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I feel like people like this are fair game for naming and shaming.

Disagree. You can ask in private but DOXXing somebody via HN/Reddit hivemind is a no-go without proper evidence. 1 anecdote does not suffice in this case (sorry OP, I do believe you though)

Setting aside the question of whether this is ethically good/okay, how does this count as doxxing? You're not de-identifying a pseudonymous person, or publishing private info like a home address, you're just saying something about a guy on the internet.

Does this amount to doxxing though? Naming someone or a company in a public forum is one thing, posting their home address and phone number is different

what if that person has a particularly identifiable name? It wouldnt be hard to guess who it was in that case by searching for their name on LinkedIn, noting their geographic history, and guessing at which (tech or otherwise) companies the manager has worked at.

What's more, a common name might mean multiple people get harassed via that same method due to poor detective skills.

Using someone's name in a story is not doxxing. Just stop.

Well then... don't harass people. Saying "My manager Brad really fucked me and the team over with his self-serving decision-making, putting me in a really bad spot which ended up costing me my job, and then negatively influenced my subsequent job search by bulshitting about me to his friends" seems pretty reasonable.

I'm not in the business of calling people out to shame them, but I sure as hell would like to know who sucks at managing at specific companies so I don't accidentally work for them.

Not to nitpick, but I think the term you're looking for is "Doxxing".

DOS = denial of service

Thanks updated

Right. Might open the poster up to libel litigation too, which AFAIK means you'd have to prove the accusation's truth.

No. Use this energy in the next elections to make sure you get to elect representatives that create at least a modicum of decent federal legislation to protect workers against such things, and more importantly, to make it financially feasible for workers to sue when their rights are infringed.

They are and that will make it even worse.

Sounds like the other person has more power in the "community" though, and a grudge against them.

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