I am currently migrating a largish (thousands of nodes) site away from using Chef and back to using config files in packages, because it's simpler and has the same effect.
Having been round the houses with cfengine, Chef, Puppet and more now I think these tools are, overall, a poor use of time. In general they're 99% used as config blasters: Yet Another Way To Put Files Onto A Computer.
Turns out, packaging systems already did that and have better dependency analysis.
This also helps to match the lifecycle of configuration management objects with that of the components they configure. I've seen far too many sites that had one big hairball of a Chef/Puppet repository that tried to service the needs of multiple conflicting application releases.
The final nail in the Chef coffin is that it encourages parameterisation of config files rather than configuration by convention, which is simpler and less prone to production-environment gotchas.
Everything else they do can be replaced by a very small shell script.
We have some Debian and some CentOS nodes, and yes it's an apt & yum repository. The repo itself is subdivided, debian-style, into "unstable", "testing" and "stable" which matches the states of components in our continuous delivery pipeline.
So we do per-commit integration testing with "unstable", promote into acceptance & functional & regression testing (and showcases etc) with "testing" and then promote into "stable" for production. The actual promotion is done with some very small shell scripts off a CI server; the installation is managed via rundeck.
The configuration packages are per-node role dependencies and we try to keep granularity large - e.g. there's a configuration package for a core Java webapp that includes the application's own resources & nginx & jetty configuration bits.
For per-environment stuff (like database passwords and external integration endpoints) we just inject a (quite small) yml file to each server for the config packages to find. But configuration by convention is preferred so we also manage the DNS carefully by role (again, from rundeck) so that services are at well-known unqualified label names.
Finally, the per-environment spec itself (i.e. that the rundeck scripts look at) is in a cheesy cvs tree. I keep meaning to move that to git.
The base images themselves are stock virtual machine templates (AMIs for EC2 testing/dev) and the config packages & rundeck take it from there. The first step is to install a basic platform package that has lots of dependencies for our common tools, libs and needs, the the role-specific config package does the rest.
I prefer to use whatever's native to the platform. On Debian that means start-stop-daemon; on CentOS the init.d functions.
It's a whole "my house, my rules" strategy. If you play nice with the underlying platform, it'll play nice with you. The downside is that you do have two packaging models to build for. I know that abstracting this is one of the motivations for Chef et al. I have yet to see a usage where this was worth the opportunity cost.
> Turns out, packaging systems already did that and have better dependency analysis.
The one thing that keeps me from wanting to switch entirely to apt for deployment is its insane insistence that multiple versions of the same package may not be installed at once. This is (usually) fine for user-level stuff, but there are lots of legitimate reasons to want to keep multiple versions installed in a deployment situation.
I have written tons of fabfiles and Fabric is a great project. However it isn't intended to managed system state. It is great for code deployment but not suited to configuration management.
You can argue whatever you want, but Puppet's job is to enforce system state whereas Fabric simply allows programmatic use of SSH. Fabric and Puppet are completely separate projects with very different goals.
I've written loads of fabfiles and a subclass of Task a few times. I've also wrestled with Puppet and Chef and been resoundly defeated by both.
Fabric does what we need it to do for now for provisioning & deployment. And frankly you can make it do whatever you want. "Programmatic use of SSH" isn't something to be scoffed at; it's simple yes but it also lets you do whatever the hell you want very simply.
Yes, of course. Nothing is wrong with using Fabric. It's a clear step above trying to use shell scripts to manage your servers and deployments. But what I am seeing across several comments is that tools like Puppet and Chef are clearly misunderstood by many developers. As a sysadmin myself, I would say that there is definitely a larger picture to the use of Puppet/Chef than what developers are looking for, and thus something like Fabric is much more suitable.
I agree -- although I am sure you could write a system that manages config diffs, testing, backups and reporting in Fabric, it won't be pretty.
My current workflow for managing systems does use Fabric however. I maintain configuration using a custom framework and work under git/hg -- Fabric tarballs the tip, syncs the tarball to several dozen servers, and then runs and my configuration module on each server. I did use a bash script previously though.
Fabric looks like a competitor to Capistrano. However, the Capistrano model is fundamentally limited and unscalable. You really don't want developers to manage application deployment.
