I have read the first few paragraphs and I still have no clue what this is about. It is full of buzzwords that I am not sure if they're names of a company, a product or a shortening of two or more regular English words into a new one.
What are GAMI, avgas, G100UL, etc? I assume it's all familiar terms for people in the US aviation industry but I would have welcomed a short introductory paragraph or two on what this whole article is actually about
Gasoline. Airplanes use avgas. Most of them use 100LL which is the octane rating of 100 (same as cars you see 85, 90, 95, etc. on the pumps) followed by LL which stands for "Low Lead"
UL stands for unleaded.
Basically the guy invented unleaded gasoline that works with airplane engines and is the same octane rating.
GAMI = General Aviation Modifications, Inc., a company with experience in developing and selling modifications to general aviation aircraft. (They are best known for custom-tuned fuel injectors, but have several other products and the principals of GAMI also overlap with Tornado Alley Turbos [another modification company].)
GAMI is a firm that develops avgas[0]. Avgas is a shorthand for aviation gas, or fuel. G100UL is an unleaded avgas that acts as drop-in replacement for 100LL(100 Low Lead), used heavily in general aviation, think little Cessna. And yeah, the terms are all pretty standard for anyone who has flown before. Analogous to saying DFS instead of depth first search for anyone in computer science land. Hope it helps!
Avgas is aviation gasoline. 100LL is 100 octane low-lead. 100UL is 100 octane unleaded. GAMI is the name of the company that designed the new fuel and injectors to inject that fuel. They put a "G" as in "GAMI" on the front of 100UL for branding.
For many reasons of which the FAA is part, certified piston aircraft nearly all run 100LL; they did not switch to unleaded as automotive did.
What are GAMI, avgas, G100UL, etc? I assume it's all familiar terms for people in the US aviation industry but I would have welcomed a short introductory paragraph or two on what this whole article is actually about