have accomplished.”

If the company wasn’t successful, then that’s partially on engineering. As employees, we win as a team and lose as a team.

It seems like they were way overbuilt and should have gone much slower from a hiring perspective.

Perhaps these are just words that folks say to put best light on things as they leave, but it strikes me as disingenuous and lacks that ownership mentality that engineering leadership should display.

Maybe what you're not getting was that it was posted on April Fools day?


> The story is a lot more complicated and nuanced than the headlines you read in publications

You could put that as subtext for pretty much every story you read. ;-)

I think the most applicable warning for engineers when it comes to the actual work, as opposed to whether one should join a particular startup, is this:

> Engineers calculated the load Fast had in needing to serve their traffic. The Fast button was rendered less than 500,000 times per day - rarely needed to ever serve more than a few requests per second.

> One of the few warning signs engineers noticed is how Fast spent far more on infrastructure than the scale of the operation would have called for. Engineers sometimes brought up suggestions to scale infra down, and save costs - given there was not much revenue generated.

Sounds like the whole thing could have run on a single cheap VM, perhaps with a second one for redundancy.

This is pretty hilarious to read.

I did an interview screen with them at the end of last year for a data engineering position (former coworker was high up on the design side of things and he gave a referral). The first bit of the technical question was just "write a SQL query" and boiled down to doing a group by, count, and limit. The second was something like "what if we needed to return this query from a distributed system without going to the database?" without much context.

As any sane interviewer would do, I asked for context around scale, infrastructure, and what "without going to the database" even meant. The interviewer just reiterated the question. I started talking about different approaches depending on context and all the interviewer did was tell me to program a solution. Turns out all he wanted was a time-windowed hash-map to cache values and the fact that it's a distributed system didn't matter at all.

I think that just about sums up their approach to engineering solutions.

What is a time-windowed hash-map? Just a time based key-value store?

Yes, a hash map that expires objects and loads new KV when key isn't present inside


No, it's a rolling buffer of last N hours/days of data, but compressed into a hash table of counters instead of a log array.

I think he means an LRU cache

The TailScale folks caught a bunch of flak for their "do things that don't scale" approach to databases. But, honestly, most startups would be better off following that approach than what Fast did. Sounds like the engineers were just entertaining themselves with shiny toys rather than solving the problems they actually had.

> Sounds like the engineers were just entertaining themselves with shiny toys rather than solving the problems they actually had.

This is often the problem when hiring too fast. New employees don't have context or direction but generally people try to be productive, so they start inventing work.

Management team is new too, and not built up either direct or handle the bandwidth and they also are lacking the direction. Senior leadership and founders are likely busy hiring more folks and potentially trying to sort through the chaos described before.

IMO, pre-product market fit company shouldn't have 500 employees, maybe not even 10. These things don't become easier with more people, usually everything gets harder and slow. You also shouldn't have massive marketing or sales force before you actually have product to sell and have figured out your sales motion.

It seemed that Fast was just trying to shortcut their way to be the next Stripe by hiring people instead of actually working on the fundamentals like the product and business.

It's not just limited to startups. When my business unit in Amazon spun up we hired way too fast and ended up having a harder time shipping v1 of the product than if we would've started lean and grown organically. We ended up spending a lot of time on a modularized platform to enable ~5 matrixed feature teams to contribute across iOS and Android apps. Looking back, a small dedicated team for iOS and another team for Android probably could've shipped v1 in less than half the time with a lot less tech debt.

Yeah for sure. I think even senior leaders forget the team culture/context piece, and try to scale up too fast because they are used to it in their current orgs or previous companies.

If you have a 500 person org that has operated for years you can probably add 10%-20% new people each year without it breaking too bad. But it can be very hard to build a complete function from 0 to 100 people within a year because there is no infra, culture or understanding how things work. The new people cannot be absorbed/aligned because there is no central gravity so people easily end up pulling different directions and spending their time on internal coordination vs actual useful output.

There's always misalignment incentives. If you put a tech manager in charge they're going to look for tech solutions that increase their head count.

Not really. Managers don't have incentives to grow their team size; they have incentive to deliver. And Amazon is known for 'two pizza teams' anyway.

The parent mentioned 5 teams instead of 2. That's director or higher level decisioning. Which is where you frequently end up having someone far enough away from the actual work that needs to be done, starting early to come up with a roadmap. Given fixed deadline and fixed scope, you lean on your PM triangle knowledge and try to get as much headcount as possible to ensure success, because you don't have enough knowledge yet to really decide at what point adding headcount leads to a negative gain. It's usually less about empire building and more about trying to plan things early rather than growing in response to need.

I've been in this situation, as a manager, being told to hire three teams (two being teams of contractors), pushed back to say I should hire only one (the FTE team) as we didn't have enough work for them, was rebuffed and told I needed to hire (the roadmap said we had the work!), hired, and then had leadership panicking about the fact the teams were idle with nothing to do. After a couple months had enough work we could split it (unnecessarily finely) between them so they could all look active, which lasted about a month before the FTE team just started doing it all, as that was more efficient. I didn't stay there long.

> Not really. Managers don't have incentives to grow their team size; they have incentive to deliver.

This may be true about Amazon but it is not a given in general. Managers can operate in the grey area where they deliver just enough to justify more headcount "in order to deliver more" where the underlying motivation is increasing headcount. Not atypical in political environments like banks etc.

If you have a small team, and well hired, then the stack rank grim reaper kills off 20-30% of your labor each year.

For your huge hires, 1/3 of the people were hired to be fired in the stack ranking, which of course is a huge morale hit.

The ones that aren't setup to fail lose 20-50% of productivity doing machiavellian backstabbing, defensively or offensively, for promotions other culturally ingrained/highly encouraged organizational sociopathy.

With 50% turnover per year (IT stats, not warehouse worker stats), it'll be hard to sustain development as well.

So it makes sense that Amazon would overhire.

Get out as soon as you can.

Where the hell were you working? This isn't normal for any company.

They're talking about Amazon.

This is essentially the long term endgame of any diehard adherent to stack ranking its employees.

Heavy stack ranking basically means for a life event, a worker is very likely to get axed. Any health event, having a child, partner has hard times, or management reorg that puts you with a boss that doesn't like you, and the writing is on the wall.

Companies with a good long term focus should concentrate on acquiring and developing long term workers.

Amazon in particular structures its pay (payoffs come from bonuses and vesting 3-4 years in) in such a way that if one takes a perverse sociopathic view of how they manage workers, that management is incented to rug-pull workers three-four years in so the vesting doesn't happen.

Amazon is DEFINITELY sociopathically and perversely managed to do this.

Once that fundamental disdain of your work force becomes ingrained, then all other organizational abuses (stack ranking, hire for fire, backstabbing) is all fair game.

It starts with stack ranking and the fundamental management sociopathy. Which anyone that looks into accounts of Jeff Bezos becomes apparent of the source.

So why has Amazon been successful? Amazon's advantage in the overall corporate competition landscape was simply that they built an integrated business+IT strategy while every other company treated IT as a cost and annoyance.

But they treat their people like utter shit, and as Amazon transitions from an explosive growth company to a more sustained presence, and from AWS from explosive growth to "utility", the now-huge middle management and workforce devolves from stack ranking and sociopathic disdain into a cesspool where only the wicked survive.


Unfortunately, Amazon continues to ride a growth momentum, so the toxic workplace will be viewed as a positive. Nothing will change until serious incidents occur.

Of course Amazon is huge, so there are workers who may be in less troubled areas. Just keep in mind that toxic areas of companies that derive from corporate practices will inevitably spill over to the "good" parts. Amazon is acquiring massive amounts of pure sociopaths in their management culture, and those sociopaths will "eat" other idealistic parts of the corporate management.

Corporate america is adapting. Better integration of IT and management is going to come to Amazon's competitors. Amazon's apathy to its product fraud and fake reviews, now stretching into a three year ongoing problem shows that it is faltering. Its lies during its AWS downtimes show a blame culture in action.

I find it absolutely crazy that companies do this.

My company's strategy is get one extremely solid person across all our verticals (Android / iOS / Backend / Infra) to minimise communication overhead and maximise iteration speed (since we throw out half the code we write anyway).

I would be very hard pressed to hire more than 2-3 people in each role even if we were offered 10s of millions.

> My company's strategy is get one extremely solid person across all our verticals (Android / iOS / Backend / Infra) to minimise communication overhead and maximise iteration speed (since we throw out half the code we write anyway).

but ... but ... that makes sense ...

I have found that having fewer good engineers is much better than lots of bad ones.

That approach is treated as heresy, in today's tech industry.

Perhaps the thinking is that it's easier to hire multiple good-enough programmers to get dependable productivity, and to replace one if something goes wrong. In the extreme case, if a company has one programmer who is very good when they're working at peak productivity, but then they have a period of low productivity for whatever reason, that company is in trouble. I've been that person.

Additionally, it's a bigger loss felt when that person leaves.

...which is why it's so important to foster an environment, where they don't want to leave.

I kept engineers (really good ones) for decades. They had many "life problems" (like divorce, cancer, etc.) during that time, and I kept them on.

It's entirely possible. I have done it. I ran a team that was all "top-shelfers."

You still should avoid being too siloed. Bus factor matters; their life problems you might be able to keep them, but you're ensuring you suffer death problems the same time they do.

Well, the software industry seems to believe that, for some reason, we get to live by different rules from every other company on Earth, throughout all of human history.

Depending on key roles is something that every company in history has had to do. It’s a risk, but one that has been paying off for hundreds of years, for millions of companies.

There are ways to reduce “bus factor,” yet still maintain high Quality work. The corporation I worked for, managed this, but the price is extreme levels of overhead and rigidity. That has its own risks. I was treated as a “cowboy” in our company, and was considered to be borderline “reckless.” Most folks here, would have considered me to be destructively conservative and risk-averse. I got the job done, though. Our team consistently delivered high-Quality solutions to difficult problems, for decades.

The “easy answer” is to keep expectations and demands on labor low. Keep quality to a minimum. Rely on “black box” dependencies. Don’t use advanced development techniques. Squeeze your coders like lemons. Treat every employee the same as every other one, and control for the lowest common denominator.

That’s not how I worked.

It's OK. The industry is safe from me, and my radical views. It was made abundantly clear, years ago, that no one wants people like me in their company, so I have been forced to work with people that can't afford even crappy programmers.

Poor bastards are living the nightmare.

I assume you were able to do it with more than just money?

Definitely. My company offered “competitive” salaries (i.e. “low”).

I feel as if I was a very “human” manager, and that seemed to make the difference.

My employees were loyal to me, not the company. Not an ideal situation, but it WFM.

And most companies can't seem but try to run them off.

>> I find it absolutely crazy that companies do this.

It has changed a bit, but a large part of it is due to HR policies around salary bands. You can have one person do 10x or 5x and another do 1/3x but their salaries are often max .5 factor apart. Ive been in situations where i'd rather reward (perhaps with a vest period) one person with 3x the salary and just skip all the inter-person communications bs, but HR makes it hard.