We are in the process of moving away from Capistrano to a system where code is automatically deployed when a new release is tagged. The deployment system is automatically managed with Puppet and everything is monitored with Nagios.
Puppet/Chef/Cfengine are different to Fabric/Capistrano
The former are pull management, eg nodes request configuration. The latter are push management, eg main server pushes to nodes.
My main concern is that you did not point out your requirements. So you leaped from one technology to a different one because puppet was 'maximum pain'.
I use Chef, but without the server (chef-solo). I have a hard time stomaching the idea of dealing with a Merb application (an abandoned framework) that has some rather complex dependencies (couchdb & rabbitmq). That being said, plenty of peers have told me that they have not experienced any problems with running a Chef server.
Maybe this means I should just fork up the cash for hosted Chef, but I don't see it as a 100$ a month value (I currently have 10 nodes and treat them all as ephemeral).
I do wonder why this is never brought up. Is it not seen as a red flag to anyone else that the core of Chef is built on Merb?
If you are unhappy with Merb then convert it to pure rack or sinatra and send a pull request. It works and it's seriously as low of a priority as I can imagine. The server is nothing more than an API endpoint. You can (and people have) rewritten the entire server component in Python.
Just as a warning: If you/anyone decides to self host a chef server, you have to get the chef-server cookbook (or your couchdb will never get compacted) and you can't be running ruby 1.9.1 (or the server will have ~1 week uptime before crashing randomly)
As for the core being built on merb. I don't really notice it. You'll probably never have a reason to go into the chef-server internals to change something. Besides that, it's not like it has to be serving 30k requests per second or anything.
Otherwise, the
Issues I've run into with chef-server: it was a little annoying to get everything installed and playing together. Couchdb + solr are very temperamental. After everything was running and stabilized(1.9.1 bad!) I've had no issues with it.
The problem wasn't ruby 1.9, but ruby 1.9.1 specifically. I upgraded ruby to 1.9.2 and the stability issues went away. On 1.9.1 the server would randomly hang and require a kill -9+manual restart.
Kevin Smith gave a talk a few weeks ago in Atlanta, that they're slowly removing those dependencies. He did specifically mention removing Couch and didn't mention Merb but based on his approach to deciding to remove Couch I'm sure he's going to address it.
Am I totally missing some obvious Chef documentation? The entirety of the documentation when I last looked seemed to be the wiki + the one 50-page O'Reilly book.
I ended up literally printing out the wiki. (And the wiki seemed to be in a state of pretty extreme flux and/or disagreement with what blog posts suggested was best practice.)
The business model of the companies promoting Puppet and Chef seems to be to charge for support and/or hosted services. Which is fine. But is it leading to abysmal documentation?
"The business model of the companies promoting Puppet and Chef seems to be to charge for support and/or hosted services. Which is fine. But is it leading to abysmal documentation?"
This is one of the reasons we're moving Puppet Labs from being a support company to a product company, and not for hosted services.
If your bread and butter comes in from support, you have no incentive to actually make your product easier to use. There are plenty of enterprise-y software companies who make lots of money operating like this, but that's not the sort of company I want to work for.
I'm quite proud of the rapid improvement we've made on the Puppet Docs over the last year since we hired NickF, our most excellent tech writer:
The one persistent thread I've seen with "support-based models", notably Red Hat, is that ... the tools leave you requiring support, and yet the support still sucks (in large part because the support engineers have to use the same crappy tools you do).
I'm not going to pretend I've got the Free Software business model sorted out. But I have noticed that project goals and incentives do line up with results. Debian has a social contract, a constitution, and policy, and the tools to support these. From an ease-of-use / ease-of-maintenance perspective, Debian (and its derivatives) blow RPM-based systems out of the water. And to be clear: the distinction is much less the packaging formats (though that's part of it) and far more the use and management of these tools.
I think there's someone who died recently who made the end-user experience key. While his organization struggled at times, it's emerged in recent years as an absolute behemoth which suggests ultimately that the alignment he chose is better than that of a principle rival.
I'm not going to pretend we've got the Free Software business model perfectly sorted either.
We're producing proprietary software as well as developing/curating open source software projects, and there is a balancing act involved there.
