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Oh no, Marshall, I was being far more despondent and was referring to programming as a whole. Thank you very much for your efforts on BQN.

Speaking of TensorFlow, I was looking at tinygrad the other day: https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad/blob/master/tinygrad/tens...

Very tempted to port it to BQN. I could be wrong but I bet it would shine for that. You could print the whole thing on a t-shirt.

Oh, thanks for clarifying, since it occurred to me that you might mean just the appeal to you, but not that you meant the field of programming! I'm no NN expert, but tinygrad looks very approachable in BQN. You might be interested in some other initial work along those lines: https://github.com/loovjo/BQN-autograd with automatic differentiation, and the smaller https://github.com/bddean/BQNprop using backprop.

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