We were able to do this at hedge funds, and i'm sure small startups can do this, but as companies grow, HR will generally not allow this.

It strikes me as a fundamental mistake that HR are not responsible for the consequences of their policies. Failing to hire people leads fairly directly to failing to ship products, yet that doesn't appear to be attributed back to the team that insists they are all asking for above 'market rate'.

Headcount perversely increases the valuation sometimes. Hence, big head positions.

This seems so backward to me. Since technology is all about achieving more with less work, shouldn't headcount always count against the valuation?

I've been wondering why a seemingly stable startup would go on a massive hiring spree leading to all kinds of chaos rather than take a more measured approach and have started to suspect that this is the reason right here.

Headcount absolutely does.

In the 90's there was a joke that they'd take the engineering headcount and multiply it by 10M (or something), subtract a multiple of management and there's your valuation.

"Hiring too fast" happens because managers, company executives and sometimes even investors want to play with shiny toys rather than solving the problems they actually had.

The "shiny toys" in this case are employees and the task of managing them.

As a (future?) lead/manager, having more people on your team bolsters your resume. A lot of people would benefit from the company hiring more too as it generates demand in other parts of the business - HR, IT support, etc (which in turn causes more hiring if you need more people to deal with the increased workload). As a higher-up in the company, it looks better on your resume if it was a "big" company with 100+ employees rather than a scrappy garage startup with 3 people, and likewise for investors.

I've done startup engineering for a while. I've seen exactly 1 issue that we couldn't solve easily (N+1) or with simply turning our server count up (often way cheaper than putting an engineer to a problem).

Basically, to move development velocity faster we "load everything". Seems like a really bad idea on the surface. In practice, we only ran into an issue with a single customer that was literally 1000x as large as the other customers. It took about two weeks by 1 engineer to rework a select few calls that were egregiously slow and we were back at it.


In other words, even with some arguably inefficient technical decisions, I've rarely if ever seen performance issues at early stage startups.

Exactly, the cost of turning on additional servers is measured in ~US$100's/mth vs an engineer's time ~US$10k-25k/mth.

If you can make the problem go away by spending more in servers always do it.

For startups, the life and death is product market fit and you only get there by iterating on the business as many times as possible, not making something more efficient.

Put engineers on business iterations.

Using more machines also introduce complexity.

Even before using more servers, one should consider using (one) bigger server (and another as backup).

Massive servers are laughably cheap these days. E.g. 16 cores, 128GB RAM is €112 from Hetzner.

Damn, wish those dedicated servers were available in Hetzner's US data center. As far as I'm aware, the closest thing to a competitor in the US is OVH, and the server you get for that price is about a quarter of the capacity. That's plenty for my little company, but still...

Same here -- I'm eagerly awaiting them having a dedicated server offering

In the meantime have you looked at leaseweb?


I'm planning on running nimbus web services[0] there and there are a few other smaller providers I have earmarked depending on how brave you are:




[0]: https://nimbusws.com

In our case, we're running on top of a PaaS (think Heroku). Vertical vs Horizontal scaling is essentially the same complexity for the scale we're currently at.

It wasn't "doesn't scale to 10-100X bigger" but "doesn't burn themselves and their teammates out 6mo from now and needlessly risk a stressful & prolonged sev0 when one of the 1-2 people who did weird things gets COVID / goes on a honeymoon / leaves for netflix".

Spending time on needless infra (scale you don't need, AI you don't need, infra you don't need, things could have been postgres as in this case, ...) both prevents building useful stuff ($-generating features/experiences/...) and increases operational cost (maintenance, debugging, ...). Both the lost revenue growth and the increased costs are compounding. Imagine a maniac steadily piling on a bit more technical debt every day and eat a bit more of the seed corn every day instead of growing it.

A good phrase for this is "playing house": http://www.paulgraham.com/before.html

> Sounds like the engineers were just entertaining themselves with shiny toys rather than solving the problems they actually had.

More like, sounds like management was trying to get as much money as quickly as they could from their VCs before it all imploded. The engineers aren’t at fault that management didn’t have a real product or vision.

We all know plenty of engineers who want to build things for inappropriate scale. The company was a disaster, but part of building a disastrous company is hiring the engineers who want to make everything webscale and have no sense of pragmatism.

> The company was a disaster, but part of building a disastrous company is hiring the engineers who want to make everything webscale and have no sense of pragmatism.

I mean, the engineers held up their side of the bargain. They were hired for webscale, the company got webscale…

Now, if this was a more strategic startup, that had tried to hire pragmatic engineers, that insisted on webscale, I would blame the engineers. However, in this case, I think it’s pretty clear that the engineers did exactly what they were hired to do.

Tailscale's "database from 2022" is neither here nor there. What you should do in this situation is use the most boring tech, such as PostgreSQL with a simple HA setup. Thus avoiding the "play with nifty toys" trap and maximizing the chance of making appropriate choices.

Your server has 128 gibibytes of RAM, and has for five years now. In fact, you can buy off-the-shelf servers with a tebibyte of RAM now. As long as you have some way to recover from a power failure, if there's something you could do with Postgres without sharding fifteen years ago, you can do it in RAM on a single server now. But, if it was disk-bound, you can do it about a million times faster than you could do it then.

It's reasonable to argue that shelling out the US$800 for a server with 128 gibibytes of RAM (or renting one from a cloud provider for US$150 a month) amounts to buying nifty toys for the engineering department. But if you're paying each engineer US$200k per year in salary and a similar amount in benefits, that's US$190 an hour, so each engineer's workday buys you almost four such servers. Your RAM has a minimum transaction time of about 100 ns, while an SSD is more like 10000 ns. If you have 100+ GiB of data to query, the alternative to buying nifty toys is paying the engineering department to do optimization work that wouldn't be necessary if your data was stored in memory that was 100x faster.

The rough equivalency here is that adding one more engineer to your team costs as much as adding 16 dedicated Xeon servers at Hetzner with 128 GiB of RAM each.

Sometimes the best answer is still a relational database, of course! It's often easier to write your queries in relational terms than by looping over hash tables, though probably not if you're using an ORM, and Postgres is delighted to cache all your data in RAM.

At some point, you may grow beyond being able to run your production environment on a single server, at which point splitting things into tiers is worthwhile. (In some cases you start at that point, for whatever reason, but a lot of web services can serve a million users on a single server. It sure sounds like Fast's service would have worked fine on a single server.)

The point of a RDBMS has never been to save on RAM, raw files have undesirable properties for lots of data management scenarios. You can have a very simple schema if you like, e.g. a RDBMS makes for a damn good key-value store.

The most boring tech imaginable would be a file. Perhaps containing JSON or similar structured data that can be handled using commonly available libraries. Which is exactly what they used for a long time.

I've done something similar before and it saved countless hours wasted on configuring databases, writing queries, fighting impedance mismatches. Postgres brings a lot of work. With a file you just need a couple of lines to write your memory out to a file and a couple more to read it back. Simple and effective.

Until it stops scaling, but at that point you've established that your business is successful enough that it warrants the effort of doing something shiny. Postgres has a place in this world, but no need to put the cart before the horse.

Perhaps one problem with the current backlash against over-complicated infrastructure is that for some of us, doing everything in one process on one machine using a local embedded database is its own form of playing with nifty toys.

yeah, I guess, I'm not going to get too specific here but I do think it would be nifty if I didn't go through a couple 10 minute periods every day where I have to basically shut everything down run a number of scripts, then restart individual processes that are problematic, to be able to work again.

Note that this basically works 99% of the time now and is part of a learning process that had the whole thing taking 2 - 5 hours every day for several weeks, down to 2 hours a day for several weeks after that, and now down to the nearly inescapable 20 - 40 minutes a day I have now.

Yeah, not doing that would be my own form of playing with nifty toys.

Wow. I would find it super annoying to be interrupted twice a day to do a 10min task. Can’t you try to narrow down the underlying bug? Or somehow automate the restart?

Staying employed for another few decades without losing seniority in an industry that expects you to stay current on all of the latest hottest fads is a problem the engineers actually had.

> Sounds like the engineers were just entertaining themselves with shiny toys rather than solving the problems they actually had.

Programmers love to add the latest tech to their resume then move on to a new position within ~18 months

That may be specific to early-mid career focus

If/when a developer builds deep knowledge of a problem domain, things like framework-of-the-month may become an unwelcome distraction.

Seeing someone using nothing but tried and true tech to solve new problems is a resume green flag.

Is there a place where such "green flags" would net me money? It seems like as a software engineering employee, the roles that require me to waste time reinventing the wheel and battling self-inflicted complexity pay significantly more than those who require solving actual problems with boring tech.

> Is there a place where such "green flags" would net me money?

Well the best way to reap the benefits of your experience is to run your own company. Not screwing yourself over with BS tech is a competitive market advantage. However you might need to hire people so you can’t pick something too old.

Working for other people it’ll mostly net you less on call headaches.


I've seen a few startups that seemed to overengineer things (or build custom solutions rather than use something off the shelf) in expectation of massive growth.

I also thought it might have been due to resume driven development and the need to keep engineers engaged so they didn't leave.

I've also seen successful startups with a monolithic rails or PHP application that ran on heroku with next to zero custom architecture components.

I wonder, how many engineers had full time jobs just developing and maintaining the various integrations with all their small clients?

I have to imagine they were all stepping on each other and/or reinventing slightly different shaped wheels too.

My experience has been that companies who will customize integrations for you have poorly designed products. By that, I mean, when we ask for a feature, and they bring on an engineer who does some requirements gathering then comes back with some invisible solution. That's a major redflag.

The success of an integration, in my experience, is directly proportional to the amount of the work I'm able to handle as a client.

>My experience has been that companies who will customize integrations for you have poorly designed products. By that, I mean, when we ask for a feature, and they bring on an engineer who does some requirements gathering then comes back with some invisible solution. That's a major redflag.

I'm feeling a bit called out right now (not an owner but that's my experience, too)

> The TailScale folks caught a bunch of flak for their "do things that don't scale" approach to databases.

I've seen this repeated on HN, but never saw the alleged flak.

It’s a post from around a week ago. They went from embedded JSON, to something else (equally crazy), to embedded JSON again. Lots of laughs were had (and a lot of, just use postgres).

> They went from embedded JSON, to something else (equally crazy), to embedded JSON again.

They went from a JSON file, to etcd, to SQLite. etcd seems a little misplaced, but presumably it was already in their infrastructure and they thought they could save time leveraging it. The file-based approach seems appropriate for their particular use-case, though. It's not like it's a Rails app.

Crap, I’d forgotten about the sqlite part. You are of course correct. Apparently I’d only remembered the fact they went back to something file based :/

I’m still of the opinion that whatever you are storing, if your alternatives are JSON or Sqlite, etcd is a really strange/unconventional choice.

Pretty sure the reason they caught that flak is because they chose to reinvent the wheel instead of do a normal thing that would work until later - they're on their what - third rewrite of that now?