Not to sound too bandwagon-jumpy (I've found the recent hyperbolic public outpouring of grief somewhat distasteful) but I care about user experience and documentation, and I've always believed that focusing on the end user will lead you in the right direction.
> From an ease-of-use / ease-of-maintenance perspective, Debian (and its derivatives) blow RPM-based systems out of the water.
What kind of a comparison (Debian vs. RPM-based) is this? Does dpkg(1), as opposed to rpm(8), really make all the difference in "ease-of-use"?
Of course, I understand what you mean, however, don't you think that if Debian really blew RHEL and SLES out of the water, its adoption in the enterprise server space would be a bit higher? You are kidding yourself if you pretend that the commercial distros are only used because they come with support, and also need support, being intentionally crippled.
Obviously, a meaningful comparison of Debian, RHEL and SLES does not fit into a HN comment, but as someone who has used all three, I would always choose Debian last, and not only because of the lack of commercial support.
(By the way, the main point of the support you get for RHEL and SLES is not access to a guy on the phone. The real value is the L3 support, i.e. bugfixing. As a Debian user who runs into a bug that cripples your system, your options are:
a) fix it yourself
b) pray to $DEITY that Debian developers fix it soon
c) try to expedite b) by harassing Debian developers in bugzilla, which is going to be as inefficient as you'd expect.
As a paying customer of Red Hat or SuSE, you are entitled to and will receive a fix for the bug ASAP, and although ASAP often translates to "a couple of weeks", it is still a hell of a lot better than what Debian can offer.)
What it needs above everything else is a table contents that stays with you as you read. The documentation you have now only lists a TOC for the section you're in. And the TOC is tucked away in the right-hand corner and stays there when you scroll. So whenever I dive into your docs, I never get a sense of "where" I am in the whole big ball of string, and I get frustrated.
The first page is weirdly arranged. For example, it's got a big headline "Learning Puppet", then "Learn to use Puppet! New users: start here." Then there is a link to "Introduction and Index". I interpret this as being the link to the "new users" guide, and that the next two sections ("Part one", "Part two") are not related. But if you click on "Introduction and Index" you come to a new page which lists the exact same TOC, and has no section named "Introducion". It's confusing.
The "reference manual" and "guides" sections are similarly confusing because of the lack of a unified table of contents. The reference is particularly bad because I want to look up something alphabetically ("I want to manage users, so I bet it's called 'user'"), but the reference is arranged by topic.
Those are all good points, and we know the layout needs to improve.
I would add though that once you've gone through the basics, you find yourself primarily living in the Type Reference, which is arranged alphabetically.
> I would add though that once you've gone through the basics, you find yourself primarily living in the Type Reference
Yes, that's were I ended up. I'm way beyond that level now, but I sometimes have to look something up in the docs, and always have to hunt down the URL to that particularly page.
I was a bit confused by the "excellent reference documentation" regarding Chef, as well. The documentation I have read has been out of sync, occasionally contradictory piece-meal. I have yet to find anything more useful than just reading recipes.
I wonder if the author knows of resources other than that book and the wiki.
I have had a very different experience from yours. I have found the Chef wiki to be consistently well written and consistent. Please note that I have only been working with Chef for the past three weeks, so they may have been brought into that state quite recently.
I agree. What Chef lacks in documentation it makes up for it in community support. I have only been messing with Chef for a few weeks off and on but there is always someone to answer my questions in the IRC channel. Often it is someone from Opscode.
I tried out both Puppet and Chef a while ago, and was also a bit confused by the Chef documentation when trying to do anything beyond the basics.
While not brilliant, the Puppet docs seemed better and when added to the Pro Puppet book ( http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Puppet-James-Turnbull/dp/143023057... ) are more than adequate, so I just picked Puppet on that basis alone, and have not had any issues.
Another useful tool , in conjunction with Puppet/Chef is Blueprint which lets you build configurations from existing servers , http://devstructure.com/ .
Have you used Blueprint? I am really interested in it. Honestly, it seems like a bit of magic to me and wonder how well it works and what its limitations are.
