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Dunno, M1 Ultra includes a decent GPU, which the $500 CPUs from Intel and AMD do not. Seems relatively comparable to a $700 GPU (like a RTX 3070 if you can find one) depending on what you are using. Sadly metal native games are rare, many use some metal wrapper and/or Rosetta emulation.

Seems pretty fair to compare an Intel alder lake or higher end AMD Ryzen AND a GPU (rtx 3070 or radeon 6800) to the M1 ultra, assuming you don't care about power, heat, or space.

Has anyone managed to reach the actual advertised 21 FP32 TFLOPS? I'm curious. Even BLAS or pure custom matmul stuff? How much of that is actually available? I can almost saturate and sustain an NVIDIA A40 or A4000 to their peak perf, so, wondering whether anyone written something there?

What are you using to make the comparison to a 3070? Not close in any benchmarks I've come across.

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