Tootally worth the time /s

I don't think that's a fair characterization of what happened. First, they scaled a simple solution for a long time and migrated away from it before it exploded spectacularly. I don't recall them explicitly saying how much time they spent on it, so how is it possibly to say whether it was worth the time or not? I also don't remember if it was here or on Twitter, but one of the engineers listed the many features they built and shipped _instead_ messing with their database. I'd say that was a good business decision - they got more features to their customers sooner and dealt with a scaling issue before it impacted customers.

I would hope this problem doesn't exist at startups but I've seen it at entrenched institutions any number of time:

If your boss's boss or peers signed a contract for $1m a year from Oracle, you're going to use Oracle even if Postgres is a better product. And the only way to use Postgres in this situation is if they don't know you're running it. Which puts you in the uncomfortable situation of wanting to say, "But Oracle sucks, look how successful we've been at using Postgres?".

Basically if you don't already know that someone higher up the food chain is comfortable with saying, "I've made a huge mistake", you aren't going to 'help' them learn to do it by pointing out they fucked up. What they're going to hear is that you're asking them to say, "I just wasted a million dollars of company money on something everybody hates," which not only are they not going to do, but they're going to start thinking about how to shoot the messenger.

As many conversations go in a couple of my hobbies and talking to friends and acquaintances about health concerns, the answer often starts with, "first, get a time machine" and ends with, "or learn to live with it," often with some useful compromises in between.

One of the important things to do early in your tenure at a place is to bid various people in the management chain and those who seem to be on a management track to see how open they are to having their minds changed. Because you want to know this when the stakes are low (also the blowback on low stakes things seems to be less problematic). Then you know if or when a boondoggle is in the making whether you can stop it before it starts, or amplify all of the problems and kill it along the way, or whether you should keep your head down and conspire to keep the 'doggle at arm's length with those who agree with you.

> If your boss's boss or peers signed a contract for $1m a year from Oracle, you're going to use Oracle even if Postgres is a better product.

What you'd do in that situation is make the best of that $1M contract you're stuck with anyway, while being flexible enough to migrate away from that solution when it actually makes sense to do so. Just because you've made a huge mistake doesn't mean that making a different choice after-the-fact is more sensible. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Only if your $1M solution is already integrated.

Otherwise it’s just a sunk cost fallacy.

Which of course it isn't, if you or your coworkers are dreading that 'they' will find out you're happily using Postgres...

I've never used Oracle, but from what I've heard it's a good piece of tech. If your boss is footing the bill for a BMW, why not drive it?

It's always funny to read about crazy overspending on infrastructure and I have a few funny stories myself, but this was far from their biggest problem. For one, we don't know how big those costs were or how much time it would take to wind some of it down.

I absolutely hate waste and was always proud of myself when I found ways to shave a thousand here and there off our AWS bill, but it was a bit depressing when I went through the thought exercise of "What would it be like for the company if I managed to get everything onto the AWS free tier?" And then compared that to what it would be like for the company if we found a way to make 1 or 2% more in revenue.

Early on, the math heavily favors worrying less about infra spend and more about product enhancements that can build revenue.

(Although often reducing the size of your infra for other reasons - usually around complexity for ops or ease of development can also have the side benefit of reducing cost and it seems worthwhile in those cases.)

>Early on, the math heavily favors worrying less about infra spend and more about product enhancements that can build revenue.

YES! This is VERY true

It is a careful balance. At my last startup we knew we had scale technical debt in our SW. Not something we could fix by tossing HW at the issue. It was all great until we landed that major customer that blew past our supported scale. 6 months of engineering work and a complete stop of feature process. A more careful consideration of the tradeoffs when making them would have saved a huge headache, but no one wanted to look at the issue preferring to ignore it.

> Not something we could fix by tossing HW at the issue.

I'm curious to learn why, if there's any more you can share. What about vertical scaling, i.e. bigger machines instead of more of them? Can't that go pretty far?

Shipping unit was a VM to a customer. Tossing more CPU & RAM at the VM would hit general issues of how VMware allocates CPU to a guest. Within the VM we had containers for each sub-unit of the tool. For some part of the system we made the deployment model more than one VM, distributing more containers to the other VMs. However for a key part of the design there was an in-memory DB and we just it the scale limits of the number of elements that could be handled that way without a rethink of how and what we stored.

For everyone that will say "well why..."

1. real products need a generally available shipping unit (SKU) when your customers are enterprise / telco types.

2. for item 1, what is the lowest common thing this type of customer would take - a VM they can run on their existing virtualization setups. the reality of K8s, containers in this type of customers at that point was near zero.

3. there was thoughts about a SKU of a HW appliance, ie, beefy server and just toss CPU/RAM in it and ship that. shipping some stupid HW appliance that we controlled would just be a distraction and a waste of money also requiring 2 shipping artifacts, 2 test setups, etc. not to mention the need to sort for support for HW failure (you can contract with Dell for example to have them label their Kit as your appliance).

Shipping a VM makes a lot of sense. I wish there were better off-the-shelf tools for packaging up a web application into an easy-to-deploy, self-managing VM, without trying to stuff the typical cloud complexity (e.g. Kubernetes) into a box.

I don't understand the issues with using a bigger VM, but I have no reason to doubt you.

And if you think this is undersized for comedic effect I did ops for a company that went from <1mil to 15mil revenue (with the same sales strategy of targeting lots of small clients) on 4 1u white label supermicros. Two app servers and two MySQL dbs. Never in my life had such reliable infrastructure.

Early in my career when in a discussion with my manager at the time, he threw out the "planes with two engines have twice as many failures as single engine planes" line.

So in my now close to 30 years of experience later, working on systems expected to run 24/7/365, I can't tell you what percentage of failures and outages were caused by the redundancy/fail-over/etc software and hardware layered into a system, but its definitely a very significant part of the problem. Frequently because its just that a "layer" someone bolted on, even if that layer was some software engineer designing for "web scale". All the edge cases are frequently not completely thought out, and when you hit one its a lot harder to recover, than simply restarting a single service running on a single server.

I once managed a thoroughly non-critical server that lived in a closet. In the couple years I managed it, we had quite a few failures due to the UPS tripping and no unscheduled downtime at all from any other reason.

I’ve had massive problems with fancy (HPE, IIRC, but it wasn’t called HPE then) raid arrays caused by the controller being a POS. Using plain mdraid would have been far more reliable.

Sometimes I wonder if all the effort people put into protocols that run Paxos and Raft could be better spent running a small number of coordinator servers with manual failover. I’m suspicious that, in many use cases, leader elections cause failures more often than the leaders themselves fail.

>> "planes with two engines have twice as many failures as single engine planes"

Sounds like someone didn't understand redundancy...

> "planes with two engines have twice as many failures as single engine planes"

There has to be a smart reply to that, like: 100% of pilots of single engine planes don’t make it home after a single engine failure. 100% of pilots of dual engine planes do make it home after a single engine failure.

Planes are natural gliders and you can recover from engine failure. It's not like they just fall out of the sky.

say for the zoomy lawn darts we call fighters.

pushes glasses

If you lose an engine on a twin engine plane, you have to decide if you have an emergency or not. If you lose an engine on a single engine plane, you have to decide where you can make an emergency landing.

This is a big lesson to heed. Sure, sometimes a startup really needs extravagantly scalable infrastructure. For the 99.9% of startup, no, you don't.

So the odds are you don't. Keep it very simple, very small. I can't highlight this enough. A few boxes will get you very far. If you ever actually hit the limits, throw a big party to celebrate success and only then start to think about making your infrastructure a bit (just a bit) more complex.

We have 10 petabytes of storage and a ~terabyte scale Postgres instance. It runs on a few racks and we get a respectable amount of traffic. It’s not “WeBScALe” but it’s not peanuts. Better uptime than AWS and our operational expenses are negligible. People forget how insanely powerful and cheap hardware is nowadays. Now, you can buy a 64 core chip for $7k. That alone could handle some serious traffic.

I run a company in the e-commerce tech space. We handle ~1M requests per day and run it all on a few medium sized VMs on Google cloud for like $1k/mo.

time to raise a $100M and go w e b s c a l e

I would add that the "Sales vs engineering and sales winning" would be a very relevant warning also:

> [sales] signed up a large number of smaller businesses on the platform. [...] However, integrating these smaller businesses was challenging thanks to several customizations needed for each new customer.

The ratio of revenue per each small customer vs the total cost of integration (and very likely on-going maintenance) was probably at least an amber flag somewhere for those who had visibility of it.

But maybe there was on-going hope that they would be able to sign up a big customer and integrate them before they ran out of money?

> The ratio of revenue per each small customer vs the total cost of integration (and very likely on-going maintenance) was probably at least an amber flag somewhere for those who had visibility of it.

At the last company I worked at (won't call them a startup, just a 10-year old small business that somehow kept raising funding but has never made a profit) I was astonished to learn from a new CPO that in our tenth year we didn't know if we were making money from a customer.

We had no idea how individual customers used the application, which was very data intensive, or what that was costing us. The information was there, but no-one ever looked. Every sale was considered a success, even if it turned out to cost us 3x in data costs and customer support. Often customer support alone would make a sale into a loss.

We spent a relatively large portion of our revenue running very expensive servers to respond instantly to searches that no-one ever performed. I created detailed monitoring to show this. I talked about them to everyone, including Product and the CEO. No-one disputed those facts. But instead we had several people essentially dedicated to downsizing application servers and deleting unused S3 buckets, trimming three zeros a month when we could have trimmed five.

I have learned not to assume that warnings are visible, that people pay attention to them if they are visible, or that anyone cares.

They're still circling the drain, still raising money (somehow!) and I doubt anything's changed.

> We spent a relatively large portion of our revenue running very expensive servers to respond instantly to searches that no-one ever performed.

The last 7 years of my life as an SRE. It's maddening.

We also had multiple contractors working full-time for months on a CI project that was projected before it began to save us at most a few thousand dollars a year. In the end they half-delivered a poorly-built system everyone hated, and I forced the abandonment of the project and we went back to the old system.

It was the pet project of another team-lead, that no-one else wanted. Group decision making is bizarre.

> We had no idea how individual customers used the application, which was very data intensive, or what that was costing us.

Cost can be a difficult problem to solve! I've been working on a project for about six months trying to identify just how much it costs to deliver a unit of the thing we sell. There's just so much variability, one customer might have widgets that are 40kb in size and rarely ever run widget analytics workloads, while another customer has 40mb widgets and can't stop looking at them.

I feel for the whole "how do customers use the application" thing too. Product analytics at most places seems to be a concern long after features are developed.

"So how many customers have been using that feature we spent two years and $20MM developing?"

"Good question."

"Soooo, mywittyname, can you figure out how many people at companies with over 200 seats look at dog pictures after opening an email with a 'C' in the title?"

I worked on a project that had similar issues.

I think what saved us was the unlimited license we had negotiated for the database server we were using (which wasn’t bad technology), expired and then the company was going to charge us through the nose for any new servers.

That triggered a rearchitecture of our system, into micro services that made sense for the kinds of queries, volume, and load we were dealing with. We did have a lot of data, but many of the queries could be satisfied by a key value store, for example, which didn’t require the same amount of hardware resources.