Something that wasn't visible in the article: Not that Puppet is extremely better here, but I really hate how much manual tweaking Chef requires after installing from a package and the experience in running it needed. You cannot easily scale it (indexed database pretty much needs to stay in one place), couchdb stops replication at random and it seems that chef doesn't deal well with document versioning in general since I keep running into a situation where the cookbook is not on the list after uploading, or a visible cookbook cannot be deleted. It also sometimes requires reindexing for some unknown reason, or the attributes don't work properly in search.
I prefer to work with Chef much more than Puppet (as a user/developer), but I wouldn't want to be responsible for running Chef cluster itself. There are too many different elements to learn and take care of. Unfortunately official hosted service is very expensive, so there's no good alternative once you need many nodes.
I'm running both chef and puppet in production, so I will add my (slightly cynic) comparison here:
When comparing Chef to puppet then Chef comes out as the pragmatist. Once up and running most common every-day tasks are less painful in chef. Apart from that its main advantage over puppet (to me) is that it allows to semi-sanely manage transient hosts (cloud/EC2) that enter/exit a cluster ad hoc. Puppet can also do that in theory, in practice you'd rather want to fork your eyes out with a spoon.
However, the pragmatism comes at a price: The chef-implementation is an absolute and unmitigated disaster.
You'll spend quite a bit of quality time initially to get the six dozen components to play ball and to fix up basics that shouldn't need fixing (i.e. you'll want to ensure that everything is under version control and not just the parts that chef deems worth versioning).
Over the first couple months you'll also see the odd server-crash while you figure out the peculiarities of your particular installation. Chef is very heavy on dependencies and the exact software-versions depend on when and how you install (pkgs vs source-code).
However, once you're over that hump and if you're not too worried about standing on the shoulders of 'a one-eyed amongst the blind' then the whole cookbooks/roles/runlists arrangement is quite comfortable to work with.
Just don't expect features like dry-run, real idempotency or clean dependency tracking that some would consider "basic" for such a tool. Also don't expect a security-model at all; to my knowledge all hosts that are authorized to talk to a chef-server can see all cookbooks and databags on that server.
If you care a lot about those latter minor quibbles then perhaps Puppet might be more your thing.
Puppet is conceptually much cleaner (night/day difference), which sadly and ironically is also its biggest drawback; they took it too far. Puppet made a bad decision early on by inventing their own language. This decision will be your personal ball on a chain for the lifetime of your puppet deployment.
But, is it really that bad?
Well. Yes.
After the initial (steep) learning curve there's only a small plateau of reward before you begin to run into the more subtle issues. The most commonly heard complaints about the language are the ass-backwards class/variable-inheritance and the blurry (and effectively undocumented) divide between what should go into the manifests (sorta like chefs "cookbooks") and what into a storage layer called "extdata" (sorta somewhat like chefs "databags"). But rest assured, there's plenty more, I don't want to spoil it all at once here.
So, yes, you will hate puppet every time you have to make a complex change.
Yet for some it might still be worth it, here's some of my reasons: Once you finally have something up and running puppet feels much more predictable and "solid" than chef. You can actually dry-run and test (most) changes before rolling them out. Puppet will provide meaningful error messages in most situations (unlike the esoteric chef stack-traces). The puppet daemon is just that; one daemon (unlike the conglomerate of moving parts that comprises a chef deployment). Generally speaking there is much less "magic" in puppet than in chef. You will almost always know precisely what went wrong - a pretty important attribute that chef unfortunately doesn't share.
Oh, and no least: the puppet documentation is heads and shoulders above chef (although the latter has improved recently).
So, if you're in the market, good luck making your choice. I'm not making a recommendation here because, quite frankly, I wouldn't recommend either to anyone other than my worst enemy. ;-)
I (with advice from co-workers) decided against chef for two main reasons: Dependencies and complexity of implementation, and gut instinct from reading the literature. So I'm not surprised to see that it can be a little shaky.
I also looked at cfengine3, and I liked the language, although I am not a fan of the "promise/promiser" terminology, the concept is consistently applied and as a result the language grammar is much simpler than puppet's. It basically came down to not being able to really choose between puppet and cfengine3 without actually trying them, and since I cared less about identifying the optimal tool than just getting stuff done I selected puppet arbitrarily.
