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That depends on where it's used. For example, Rust's traits bounds are structurally typed, for exemple making a function that accepts a type that's Summary + Display. This "Summary + Display" type doesn't need to have a name, and in that case it's great. On the other hand sometimes you want to have two strings, one that's a name and the other the address, and not substitute one with the other. I don't think there is "a" solution, only multiple solutions and tradeoffs.

> For example, Rust's traits bounds are structurally typed, for exemple making a function that accepts a type that's Summary + Display. This "Summary + Display" type doesn't need to have a name, and in that case it's great.

That's still nominative. The bound is not named, but it's based on names, not on structure. Otherwise you couldn't have marker types in such a bound, or would always have all of them and be unable to opt out.

> I don't think there is "a" solution, only multiple solutions and tradeoffs.

I have a hard time seeing that: if you have a structure, you can always give it a name. But you can also give different names to the same structure. So a nominative type system is more flexible and powerful at the very limited cost of having to name things. And even then, nominative type systems can support anonymous types (where the name is simply implicit / automatically generated) e.g. lambdas in C++ or Rust.

I think that's structural. My understanding is the bound is based on structure, as there is no way to differentiate between a Summary + Display in a function and a Summary + Display in another. On the other hand, with Rust's enums (that are nominal), you can have enum A { Toto, Tata } and enum B { Toto, Tata }, and both with be different. A function accepting A will not accept B. A function accepting T : Summary + Display will accept any type that implements both traits.

From my understanding, nominal vs structural typing is about how you consider group of types. For structural typing, types that contain the same thing are the same. For nominal, that isn't the case.

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