The original project did lead us to products our customers wanted to buy. Then we just had to change the architecture to fit those actual products.

Management probably really screwed this up if they were really only making $600k/yr.

Places I've worked yearly contracts for B2B have been in the $100k-$5M/yr range.

The customers paying $100k/yr barely get any integrations and feature changes... they go for the ride. The customers paying $1M+/yr get features on the double.

If Fast was doing integrations and customization for customers that were paying $1000 or less a year something was very very wrong.

Well, they had 150 engineers sitting around for a product that required at max 3. Need to give them something to do to justify those 300k salaries.

At some point managers often fear the "red flag" of "we have a giant team with no work/customers". Hence, they will often push for dubious consulting(ish) work to at least ensure everyone remains busy.

Unfortunately this can lead to the outcome that the company just loses more money.

It would not have made a difference. Maybe they'd be losing $9.9M a month instead of $10M a month.

The problem was that the engineers were building a scalable infrastructure rather than a scalable business.

from the article: "The average volume of Fast customers was low because most customers were from small businesses. And yet, every small business needed custom engineering work to be done, making integration slow. Several engineers mentioned how they did not understand how spending lots of engineering effort for each small client resulting in little revenue would result in building a company that could be worth $12B one day."

Sure, their primary problem was extravagant hiring, but I think this is still an important warning for developers working in fledgling companies that are appropriately cautious on the hiring side.

> Sure, their primary problem was extravagant hiring

I think their primary problem was a huge valuation—with correspondingly huge expectations—but no real revenue. If you're pulling in $600K revenue, but valued at $500M... you're gonna have a bad time.

Heh maybe if they also didn't hire a bunch of engineers to scale out too, it would've helped..

They had 20 user designers / researchers. Just massively over done for a company that was just getting traction: https://twitter.com/marianoaavila/status/1511410574327881728

> Sounds like the whole thing could have run on a single cheap VM, perhaps with a second one for redundancy.

You're describing most startups here.

very true

this sounds like Ridgeline, a startup most have never heard of, founded by the founder of Workday and some of its early employees.

I have actually heard of this startup amazingly, as well as the founder, but I wasn't aware it was/is? as much of a s.show that the article portrays at Fast. Do you have any context you might be willing to share, I am genuinely curious.

bizarre tech decisions have led to insane costs with 0 customers. launch is about 2 years behind. having a lot of trouble hiring senior engineers, when they do they don't listen to them. they have a strange platform that every product team must use. tech leadership has never launched a successful startup before. they have over 300 employees, maybe 400 now. 4 levels of management already, and a _lot_ of them. it's independently funded for now, and has the potential to keep on going like this as long as Dave D. doesn't pull the plug.

I guess its not _that_ different than that one time I had 4 VPs of Engineering, for 30 engineers </s> Sounds like an absolute bonkers-fest, thank you for sharing.

Oof, just one of our customers pays about the same as their full revenue, and we're a cockroach team.

The real thing here is they're not that surprising. A lot of companies with their kind of funding use enterprise sales to force say $5-10M ARR, but there's only so much VC money can force for a leaky funnel, broken product, and overall incorrect market + fit. I didn't appreciate this until maybe a year or two ago. Valuation multiples in 50-100X range are super common (and even wackier numbers in seed/a). Think make believe stories like "well with another 12-18mo of growth this really just a bit over a 30X on some future forward revenue multiple...". The cash almost always leads to overspending, and it's highly unlikely the next 2-3 raises won't blow up and everyone goes home. I'm actually super impressed by the Docker team because they've been one of those rare cases of crawling out of that trap, even if with a lot less of the team.

We get job candidates with high competing offers for companies I know to be rotten inside, yet there's only so much I can say. "Our new hires are getting paid from customer revenue and with equity that doesn't have $50M-$500M of investor thumbs on the scales already cutting you out in 95% of the likely scenarios" generally doesn't punch through the kool aid.

> We get job candidates with high competing offers for companies I know to be rotten inside,

I fell for this trick once when I was younger, but never again.

As it turns out, when companies are bleeding talent and struggling to hire they suddenly find ways to pay well above market rate. You can have a fancy title, too!

We had a competitor do something similar at a prior company. I would tell candidates that we can't match their compensation numbers but to come back if things don't work out at the other company. I'd often get a message about 3-4 months later asking if the job was still available

May help explain some Meta offers I've seen... 2 years out of college? Sure, come as a Senior! That's not enough? Principal it is!

The problem is sometimes this is done for legitimate reasons and genuinely does lead to stronger outcomes for both employers and employees.

It's hard to tell the difference between "stop the bleeding" title/pay inflation and "aggressively competing for talent" inflation.

Sort of. A good question is what is the revenue per employee

Meta is ~$2M/employee. Probably more like $1M once contractors are accounted for? But for a good person, even if the rest of the company has random issues, they can carve out a win.

Fast was like $1K/employee

Consider what that's like for some hypothetical B2B startup BlitzScaler Inc. They're betting on 3x+ growth year-over-year for next 2+ years, 2-3 year sales payback periods, etc, and is probably closer to Fast levels of revenue per employee than Meta's. But hitting $500K is hard, $2M is hard again in different ways, then again to $10M, and again to $20M+ (and increasing range depending if many sales people inflating it). That matters because many aren't there, even unicorns (!). That means, like Uber, they're burning increasing piles of money, except unlike Uber, the revenue is unlikely to be keeping pace. Fundraising buys team, and an artificial sense of fit+growth (kool-aid-drinking team + forced sales that tap out + churn.)

A cockroach team is closer to Amazon style: reinvest ~100% in growth, but don't gamble your employee's stock options.

Differentiator is what other companies will pay. If GAM all offer X, F offers 3X, and GAM refuse to budge on their X... either F knows some deep dark secrets about your capabilities which no one else can appreciate, or they're bleeding talent.

It is usually not quite that drastic. More often it is like GAM offer X, F offers 1.2X.

> this is done for legitimate reasons

What could be a legitimate reason for giving silly titles? If it were a startup, it would be a huge red flag for an auditor.

A title is free to give and can motivate people who want them.

Mightn't titles motivate the wrong kind of people?

> Meta

> Sure, come as a Senior! That's not enough? Principal it is!

Do you mean staff (E6, the level above Senior)? Also, no one is getting E6 offers 2 years out of college.

Not sure the specific title, just whatever was after senior. And I suppose it's more like 3 years at this point. Class of 2019.

So, over $500k per year? Not a bad deal for class of 2019

Yep, not bad. But talking in salaries hides the most important number: how many hours are you expected to work for that?

IME, F are the only ones to whip out their laptop at a house party or bar at 10PM on a Friday night because they felt an insatiable to work on some feature request; GMA may do the same when on-call, but I've never seen it otherwise.

I'm personally going the other route: Class of 2019, secured a decently sized FAANG bag (barely worked the whole time while doing it), and now I'm transitioning to a position with even fewer hours of commitment required but also lower salary. Going to focus on things I've come to find more important than money and code.

They seems to be the narrative I'm seeing for most of matters hiring. they're hiring very, very very aggressively

> find ways to pay well above market rate. You can have a fancy title, too!

On my way out of the first startup I worked for, there was an offer to double my pay! Nope!

I'm not familiar with the phrase "cockroach team" in this context, and the obvious web search didn't help. Can you please elaborate?

I'm not the op and this is the first time I've seen someone else use the term, but I've used it too. Aspirationally - small and impossible to kill. While a unicorn's goal might be growth at all costs (with associated high chance of failure), our goal is to survive anything that might get thrown our way.

Look into the early history of Airbnb. They did anything to survive - even selling politician-themed breakfast cereal. Yes. pg exclaimed, you guys are like cockroaches, you just won't die.

Don't know if that's the origin, but hey it could be. Without the story, calling someone "cockroach" has unclear sentiments.

Cockroaches just care about survival first and foremost. Unlike unicorns that care about growing huge and taking over the world

small, surviving on crumbs.

Hard to kill because they're financially independent. We believe enough in the technology we're building (gpu-powered graph ai & visualization) and the missions we're powering (security, fraud, anti-misinfo, healthcare, etc.) that we turned down large initial funding as it would have broken us. So awhile back, being cockroaches meant running as cost-effectively as we could (and still do, in fact, just not as extreme) as we figured it out, and now that things are working, it means prioritizing sustainable growth vs financial games likely to fail.

In contrast, popular models prone to failure and largely fueled by market phenomena like low inflation rates include ad-based social media ("we'll turn on revenue in 5 years, no, really!"), blitzscaling ("we'll eventually figure it out!"), sales-driven growth ("our federal team will make our $ back in 3-5 years, no really!"), acquihires ("with enough AI talent we'll just sell our staff!").

I like venture capital, such as for deep tech and true growth, but the reality is most tech VC funding is more about financial engineering that assumes most of the portfolio fails. They push for commercial scaling too early and wipe out, which is fine for the rich VC who just needs 1-3 bets to win. Fine for them, but sucks for most founders & employees unless they job hop every 2 years. If we take VC $ again, it'd be on our terms and with a clear payback/growth return.

A great way to kill an otherwise great idea & company is putting VC $ in, which puts a company on overdrive and financially implodes before it has a chance to figure things out. They're addicted and likely can't stop relying on VC without layoffs (or less likely, succeeding), at which point many of the A players leave as well and hard to recover. Instead, if a cockroach raises > $2M (so commercialization phase), that should generate enough sales revenue that they can keep organically growing in 18-24mo later even if a follow-on round doesn't happen. You'll hear such cockroach founders saying they don't even touch the money for months. Numbers-wise, most Series A companies fizzle out, which is because of this unicorn-or-bust structure.. and especially whenever the market is not on a bull tear. With a bit more time, they probably could have figured it out... but they blew it.

Some articles: - Paul Graham's article on this: http://www.paulgraham.com/badeconomy.html . - https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-build-a-cockroach-startup-ins... - https://medium.com/the-mission/be-a-cockroach-not-a-unicorn-...

Maybe they work at Cockroach Labs

> we're a cockroach team

is this a reference to http://paulgraham.com/guidetoinvestors.html#:~:text=nuclear%...

> we're a cockroach team

I think I know what you mean by this, but I'm not sure. Could you elaborate on what this means? Thanks in advance. :)

I infer that it means "small and hard to kill".

> Our new hires are getting paid from customer revenue

Money is fungible

Cash flows aren't.

Customer revenue is recurring

I should be a part of a cockroach team, in my estimation.

i feel like even the possibility of a company like docker failing would be among the greatest failures in the history of software

> Tiny daily sales numbers which all employees received was the first such warning sign. Internally, Fast was transparent on sales. Every day, every employee would receive a sales summary email that listed the number of sales completed with Fast checkout, and the total sales amount.

> Fast did less than $300K worth of sales and below $6K in revenue on most days from January 2022 to April 2022. There were days with around $2,000 in revenue for Fast.

I'm actually surprised that everyone was receiving daily updates of company revenue.

If you're surrounded by 100s of people at a company known to give high base pay but you're seeing daily revenue numbers in the range of $1K to $6K (they had $600K total revenue in 2021, supposedly) then you have to know that your time is very limited.