I rejected bcfg2 mainly because it seemed very server-oriented and although there was documentation for setting up the system there wasn't a lot of documentation about how to actually configure systems. I've revisited bcfg2 lately and the situation doesn't seem to have improved much. (eg I can't find a decent reference for the configuration language anywhere online. There's no equivalent to that puppet page that lists all the data types.) I also think the choice for XML as the configuration language is suboptimal but I could probably work with it.
So we went with puppet, and although I left the position several months later (for unrelated reasons) we were already hitting some of those issues you mentioned.
Incidentally, you don't even need the daemon to run puppet, so long as you're willing apply your own security model and distribution method (rsync over ssh, etc/).
From a complete outsider's point of view, it sounds as if the state of the art SCM tools are at the pre-2005 level of VCS tools. Chef and Puppet are the SCM equivalents of CVS or Subversion. The Git/Mercurial equivalents (in terms of power) have yet to appear. Does this analogy make sense?
Not bad but rather awkward I think. Source control is a comparatively specific problem. System configuration management is a much broader category, and competes indirectly with a variety of existing tools, like fabric or even make and bash.
I have no real experience with configuration management, but I'm confused why the programming language matters?
It seems to me like people complaining about Make being a poor programming language.... IT'S NOT FOR PROGRAMMING! It's for build sequencing. Every single program on your computer is a command-line-invocation away. Let Make handle incrementally executing external scripts based on timestamps, and let real programming languages do what they do best.
Isn't the point of Puppet to have an idempotent declarative language. And can't it execute arbitrary programs?
Isn't the point of Puppet to have an idempotent declarative language. And can't it execute arbitrary programs?
Yes and no. The main argument against puppet's dedicated DSL is that it's dedicated. I.e. you'll spend a lot of time learning a complex language for the sole purpose of running puppet. You cannot transfer that knowledge to anything else and unless managing puppet is your only job you'll frequently have to re-read the documentation to recall the more exotic idiosyncrasies.
It's a love/hate-thing really. In puppet you can express many things much more cleanly and elegantly than in chef. Other things you can't express at all or require you to resort to terrible hacks.
In chef-cookbooks you rarely need to resort to hacks. But at the cost of the chef-infrastructure itself being a pretty terrible hack...
What are some examples of things are really elegant to express in Puppet? What are some examples of things that you had to resort to terrible hacks for?
Please use personal, concrete examples, if you don't mind.
I've only got a couple of boxes to manage, but reading through the docs for the big three configuration management systems, I really was confused about the need for most of the stuff in the tutorials. I'd also be interested in concrete examples of where shell-scripts fail so badly.
Well, it's of course all subjective, but I can present my perception of both (elegance vs hack) in a single pastie: http://pastie.org/2668110
This will assemble a hosts-file that contains all hosts from $group, on the hosts that include the class.
It's awesome and terrible at the same time because it demonstrates an Exported Resource (@@host, Host <<| |>>, awesome) and at the same time it shows how we had to resort to extdata for grouping (extlookup = terrible) and how opaque the puppet DSL is to the uninitiated.
That script is (1) more understandable to a programmer, (2) unambiguous with respect to output, (3) idempotent, (4) super extensible.
I suspect your Puppet script is doing some other stuff, but I can't begin to mentally parse it...
EDIT: Just wanted to point out that I didn't try to make that script either correct or identical to your script. Just wanted to give an impression of the flow of things.
Well, scripts like yours go a long a way. The problem is that at some point you'll want more integration and at that point you can either go with puppet/chef - or you'll end up re-inventing them.
I'm interested to know why someone would not recommend CM (or atleast not recommend puppet/chef). I think despite its faults, I've seen that many problems become non-issues when you are using puppet. OTOH, I've seen organizations struggle for months(or for ever) with what could have been a simple solution with puppet.
Could it be you made the wrong design decisions both times? Sometimes, people try to do complex things in puppet, when they should using puppet just to push out that cronjob or init script, or rpm/apt package to handle the complexity.
Can you give more details like how many serves you have? Do you have a complex combination of hardware(physical + virtual) and operating system platforms?
Do you have a complex combination of apps on these platforms? Did you use the "environments" feature of puppet/chef? (Environments are totally broken in puppet) Did you use Dashboard/Foreman or Grill(chef only) and did that make things easier?
