>Just add a change history like (I think) FB has. No big deal.
If the Hacker News crowd isn't even sure that the feature exists, there's no way the majority of users are actually checking it. That may solve the problem for the most careful of users, but the conversation is going to be driven by the people who just react to what's in front of them.
I've deleted my FB account several years ago, but this is what I remember: There was a note like "Bearbeitet" ("changed") right in the post header, when a post had been changed after initial posting. You could click on that and see at least one previous version of the post.
A note like this, with a changelog, should therefore be fine for twitter and counter all "I never posted sth. like that!" talk, as it would be easily to be debunked.
Stakeholders will think otherwise.
> An edit button by the way would RUIN it because people who have gone viral with a bad take would simply edit it away.
Just add a change history like (I think) FB has. No big deal.