I assume they were led to believe that more investment money was just around the corner to keep the business going? With a $10 million monthly burn rate they would have needed a staggering amount of capital to just continue to exist, let alone execute any plans to turn the ship around.

Author here. I was wrong on this information and updated the article - got a correction since. L6 and above employees would receive this: staff+ engineers, eng leadership, sales etc.

There are companies where this information does go out to all employees in the spirit of radical transparency. Skyscanner is an example where every day, every employee gets the full revenue breakdown. These numbers are also shown on monitors across the company.

Lol. L6.

Look no further folks. This guy Dominic was clearly LARPing a startup.

Leveling frameworks before traction is a joke to me.

I worked at a company where the founder manufactured an inane 13 level hierarchy (at seed!!!). We had two engineers, all level one, lol.

So there were 14 employees total, if I had to guess? /s

Even startups benefit from job titles and hierarchy.

Even startup employees benefit from a visible promotion path. Remember, they had hundreds of employees. Not just a couple people in a small office somewhere.

Most likely, the levels corresponded to pay bands and helped determine where people fit into the seniority hierarchy (such as determining who receives sensitive daily information updates)

You are 100% right — for late stage startups where you would normally see 500 people.

At the Fast stage, the only viable promotion path is ship work that impacts the business or close deals that bring in revenue. The promotion levels game is something you play in larger organizations to engineer a rat race for people because it turns out they really like that. But no, a startup does not benefit from hierarchy quite the opposite in fact. That crap is all overhead it’s necessary as you grow but actually detrimental to your success.

they were a company of nearly 500 people. they had 150 engineers. At that stage people who don't have levels will feel like they have no direction.

This is just such a big company mentality.

Yes, you need like Engineer and Senior Engineer and then when you have some rock stars who actually move the business forward they are your principles and/or future directors.

To try to build this all up ahead of time, show me where it's ever worked? When Google was that size they were playing with having no managers at all.

If you're only interested in sniping FAANG talent, arbitrary levels provide a familiar comfort, and an opportunity to offer a level up immediately upon joining. "You're level L4 at Google, but we'll bring you in at L14".

>> * Fast hired engineers, engineering managers, product managers, and executives directly from Big Tech. Many of the software engineers joined from Meta, Google, Uber, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and other well-known companies. Many joining had competing offers both from Big Tech and other high-growth startups.

Oh shit, there is no number in front of my name! What will I do with my life? The incredible vanity of it all.

Yeah that’s all fine and good but 6 levels is ridiculous for a new startup. My company has been around for 30 years, doing $75 million in sales this year, has 300 employees and we now have 4 levels, one more than last year, and even that feels artificial.

Levels before you even have product market fit is a joke.

I completely disagree. They were 450 people with 150 engineers. If I had to guess I would bet the engineers clamored for leveling and it came from bottoms up requests and a need to be fair with compensation when hiring.

Now to be clear they shouldn't have been that big (clearly), but leveling people was not the problem.

That simply begs the question of why in god's name a startup with no traction needs 150 engineers.

Engineering is expanding, to meet the needs of the expanding engineering. Continuously built self-scaling heuristic AI-based microservices that have full resiliency across four datacenters and twelve chaos monkeys.

Do not underestimate mans ability to overcomplicate things, when his continuing employment depends on him finding more things to engineer.

I believe startups should implement levels once you hire 2 engineers. It's hard to retrofit a system, especially if you're trying to be thoughtful about any pay imbalances.

> startups should implement levels once you hire 2 engineers

I think OP is cracking a joke about a $600k company having six levels of hierarchy.

Here's my experience:

- When you hire, you implicitly put people in a level which dictates what you're willing to pay them.

- People will always feel underpaid, and demand more $$. Without a system, you give them out arbitrarily.

- You now have enough people to add structure to the process. Do you base people's levels on their current salary? On their skill?

- What happens when people notice the discrepancy in pay or skill among a level? Especially if it's skewed by race, gender, etc?

I think you should have as many levels as pay-bands in your startup, which might be 6.

Nobody wants to be a level 1. So the real level 1 was probably L4.

L1 is junior data center tech and junior helpdesk.

There weren't necessarily 6 levels of hierarchy (below the L6 staff). It's almost certainly for hiring purposes - to tell hires that their role is similar to that of a Staff Software Engineer at Google (i.e., L6). Like many things in tech, other companies tend to base their leveling system after Google, and you can literally put companies side by side on https://levels.fyi to compare per-level compensation at different companies.

It's a recruiting tactic - to tell the FAANG engineer that they'll be as important as a Staff Software Engineer (L6) at Google.

That's what happens when you go on a crazy hiring spree.

>L6 and above employees would receive this: staff+ engineers, eng leadership, sales etc.

So all the people that have the authority and capability of saying "woah, woah, woah, we're building something far too complicated" had all the information they needed to prove it, and didn't. That's a fascinating sign of immaturity, and arguably incompetence, at some level in the org. The article points out engineers pushing up about scaling down infrastructure, but it's not clear if that came from the staff+ level or below (or both?), and leadership pushing back, or quite what.

> staff+ engineers, eng leadership,

How does this even exist at a company with essentially no revenue? This should be at most 1 person in "staff+ engineers, eng leadership"

This is a hallmark of a scaleup which assumes it will become a massive company in a short amount of time, and sets up its structure accordingly.

There are times when a gamble like this pays off. Take how Uber built their organization and systems similar to how Google did it, even when they were smaller.

In the case of Uber, their approach, you could argue, paid off in the sense that Uber did get traffic that would have been non-trivial to handle, and complex business use cases that it could handle easier thanks to it's structure.

My view is that this approach is an all-or-nothing setup and it might end up poorly - and spending WAY more money than needed - than if taking it one step at a time.

Also note that Uber did operate in an environment when it could raise ridiculous amounts of money as it scaled up. This doesn't seem to be the case in the current funding environment of 2022, which has cooled down considerably from 2021.

Uber had revenue and millions of customers begging for someone to offer the service.

Google did not have "staff+" when it was starting out. It had founders and a couple of hires.

Great points on both. Uber, indeed, did not have engineering levels beyond senior engineer until year 2 or 3 as far as I know (I joined later, but talked with several early engineers while there).

I was trying to play devil's advocate but I have to agree that pre-product-market-fit, these levels are likely an overkill and distract from the real problem: validating product-market fit.

That's really fascinating information.

Dashboards are all the rage as a way to get teams aligned around "critical numbers" (the metrics that matter).

But, if your dashboards start telling a story of impossibility, your best people are going to leave earlier rather than hang on.

A definite downside to the dashboard cult.

Is it? Maybe it's good if the decision to abandon ship is distributed over more people?

It hinges on one thing that I don't know: How likely are already failing companies to recover? Probably with the added condition that incoming help is not foreseeable, because if it's failing but people know help is coming that takes away some of the negative signaling.

I suspect that most of the times struggling companies won't get better, or at beast will continue to struggle and never make it big.

If that is the case, it will be better for both parties, not just the employees but also for the founders, if the life of this failed attempt of a business is cut short. I know first hand that when you are heavily invested pulling the plug yourself is really hard. I have no data, but I would not be surprised if the problem of staying too long - for founders too - is larger than the opposite, pulling the plug too early. Not that the latter is easy to show, since even if you get a large sample, you will never know for certain for many of the data points what would have happened if the plug had not been pulled without parallel mirror universes.

It's only a downside if the company's priorities are so completely misaligned vs employees' priorities. But at that point, I would call that misalignment the downside!

Amongst a sea of negatives, that they continued to share these numbers with employees is a positive mark for the culture at Fast. Sure, it's easy to say with hindsight that Fast employees should have seen the demise coming. On the other hand, they also watched one of the founders raise $100M+ from Stripe. Perhaps they thought the burn could continue and eventually the product would reach traction.

The entire culture of b2b startups IME is "yes we're burning money now, but just you wait till Moby Dick comes along... just implement XYZ features marketing/sales says are important and we'll have him in no time!"

Of course, this is somewhat tautological: if they weren't burning money, they'd just be a company. Startup phase complete.

The difference being that in successful B2B startups you don't have 600k ARR at 500 employees.

> I'm actually surprised that everyone was receiving daily updates of company revenue.

My company posts daily new user signups in #general on Slack. That's not quite revenue, but you could almost extrapolate

By my back of the envelope calculations, they would need to raise about $10 million a month to sustain that burn rate.

The key informations are here :

> Fast offered $200-240K/year in base salaries with full remote work

> Sign-on bonuses were common and large. Those who asked for almost always received sign-on bonuses of $20-50K as a one-off payment

> Equity issued was lavish and presented as potentially life-changing

> A good part of people are echoing how working at Fast was an amazing experience. People liked the culture, and how employee happiness was a priority.

What's not to like here ? Working for huge amount of money, in a company whose culture puts employees happiness first, and provides an amazing working experience.

Management did "all the right things" : remote ? check ! competitive salaries ? check ! amazing experience working there ? check ! employees-first culture ? check !. Why would you even need to look elsewhere.

And when it all crashed and burned, the feeling is :

> There are people who are frustrated and disappointed with company leadership, and how the bust came out of nowhere.

Trick is that it did not come out of nowhere, people just chose to look away. It's easier to blame management (which is definitely at fault as well !) than to say "I was paid way too much compared to the actual value I was providing". When you are paid $200k / year, you should easily be able to justify that your work generates more than several thousands of USD alone, if you are unable to do that, you need to have a conversation with your mirror as well - or just accept the fact that you are benefitting from a system, which may crash and burn if too many people are in this situation, or keep on living if you are an exception.

>When you are paid $200k / year, you should easily be able to justify that your work generates more than several thousands of USD alone

Revenue per Employee used to be a real metric that people used. Of course, P/E ratios used to be sane as well.

> What's not to like here ?

I think as a serious counter to that, look at the offers that a FAANG will give you - similar base salary, similar sign-on bonuses. Generally WLB is fine.

The real differentiator - they're offering you equity which is liquid right now.

If one is risk averse, one wouldn't touch Fast with a ten foot pole.

Some reasons :

- FAANG aren't/weren't remote

- The appeal for working at a startup vs an established company, and the sense of freedom associated with that

- Some guys that would love the idea behind FAANS...but would not like the management/process in place there (OKR, reviews, career ladder)

- Some guys that would love to work for FAANG... but didn't pass the interview (either failed or didn't try)

I think Fast actually built out an office just before COVID hit, they weren't remote. They had bunch videos from office with the employees that they used for recruiting. They only moved to remote with COVID like everyone else did.

Seems like the kept the office these 2 years, probably few million a year. ($85 per sq ft x 125 sq ft per person x 100-450 employees = $1M - $4.7M). A tweet from 3 weeks ago: https://twitter.com/gordoncching/status/1504641710776721409

Wow, these numbers are like those from pets.com:

> "During its first fiscal year (February to September 1999) Pets.com earned $619,000 in revenue, and spent $11.8 million on advertising." (Wikipedia)

> "The company raised $82.5 million in a February 2000 IPO but filed for bankruptcy nine months later." (Investopedia)

Fast rasied $102 million in capital and had $600k in revenue that year... Is Big Finance about to hit the panic button again?