Did you migrate from the "hairball nest of Bash and Perl that holds your data center together" or did you build your infra from scratch with puppet/chef?
Sorry, that part was irony. I would of course recommend CM.
I was just trying to express that the current crop of tools is nowhere near a level of maturity where you could recommend one or the other as a no-brainer.
Could it be you made the wrong design decisions both times?
Surely. More so with puppet than with chef as the puppet language offers slightly
more rope to hang yourself on the foot. However, I'm quite confident we have maxed out both tools to about the best of their abilities now (short of the more esoteric extensions such as mcollective). There is of course always a next step, but I can't think of something that could potentially change my perception of their respective problem areas (which, as I outlined in my parent post, are pretty fundamental for each tool).
Can you give more details like how many serves you have?
Largest puppet deployment is ~70 hosts, largest chef is ~40 hosts.
Yes, we've had to migrate the puppetmaster to a pretty beefy host. Yes, chef's claim to scalability is a joke. We experimented with couch replication but quickly went back to running separate (beefy) chef-servers and sync'ing them via git.
A tangential reason for running separate puppetmaster/chef instances is the lack of a trustworthy security model in both. Extdata/databags do occasionally contain sensitive information, neither puppet nor chef accounts for that (don't get me started on "encrypted databags").
Do you have a complex combination of hardware(physical + virtual) and operating system platforms?
We run (only) debian on physical and cloud servers. For cloud deployments chef works better for us. For physical servers we're rooted in puppet but slowly leaning towards chef for uniformity. I wouldn't say our deployments are especially complex. And even if they were then that'd be no excuse for the tools that were created to manage precisely that kind of complexity.
Did you migrate from the "hairball nest of Bash and Perl that holds your data center together" or did you build your infra from scratch with puppet/chef?
The bigger clusters were built from scratch but we have chef/puppet clusters in various states of finesse.
Oh, this reminds me of one of the less obvious issues that I forgot in my initial rant: Updates.
You absolutely, positively want to either update your entire cluster (all puppet/chef clients) in lockstep with the server or not at all. The "backwards compatibility"-claims didn't work out for us when we tried.
The correct answer to this entire question is "yes". Use whichever tool encourages you to adopt proper configuration management.
Yes, there's a gap that the current crop of CM tools don't address (and why we see new versions of capistrano clones with a bit of system management sprinkled in) but the three major tools right now - Puppet, Chef and CFengine are all at a state where they address 95% of the use cases for system management and automation.
It's not so much what I consider to be missing as what others don't seem to be finding in them that encourages them to bolt on functionality into "incompatible" tools:
A little while ago I wrote a piece comparing Puppet vs Chef on 10 different criteria and concluded that Puppet wins on all of them: http://bitfieldconsulting.com/puppet-vs-chef
It stimulated a very interesting discussion in comments in which some of the leading lights from both communities (and there is some overlap) took part.
A little while ago is a bit of a stretch. BOTH communities have moved far and beyond the state of things in that article.
The fact of the matter is that X vs. Y is ENTIRELY subjective. It isn't a sporting event where there's a clear cut way to call a winner.
Some people like Puppet. Some people like Chef. Anyone trying to decide between ANY software - whether two competing client libraries or something as critical as configuration management owes it to themselves and the company to try all the options. The one that's best is the one that encourages you to adopt configuration management.
This is a good write up. As someone who just recently started messing with Chef I found comparison articles non-existent. Though I have already put in several weeks with Chef and will probably stick with it I think Puppet looks like a great product as well. I hope both of these projects continue to gain users. It would be great to see them both compete/innovate well into the future. With that said I would like to see Chef's documentation increase and the merb application replaced by something else as someone else suggested. In the end they are both great tools and if you are sys admin it wouldn't hurt to learn one really well and become familiar with the other just like working with different Linux distros such as RHEL/Ubuntu only increases your sys admin skills.
I've been happy with Kokki and Fabric, no complaints yet: https://github.com/samuel/kokki If I outgrow it I'll be happy to switch to chef or puppet, but it is still convenient to keep everything in Python.