This does seem like a 1990s story.

I'm just barely young enough to have missed it. Friends who quit school early were in on it.

I don't know if this was the case at Fast but in a lot of cases back in the 1990s a lot of the engineers knew everything was screwed up.. and they just didn't care, the money was good while it lasted.

The experience almost always helped people get ahead, no one ever gets punished for doing good work at a company that fails due to bad management and investor decisions.

I disagree that it looked like pets.com.

One key difference is pets.com is public and got money from common people.

Fast got money from highly sophisticated VCs. They all made calculated bet.

No VCs would tell you their deals have 100% success.

Employees that join are highly educated. They also know that it is a startup with high failure chance. Much higher than FAANG. Every educated person knows this.

And it is normal to be disappointed when a bet doesn't work out.

$100M is a lot less money today than it was in 2000 after factoring in inflation and low rates.

But the revenue is also inflated, so it all works out in the wash.

So Pets.com actually drove more revenue than Fast?! Oh my god.

Also, most people in the US had heard of Pets.com while it still existed.

Yes, but also no.

Per the CPI, for every $1 in 2000, you need $1.68 today. 1.68^1/22 - 1 is about 2.39%/year inflation.


For the purposes of engineering salaries, CPI is not an accurate representation of the change in what $100M can buy.

For the purposes of corporate exits too, or for the purposes of real estate.

I can't imagine PPI is too far removed.

So is 600k

I wonder just how much difference it makes that all this wacky startup action is private equity (writ large) rather than the public markets. Seems like... maybe a lot?

> I found some unsettling information about the founder of Fast, Dominic Holland.

This thread [1] touches on what some of that stuff probably was. Sounds like the CEO was a charismatic scammer.

[1]: https://nitter.net/jack_raines/status/1511737489190494208

I'm shocked to learn that people with money funded another charlatan to the tune of $120M /s

Maybe some Big Tech guys wanted to fire some non-performing engineers, and funding Fast which would lure them then go bankrupt was the cheapest way.

(Just kidding).

Wow, I make the same revenue as Fast as a one-man entrepreneur.

It really amazes me sometimes the strategies of these heavily funded companies. Why pile on so much burn so quickly?

Time to ring up some VCs, buf xD

And end up like Fast?!

worst case: a CEO salary over 2 years & and a few million dollars from an aquihire :P

Can't argue with that.

What do you do?

https://www.siliconvict.com These days I just tinker with projects which are listed in that site. Taking a couple years off while I look for the next big thing.

Their profile contains a website with some companies that are probably related.

Sounds like a great deal while it lasted for the engineers working there. They were over paid by a company that was bending over backwards to please them with money, benefits, and pretty much everything they could want. The stock turned out to be worthless of course, which is a bit of a bummer. But that's why salaries were presumably that high.

So, the money ran out and people got fired. So what? If they were any good, they no doubt found other companies to get a good deal with pretty soon after. I see no problem here. There's a shortage of competent engineers. That's the reason companies like this pay so well.

The only issue I see is dumb investors putting money in a company that clearly had no product market fit, a big spending problem, and nowhere near the ARR you would normally associate with a 100M+ C round. I mean, we're a struggling bootstrapped startup and we are getting close to that revenue this year. The investors we talk about (for a seed round) seem to be a lot more picky than was apparently the case for this company. You'd hope investors would do some due diligence. That clearly did not happen, at all. What the hell were they thinking?

Probably a juicy story there of incompetence, greed, stupidity, and various individuals benefiting when they arguably shouldn't have. I imagine the e.g. CEO of this company funneled away plenty for himself before bailing out in a hurry. If he paid his engineers a quarter million per year, I bet his own salary was probably a bit higher.

"Most engineers joining didn't know much about why the one-click checkout industry has the potential of billions."

So why isn't this a standard feature of every shopping cart program, including the cheap ones? The complicated part is that you need "undo", valid for a while after ordering. That's what makes one-click buy feel safe for customers. This complicates inventory management. But you really need "undo" for an hour or so after ordering.

As a shopper, one click buttons make me so nervous whenever I see them on the page. It definitely distracts me from my shopping experience, with a region of the screen screaming "don't touch me!!!".

That was Amazon's innovation. One click buy, easy undo. Previous systems usually used the "we have your money now, muahahahahaha!" approach, with difficult order cancellation. Too many still do. It's obvious in retrospect, but not obvious until seen.

Amazon had the patent but it expired recently AFAIK.

How one can patent something like this is just beyond crazy.

They didn't patent one-click, they patented one click _on a computer_. It's been well-established that you can patent anything, as long as it's on a computer.

Ah I didn't realize that. Computers are very fancy and who knows how they work.

Lots of sites do not have a good undo for orders. I ordered from remarkable and their solution was to deny the package...

I ordered a piece of furniture from Wayfair, and they had the same response - deny the package.

Well the package arrived while I was at work. After calling them 3 times to come pick it up, due to shipping delays they were never able to, and eventually told me to keep it for free.

That is nice! What happened with remarkable is I never got it and they refunded me. Which was also nice. Good guys, just a weird policy!

That's the magic question.

1) Carts are slow to evolve but they will.

2) Bolt/Fast contain user based information, consumed from their use on other sites. So there's a 'network effect'. If they've shopped at ABC.com before your store, then you already have their CC data ready to go in their car. Sort of like Single Sign On but for carts.

Bolt/Fast contain user based information, consumed from their use on other sites. So there's a 'network effect'. If they've shopped at ABC.com before your store, then you already have their CC data ready to go in their car. Sort of like Single Sign On but for carts.

Uh oh. That has so much scam potential.

PayPal and (Amazon) have way more customers and their data ready to go.

I don’t think one click buy is that useful for smaller sites (something like Apple Pay is much more valuable as the customer doesn’t have to think about a bunch of details).

PayPal represents a specific kind of payment, moreover, they are a payment processor and that's not what Bolt is as far as I know.

It does help smaller sites.

'One Click Buy And Ship' makes a very material difference, particularly on mobile.

> So why isn't this a standard feature of every shopping cart program, including the cheap ones?

I agree. It makes absolutely zero sense that an isolated feature constitutes the foundation of an entire company, much less a 400 people company.

I clearly don't understand VC logic.

I've never heard about Fast before I read the article. I don't know whether I live in a bubble or SV lives in a bubble.

I thought Netflix had spun off https://fast.com

Me neither. I read the article and cannot figure out what their domain is (or was?)

EDIT: It is fast.co

They've been notable recently mainly for controversies, especially on Tech twitter, due to discrimination lawsuits and just general toxicity: https://www.businessinsider.com/fast-gender-discrimination-l...

They were also notable on twitter / reddit occasionally for giving away very cheap / subsidized swag like $1 hoodies.

I'm in SV and hadn't heard of Fast.

An important lesson I learned while working for a startup - pay attention to the revenue stream and pay attention to expenses. The two will not stay out of alignment for long. I've talked to start-ups not paying any attention whatsoever to their revenue stream, they seem to think the bonds are the revenue stream. Many of those startups are quickly gone. When looking at a start-up make sure they have a good grasp of their revenue, their expenses, their revenue forecasts, etc. If they start hand-waving or show numbers that are out of whack then you're better off passing on their "opportunity."

"Inside Fast’s Rapid Collapse"

Can't believe they missed the chance to headline a pun with the company's name

"That was one Fast collapse"

I'd assume it was on purpose, given the obviousness of the pun.

“The $100M Startup That Checked Out Fast”

That Startups are fundamentally risky and despite all the talk on HN you are highly likely to spend years working in a high pace high stress environment for equity that will ultimately be worthless or at best match comp at FAANGs all while having questionable WLB.

But working at FAANG is not much fun. I think a mix of both startups and Big Tech leads to a happy life.

i guess its up to what everyone is looking for.

I personally avoid start-ups like the plague. To the point where i dont even bother accepting linkedin requests from startup people

Im not that big of a fan of "Big Tech" either, i wouldnt go for something like FAANG, even if maybe the pay would be good

What gave me a happy life was "industry" firms. In my case those were either consultancy/strategy firms (MBB/Big4 ) at first, which was stressful, but had good advancement chances (jumping steps based on performance) and very good networking opportunities.

Now i've retreated in "an industry". In my case a forbes 100 company in the automotive sector (they have cloud systems and develop software too). And life is bliss.

What's fun about working at startup that is just cloning a bad old Amazon feature? Besides getting to call yourself a "staff+" on Twitter, I mean.

The meteoric title inflation is definitely interesting. I consistently see people who were Analyst level at Fortune 500s getting up to Director of X in a year or two at startups. Seriously makes me question the quality of people at these places if any random analyst is qualified to be a manager of managers.

Well that's definitely subjective but in terms of Pay and WLB I think big tech beats startups generally

Over a career though you'll be at quite a few of them. Figure 7-10 or more in some cases. Some will be quick fails (within a year you know it's just not going to work and you move on) and others will be OK success (maybe you have an OK exit with equity but not life changing) over 4 years of service and maybe 1 or possibly 2 will be really nice. And if you're really lucky one will be beyond amazing.

Those numbers don’t line up with the actual failure rates though unless you’re joining relatively mature startups.

Correct. I’d suggest series b. Getting past a is a huge leap but you still have risk and upside.

Right but I think even with "Successful" exits your equity will most likely just get you back to level if you had instead spent the time at Google e.g.

Over a 25 year career, possibly. Especially the last 20 years as Google stock has performed so well!

Saying that, I've had some jackpots where there's no way Google compensation would have come close in the same window (couple million a year over a 4 or 5 years, for example). But other periods where it wasn't as good too.

Also, not everyone wants to (or can) work at Google. I personally enjoy building startups and everything that comes with it.

I worked at a consulting firm in the late 90's (right before Dotcom collapse) and we got a new CFO who bragged we were all going to millionaires shortly. Most of us engineers thought he was nuts as consulting firms are not exactly money engines. We survived past the March cliff in 2001 but in mid summer we died at 4:30PM with 20 minutes notice to leave the office before the locks were changed. I never trusted a CFO new hire again...

Incentives matter. Aligning everyone's correctly matters. So much of the story sounded "yeah but you can survive that" right up to the point here:

>>> Sales, however, wanted the opposite: close many deals and hit their targets of signups

If your salespeople are focused on selling to the wrong people nothing matters. You are either Shopify taking years to build or you are a rocket ship taking shortcuts - decide

> every small business needed custom engineering work to be done, making integration slow

This is the killer for SMEs. If you're not selling to enterprise, find a solution you can whitebox and quickly ship with minimum customisation.

Reads exactly like the stories I remember from the dot-com bust of 2000.

Back then, it created a chain reaction. Even relatively established companies like Yahoo turned out to be dependent on startups for much of their revenue. As public companies they had to announce large misses from revenue targets. And that scared investors, which chilled the capital flows to startups, which led to even more startup deaths.

Personally I wouldn't invest in recent software IPOs that sell to startups. Nasty revenue surprises may be on the way.