While I often see "Puppet vs Chef", I never see Bcfg2 mentioned. Is its low mindshare related to its quality, it's exclusion from the set of Ruby-based config management tools, its origin in the government space, or its terrible name?
Not only is Bcfg2's explicit configuration structure unpleasant to work with, the heart of it is in XML. I tried to use Bcfg2 and was easily put off by the required structure. The fact that Bcfg2 stems from the science/math community was actually the only thing that kept from overlooking it completely.
I honestly have not a single clue about Puppet or Chef, but the company I work for uses bcfg2. All of the SAs hate it with a passion. We have written so much code around it to make it usable that it could probably compare with amount of code in bcfg2 (well not really, but it's a lot).
bcfg2 works well. It aims toward 100% fully managed servers (i.e. package dependency management, full /etc management) more than Chef/Puppet (but other than DoD/banking, 100% management isn't worth it). Other reasons I prefer Chef are 1) solo mode, 2) more dynamic recipes with ruby 3) more out-of-the-box resources (dirs, files, templates, users, etc)
CFEngine has really great, comprehensive, reference documentation and really very poor, basically non-existent, tutorial or getting-started information. In order to actually get work done, you need to know a good bit more than how to install it and what the bundle syntax looks like. Puppet OTOH excels in this.
So while the tools are roughly equivalent in capability, if you're new to configuration management in general I think you'll have a lot better success getting started with Puppet.
I've been working on improving getting-started information for CFEngine 3. Check out www.verticalsysadmin.com/cfengine.htm - especially the "Getting Started with CFEngine 3" guide, and the "Guide to CFEngine Body of Knowledge".
I also hold live webinars to help people get started with CFEngine 3. If you need any help, I invite you to register for one (http://cfengine-quickstart.eventbrite.com/)
I'm curious about this as well. Does anyone have any experience with this? It would be interesting to hear someone's opinion since CFEngine seems to have been around for awhile.
I have used cfengine2 extensively, but not cfengine3. I've only read about cfengine3.
cfengine2 is a simple and effective mechanism for managing systems. However, cfengine2 has some issues. It has limited facilities for abstraction, resulting in a lot of code duplication. It has no built-in template engine, meaning that if you need to assemble a file based on various conditions you have to cobble it together with pattern matching and line-insertion. It's pretty easy to screw this up and lose idempotency. There's a 30-package-install limit per cfagent run, which fails silently. This is very annoying and requires some hacks to circumvent.
Also, in cfengine2 you have a configuration file that's basically <classname> : <list of hosts...>. If you approach more in terms of <hostname>: <list of classes>, it's a minor inconvenience.
Cfengine3 addresses some of these issues, but I haven't used it much so can't really give it a fair review.
This article came at an excellent time: I've recently been setting up test deployments of both Puppet and Chef for potential HPC use, and this article confirms a lot of my impressions. In particular, that Puppet has much better documentation (especially for doing the initial setup) and a more sysadmin-friendly language, but that Chef makes it easier to carry out complex tasks.
Despite some cool things I've been able to do in Chef, Puppet is probably going to end up the winner, if for no other reason than it having much much better support for RHEL and clones (ie Scientific Linux). Chef was extremely unimpressive there in many ways, and anything related to deployment where the wiki includes the line "RPM installation via ELFF has been deprecated" is going to be a non-starter in the HPC world. (Or doesn't, anymore... any mention of RPM seems to have been scrubbed now.)
We're probably only going to use it on infrastructure/head nodes though: our compute nodes are provisioned on ramdisk statelessly using Warewulf, and are easier to reconfigure with a reboot/redeploy than via CM.
It's sad that chef differs so much depending on server/solo usage:
Without chef-server using so called "chef-solo" lacks a lot of good things:
+ (remote) bootstrapping + distribution (like "little-chef"; non-official)
+ data bags (third party cookbook only; non-official)
+ search (e.g. on a central file system based data-base which gets dumped into a json that will be uploaded on bootstrap/update time (push))
As others stated, running your own chef-server (even external/paying for it) brings a new risc factor into your provisioning business and if you depend on data bags and search you'll most likely not be able to bootstrap new app servers when your chef server is down. This is a huge SPOF.