This sounds very much like my experience with a dot-com flameout in 1999.

Massive spending of VC investment money on offices, a sales team, engineers, and a data center and servers to meet their expected (hoped-for) scale (there was no cloud then).

No large clients on the platform. Not a lot of small clients either, TBH.

One day out of the blue over half the company was let go. Some effort to downsize and retool, but it seemed perfunctory. All the rest of the staff was let go after another couple of months.

If you have no customers, you have no business.

I don't think it's fair to assign blame to "positivity" and "optimism" as others in the comments have.

It takes an incredible amount of positivity to start or join a small startup. You have to believe that you/your coworkers will accomplish something that very few people have done successfully, and that requires a lot of confidence when things look gloomy.

As a total outsider here, it sounds like most ex-Fast employees are very talented and positive people. Perhaps the problem was not overall "company positivity" so much as it was executive leadership being naive and unwilling to A) identify when serious pivots/changes needed to be made and B) actually make those pivots.

Positivity is good, but not when it translates to unchecked naiveté. If you believe too strongly in your ability to succeed, you might start rejecting any signs of failure as they crop up. When something goes wrong or a mistake is made, you might find a scapegoat or otherwise discount the severity of the problem.

The other "reason for failure" might simply be that... well... startups are hard. Sometimes it just doesn't work. There might not be anyone to blame.

Am I crazy, or is the answer "Nothing"? The product was built, they just couldn't sell it fast enough. Engineering culture had nothing to do with this failure.

And if they had landed one of those big clients, they would be kicking ass. You never know how it is going to go. Sometimes you go after the small sales and die. Sometimes you go after the big ones and live.

>And if they had landed one of those big clients, they would be kicking ass.

I think there lies the problem. You need to work up to acquiring those customers.

How big is big? If they landed a "big client" and it was a $5-10M/yr account that doesn't sound like it would have enabled them to survive.

Even if they had landed Amazon that one client would not have paid enough to make this business work when you look at their numbers.

> Engineering culture had nothing to do with this failure.

Why keep hiring so many engineers when they aren't needed yet? Sounds like a cultural issue to continue hiring so aggressively when it's only resulting in way higher burn than you can support

Can someone explain what Fast's USP was?

Every ecommerce platform I've used has a PayPal / Google Pay / Klarna button.

I click it and my payment & shipping details are there. Seamless.

So what problem was Fast trying to solve?


Edit: found it, unique selling proposition.

And totally agreed, how do you compete with google pay, Apple Pay, Instagram, etc. it’s a losing game when you don’t have network effect.

New klarna virtual cards for not needing ecommerce implementing financing directly is genius. I guess with nowadays infra as code for financing that makes sense in 2022

Affirm is doing the same [1]. Debit rails are just easier versus the integration schlep. If you're a fintech, you can do all sorts of cool presentation and product offerings using a virtual account attached to a deposit account (BNPL is one, as is a hybrid credit/deposit account). Debit/virtual card also empowers the consumer, as you're not beholden to the merchant or their gateway provider to support a specific fintech integration.

[1] https://www.affirm.com/debit

Oops Affirm is getting burned in the frontpage, what a funny timing. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30959322

It's in the same category as whatever Bolt is doing.

If you want to use a traditional credit card (inside of Paypal or GPay), your options are currently limited. Shopify has the best implementation of this tech with ShopPay ... if you pay at any Shopify merchant, you have the option for Shopify to remember your digits. This streamlines checkout to a click or two. That's the big USP of models like this - speed of checkout.

How are options limited by PayPal and GPay? What is a "traditional credit card"?

I assume it means paying he merchant directly with the credit card instead of paying PayPal to pay the merchant.

I first heard of it today.

. And yet, every small business needed custom engineering work to be done, making integration slow. Several engineers mentioned how they did not understand how spending lots of engineering effort for each small client resulting in little revenue would result in building a company that could be worth $12B one day.

In other words: fast was not itself a one-click checkout product.

Two of my products failed for the same reason. These are high-touch sales in terms of the custom work that needs be done for every new client. I have also seen a product fail due to the high cost of providing tech support vs account revenue.

What seems odd in this case is that Stripe knows very well how a low-touch saas should work and yet they invested in Fast. Maybe they assumed client customization will eventually be solved with a handful of options that would fit most needs?

This connects nicely with Dan's article from yesterday [1], if only tangentially. I think a good habit is to instill a mindset whereby there is a single metric for cost, possibly associated with your main product, and keep track of that cost as it relates to your infrastructure spending. I've seen it before work well. For instance, if you sell computers, the cost could be, we spend $100 on infrastructure per computer sold, and engineers can then argue for spending more effectively.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30936189

Will Larson had a good post on this recently- https://infraeng.dev/efficiency/

Wonderful, thanks for sharing.

The article has good points but misses the actual answer in my view to "what software engineers can learn" or in fact anyone can learn from this.

Don't join a company only because there is more money. If you don't know what one click checkout is or have any intellectual interest in it, but jump on it just because you can make more, you will be disappointed. This works the same way in everything in life.

One must have genuine interest in what they do, before compensation.

I have very little interest in tax software, but my current and previous jobs are writing tax software (though I guess my previous job was technically tax software plus other internal tools for a local government). But for me the interest isn't in what the software I'm writing is for, it's in the interesting and unique problems I get to solve, even for something as boring as tax software.

there are literally no interesting and unique problems in tax software. literal oxymoron

I never heard about Fast - till now. So my opinion is that they failed in advertising. Maybe they spent too much on engineering but definitely not enough on advertising.

Do you own a major e-commerce site? If no, why should they have spent on advertising to you? They’re a sales company, not direct to consumer.

When I read the title, I thought this article was about Netflix's speed test website fast.com, and thought they were having some catastrophic outage or something.

Does Netflix have outages? Searching found me suspicious sounding websites for querying whether it's currently down and a story from 2017 about AWS falling over creating a transient slowdown without loss of service.

Iirc Netflix is actually pretty well distributed because they now have edge devices in CDNs throughout the world.

They died like they lived - Fast.

“North Bondi” is code in Australia for an extremely, extremely wealthy set of suburbs when they don’t wish to be directly identified (such as Vaucluse, Dover Heights, Rose Bay).

This is undisputedly the wealthiest part of Australia.

How did the founder raise $100M with no revenue? “Charisma”? No, this is high-net worth connections and is an overlooked aspect of this whole saga.

con man as CEO is usually a good indicator

So Elon Musk then? Any day now a car will fully self drive across the country, as was promised to happen 4+ years ago.

Not quite, both spacex and Tesla generate significant revenue. Not lies about the business.

Sorry, I read it all the time, but still - how the fuck is it suddenly normal for a fairly standard salary amongst any non exec layer in a company to be ~$250k? I know engineers and developers have to be skilled, but this is insane. No-one needs that kind of money. People in Nepal live for $10 a week. What an insanity.

What point are you suggesting with your Nepal example? It's a third world country. Fast presumably employed people in San Francisco. That weekly wage from Nepal might buy you a bag of apples from Costco here. An entire year's worth of wages in Nepal might pay for one month's rent of basic housing.

Sure, nobody needs $250k per year to survive. CEOs also don't need to have an obscene compensation ratio compared to their workers. Health care companies don't need to rake in billions in profits every quarter. Sitting congress people don't need to conduct stock trades worth hundreds of millions every year. But here we are.

Companies paying everyday employees competitive wages in a free market is way down on my list of things to lose sleep over. We have a few other systemic issues I'd like to see solved first.

> We have a few other systemic issues I’d like to see solved first

Insane levels of inequality is what’s on my list

Do you know what the average salary is in the Bay Area? You’re completely out of touch if you think $250k is “insane inequality”. Take a look through the salaries paid for working at public transit there (BART): https://www.bart.gov/sites/default/files/docs/Salary%20Sched...

Bay Area is an exception on it's own. I think that link proves OP's point.

Actually helping poverty seems like more important then any relative measure.

You're looking at the wrong level of the problem. Engineers in Big Tech can make $250k because they're making even more money than that for their bosses - if they were paid less, it would just mean that the bosses and stockholders got paid more.

Same for startups, except there it's a VC betting that he'll make $50M if he gives 10 companies $2.5M so that they can each pay 10 engineers $250k.

We don't live in a system where what you "deserve" has anything to do with what you get; the factors are how much cash you're expected to bring in and how much leverage you have when splitting up that cash between you and the company.

Sure. I’m just expressing discomfort at how it became just “meh, it’s how it is”.

My issue is I just don’t see the world in this money focused way. From out here, in the land where it’s sort of average to earn maybe $50k and feel pretty good about that, it looks pretty sick. I don’t get it, I don’t like it, it feels disingenuous to support it with what seems to be an endless “it’s ok, everyone does it” or “that’s just how the system is” argument.

Maybe if those guys gave away 50% of their salaries to support good causes, I’d feel better about it. But I’m betting my ass they don’t.

Money is a tool for many things in life. Here are some things you get at $250k that you don't at $50k in a cheap place:

- Have enough financial security to know that you can weather most emergencies, medical bills, etc.

- Tip well and support your friends' businesses

- Retire before you're too old to enjoy it. Or take a sabbatical.

- Do good. Let's say you want to give $10k to charity. Very doable on $250k, but asking a lot on $50k.

- Buy more ethical products (whatever this means to you)

- Avoid a lot of the soul-crushing bullshit of everyday life. Car doesn't run? Landlord is trying to screw you? You can solve those problems with money.

There are a lot of rich assholes out there, but they would have been assholes even if they were poor. You won't turn into one if you have a different outlook.

Get a better job, you’re underpaid if you have the skill set to work in tech. Don’t take it out on everyone else because you’re selling your skills at below market value.

> Maybe if those guys gave away 50% of their salaries to support good causes, I’d feel better about it

Do you give away 50% of your salary? How would you feel about someone who only clears $30k claiming you don’t need that money and that you should give away 50%?

Introspect why you have tall poppy syndrome, it’s toxic and will hold you back.

I'm not an engineer, I'm a generalist who works in tech. I'm based in the UK, so no - I apparently have no idea about what it's like to live in the area. But that's not really my point. My point isn't about how expensive it is to live in SF, it's about looking at this bigger picture thing about money, how important it is, why the world (and let's face it, particularly the US and even more particularly the tech hot-spots of the US) is killing itself on 80 hour weeks for insane salaries but still being miserable and having to fill themselves with happy pills to get through the day, and meanwhile 90% of the world is scraping food out of a ditch. Sorry for being an idealist, or "out of touch" but I don't know how anyone can look at this and just say "yeh, I'm ok with that".

FWIW, some context:

- I live on a household income of maybe $100k for a family of 4, by the sea in Cornwall. We live what I would personally consider an extremely luxurious life: a 5 bed house, lots of space, lots of greenery, big skies, amazing seas, and time to look at them

- I work way less than a 40 hour working week. I work with non-profits. I love what I do. It makes me happy.

- I see my kids. I see my wife. I hang out with my friends. I have hobbies. I'm putting aside enough for a pension. No, I won't be able to retire at 50 (I'm 49!), and I'll probably still be doing this in 10 / 15 years' time. But it's fun, thoughtful work that (I hope) isn't going to kill me.

As you've asked - no, we don't give away 50% but we are gifting 10% of profits this year, to see what it means, and will likely be upping this and taking the Effective Altruism pledge next year. It's a small amount, but it feels important and the right thing to do.

I had to look up "tall poppy syndrome" - I'm getting old :-) To respond to this particular criticism - I mean, I guess I'd ask "what is success?" here. I don't know if there's a way of saying this without sounding highly antagonistic or patronising, but for me it's less about criticising those who have found "success" and more that I feel sad for people who think money is everything. It strikes me as the ultimate folly.

And thanks, but I don't feel held back. I feel pretty good. Anyway, It's 10am on a Friday morning and I should go start work ;-)

This attitude of cutting down the upper middle class incomes is baffling to me. On $250k you can probably retire 10 years earlier than normal. It’s nice but you still live a normal life and do normal things.

Why is it normal in your mind for a lawyer to make that? Why a doctor? Why the owner of a small business? Why an exec?

> No-one needs that kind of money.

Money hasn’t been issued based on need ever in the history of the world. How is this any different?

I mean, would you rather my company have the money? As a software engineer you have the ability to take a lot of money from a lot of soulless bureaucracies and do whatever you want with it. You could do a bunch of good with it if you want. We're on the labor side of this equation, we should be asking for as much as we can get.

Engineers at this level aren't just cogs in a wheel, the best ones can conceive, architect and ship businesses that deliver 100s of millions in revenue.

At this point in time, they're not valuing their time, but their overall value that can be brought into a company.

So just the same as a top sales person that can bring in millions of dollars of revenue can earn a certain percent of that as commission, the best engineers can strike a similar deal.

You need that kind of money, when a decent family home near the offices costs $4 million

> No-one needs that kind of money.

I'm currently renovating an old house, I certainly need it :-)

Yeah, building anything became rich man game everywhere. Building materials prices are getting crazy all over the place (in my country price of some of them doubled or event tripled over last two years).

But I like to tell myself that maybe, just maybe, it's not like the world owes me a possibility to have house. And maybe I don't even need or should have one. Its just my greed that pushes me towards having more stuff (and thus need more space to keep it).

How much do you make and do you need it? I’m guessing you make more than $10 a week.

What I want to know is how he got all that funding? And from Stripe!? This damages their reputation too I would think.

Having spent the past 3 years building online checkout and mobile payment solutions at a top fintech company, it hurts to read articles like this where some of red flags are so "obvious".

During my time there, I would regularly check our monitoring dashboards and analytics tools to understand how business is doing. We also had frequent all-hands during which business metrics are communicated transparently. Through digesting and understanding the data from various sources, I was able to have a good sense of how well the business is doing, and that helped me grow in the confidence of the company.

Online checkout, as simple as it looks, has tons of complexities, nuances and interplay of various factors hidden behind it. But that's another long long story.

The hockey stick may be odd in the case of startups, and maybe in regards to strict specialization (of software engineering), which may be the intended audience of HN. There is nothing wrong (in fact normal, and considered healthy if the slope of growth matches the needs) for expansion of a product in diff countries, upon acquisition of new manufacturing or distribution points, for example, or after divestiture events, or even some M&As directed towards short term expansion of product reachability, when a large, global company leverages a small acquired one for a niche product gaining large distribution capabilities, etc., etc. All in all - hockey stick shape is not always bad - quite to the contrary.

Just astounded that they’d think “hockey stick growth” of costs is a good thing. Very dot-com collapse attitude.

They took funding from Stripe and I guess they misinterpreted the point of “do things that don’t scale”.

I have Fast recruiter emails in my inbox from literally last week...

Isn't this a really common danger for those who want astronomical growth? Most of us would love $100M to spend on stuff but the expectation behind those investments practically begs you to employ far too many of everybody and just assume it will all go good in the end.

I partly understand the over-engineered system because almost by definition, any measure of success will need to support high volumes of transactions but there are plenty of other lessons here, most of them seem quite obvious!

Am I the only one that still has no idea what this company sold?

I'm glad that a warning was given about graphs of "potential [equity] compensation value."

I've seen this abused where co-founders were only paid in equity. Instead of being told their percentage ownership, they were shown a similar extremely hypothetical graph. Unfortunately, in reality their equity only was worth ~$600/year (when computed using their percentage ownership and current valuation, which takes into consideration future risk).

OK, great discussion in here about hype and toxic positivity.

Does anyone beleive this would have worked if they went with a Leander team and decreased spend? Made a simple MVP and tried to slowly grow?

Just wondering. I feel their idea is pretty mediocre and some very similar solutions already exist. The basic pitch 'one click buying for grandma' is not something I would enable for my parents or my grandmother - they'd just buy too much crap on qvc like sites.

> the company only generated $600K in revenue in 2021

Ain't none of the investors catch this ... ? Losing money is one thing, but this seems to me as really low growth right?

Presumably they did catch this because they weren't able to raise a new round.

Compare revenue to funding raise/valuation. If those numbers are out of whack just be aware that your equity is probably not going to have a good outcome.

> The mock-up of the spreadsheet people who received offers at Fast had access to. The numbers represent what a senior engineers with $220K in base salary, and 30,000 options saw as numbers on their potential compensation value.

The spreadsheet didn't even have a row for "might not be a huge success".

This company was red flags from the start. I can't imagine someone walking away from a $300+K FAANG job for $240K + obvious BS equity.

Wow, the fact that the “rocket ship” Fast and its ceo were talking about was really the number of employees hired( graph from the article) just takes the cake: https://mobile.twitter.com/January_Capital/status/1354070050...

I invested in Fast and removed all my position when it looked fishy. But the main problem of all that was all their hype about a « massive customer » they will have at the time. And close partner ship with them. And everybody speculating it was Amazon. Don’t do that. Don’t hype to the moon or it’s going to fall sooner or later to the ground.

You invested? As a VC? Something doesn't add up in your comment because Amazon literally invented one-click checkout. Why would they have Fast on?

No my bad I miss read I thought it was about Fastly (FSLY).

Why is low (or falling) revenue grounds for a low (or falling) valuation? The fundamental feature of modern Intarweb companies is VC's just shovel money into startups indefinitely. The goal isn't for the company to make money, but to serve as a vehicle for selling their stake in the next round to a greater fool.

Something fishy is going on here

"in February I predicted trouble is heading for some late-stage startups"

... meanwhile back in 2021


I thought this was about Fast, the hardware based search company.


Is there anything actually new to learn here? Yes all equity is hypothetical. Yes there is no guaranteed road to an IPO. Yes you are taking a risk. People who take jobs at these kinds of companies for the upside do (or at least should) know this.

Don't work for a con artist with a long rap sheet.

Informative but depressing looking at the salaries given in the job listings at the end.

Not having a big company signed is not inherently bad. Going after small business can be a valid strategy (i.e. Salesforce) but it sounds like there wasn't healthy growth or the right relationships to support this path.

Consider this:

> ... engineering directly raising concerns to the CEO, and suggesting to focus on larger customers, fewer customizations, and bring in more revenue. Sales, however, wanted the opposite: close many deals and hit their targets of signups. In the end, sales got their way, ...

If the product is customized for nearly every customer, they've degenerated to a de facto consulting shop.

> degenerated to a de facto consulting shop.

Which is fine, as long it's priced right. Palantir is a consulting shop.

> one-click checkout scaleup Fast

a what now?

I don't understand why $600K in revenue wasn't a giant red flag. Maybe they don't tell the employees the revenue numbers? If so, that is a giant red flag.

I tend to tell potential new hires about our revenue, funding raised, valuation etc. You wonder if there needs to be more education on equity or if these people just went for the high base salary.

How many engineers reading this comment know (or even care) how much revenue their company is making?

Good engineers look into the core metrics that matter to their company.

I am in ads. I know quite a lot about the revenue, split, seasonality, etc. It's something i optimize, so it's something i must know.

> the company only generated $600K in revenue in 2021

Ain't none of the investors catch this ... ? Losing money is one thing, but this seems to me as really low growth

This is what surprised me. It seems the board was asleep at the wheel, failing in their fiduciary responsibilities


Oh, did you mean for that to rhyme? Shorten it a bit, and folks would remember it more easily. ;-)

Holy shit. How do you even spend 10M/Month?

> For senior software engineers, Fast offered $200-240K/year in base salaries

Lets put everyone there. $20k/month.

> On Monday, 4th April, Fast laid off all of its workforce of about 450 employees, of which about 150 were software engineers.

That 150 at $20k/month is $3M by itself.

The other 300... if they were paid half of that would easily be another $3M.

I'm certain there are other costs - but its easy to point to a "if they were paying that much, this many employees represents this much per month" that is a sizable fraction of that $10M/month.

It seems very hard to do but I worked at a startup in the early 2010s and we were spending >500k/m. We had ~25 employees, 7 of them execs, all buying new homes and cars, meanwhile we had 1 single paying customer bringing in 10k/m. I told some of my close colleagues that we probably had 6-12 months left when I put in my resignation.

12 months later they laid off 10 of the 12 remaining engineers.

Makes no sense at all. Presumably whoever is allowing people to be hired knows what the revenue figures are?

I suppose it's possible they thought there was some sort of dam holding back business, which was about to burst, thus requiring loads of staff to deal with.

But most people would just say "we'll cross that bridge when we get there" and allow a bit of queuing up of customers, rather than somehow hiring and training a bunch of people in anticipation.

It can be done. It's expensive. But it can be done.

You have 500 people and you spend 20k/month to employ each of them.

What did they do? I saw the company name several times over the years but never got an idea of what they were about.

after reading the npr article on Fast's CEO. why do i get the feeling that guy is a sleazy bag.

Back of torn envelope calculation: 450 staff, 150 engineers = 300 managers? $600k revenue in 2021 => barely paid for their salaries at $200k each. What were they really doing? Going on junkets to Florida - yeah, that'll generate more revenue.

> 300 managers

Uhm... Sales, marketing, finance, HR, legal, designers, QA, etc. Companies aren't just made up of engineers and people to manage those engineers.

what's interesting to me is how the hell did Fast get to series B with such revenue? I wonder what kind of kool-aid got their investors in

Why investors take on bad deals like that?

If you have a way to surely differentiate bad deals from good deals, while keeping a low false negative rate (i.e. still being able to notice the next Airbnb/Google/etc...), I'm sure a lot of investors will want to talk to you.

Do you have a good track record on this ?

No absolutely not I'm not an investor. I guess with hindsight it is easier to see how bad it would be. In the microISV space, having expenses below revenue is the only way to go, so it all feels really remote.

how did they even raise any funding with that low of revenue?

Why are there no articles answering this question? Please link if you find one!

It is not your fault!

i guess everything was fast

If I was a FAANG hiring manager, I’d tear up any resume from these get rich quick dollar chaser wannabes

So employees choosing the best offer for themselves is somehow wrong? I'm glad you aren't a FAANG manager with that attitude.

That was fast...

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