For those getting started with Configuration Management, I would recommmend "Getting Started with Configuration Management" by Cory Lueninghoener (in April 2011 issue of USENIX ;login: magazine): http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/2011-04/openpdfs/Lu...
I haven't used Puppet but I have had the misfortune of using Chef (1k+ node deployment). But for a free alternative its not bad, it gets the job done sure we'll have to sacrifice or work around it but in the end you can do what you need to do with it. Yes, its not RightScale but thats why RightScale is not free.
I haven't tried out scalr my self but I hear it described as an alternative to RightScale with 90% of the features at 10% of the cost.
If anyone here has used scalr please enlighten us of on its current state.
Depends on what you mean by deployment. We use puppet for managing our os, packages and basic file structure. We use home-grown bash scripts for deploying new versions of applications.
For keeping track of os-level packages and the like, I find Puppet much better than something I could build myself. It doesn't just take care of the initial setup, but also handles incremental changes. And it does so in a largely declarative language. It all guarantees that the entire installation is documented and replicable.
Guaranteeing the entire installation is "documented and replicable" is huge. Chef/Puppet can become a large part of you disaster recovery plan and increases the "bus number" in ops.
The value in this is immediately apparent after the first time you have had to rebuild a server that you inherited.
I prefer bash scripting for this as well. With a small ops team, pushing for adoption of Puppet or Chef, and definitely cfengine, can be difficult. However having a backbone for running the scripts and providing reporting is a great benefit.
I used slack[1] for a short while, but then started my own configuration management framework for Perl[2]. I wanted to have templating and better reporting, and also had hopes of keeping a very slim rulesest -- forcing any extraneous functions to per-instance (bash|perl|python|.*) scripts. I need to get back to developing and testing it though.
I don't think you know what you're missing, actually. I recommend trying it out. In fact, you should be using Puppet or Chef even if you're just one guy with just one server to manage.
The reason is that by encoding your configuration in a metalanguage such as Puppet's, you have described your environment independent of the actual box. If the box goes down and you need to swap in a new one, you just run Puppet again, and it will magically turn into the old box.
If you need to replace the box with faster hardware, for example, just run Puppet on the new box, and it will (if you have done your job properly) become identical to the new one. Suddenly need 10 boxes to handle a load spike? Just boot up 10 cloud VMs and point them at the Puppet server.
Since these systems are modular and lightweight, you can easily describe hundreds of vastly different boxes using a single configuration.
> In fact, you should be using Puppet or Chef even if you're
> just one guy with just one server to manage.
> If you need to replace the box with faster hardware, for
> example, just run Puppet on the new box, and it will (if
> you have done your job properly) become identical to the
> new one.
If you've done your job right with the shell script, the same will be true. The problem is that if you have more than N nodes, "doing the job right" becomes more difficult. However N is quite obviously greater than one.
I've been using puppet recently, one thing I wish for is an easier way to pull in other puppet's users modules. I've looked at puppetforge some but I balk at actually downloading the files to run locally. Is chef better in this regard?
JavaScript is more widely accessible than Ruby or a DSL. So given that the point is all about creating recipes, the language is a defining feature.
From what I can tell both Puppet and Chef seem a little over-engineered, so I feel there's a niche for a simple (solo only) tool out there. By using something like Node it would be possible to a) run with a much smaller memory footprint b) have a more event driven architecture and c) run multiple downloads or other setup related tasks in parallel.
What javascript engine ships on a linux server today?
Ruby and Python are both packaged in by default on basically everything, V8 and other javascript engines are not.
Additionally, javascript is NOT more widely accessible - if anything, learning non-DOM-manipulated javascript is INCREDIBLY painful for a beginner.
Remember, these tools are for system administration and configuration management, not for writing applications.
While javascript engines are generally not shipped with OSes these days, it's moot because chef bundles its own ruby and ignores the ancient one in the OS. I suspect that's the case with python-based packages as well. I know HP Server Automation bundles its own python. It's easier to support a consistent python version across umpteen platforms than to debug your code in all the varying versions across so many distros and distro releases. Maybe Fabric can use the OS's python, but that's about the only example I know.
Unless chef and puppet are having a hard time finding developers, I don't see how javascript being more accessible is relevant.
Your point about them being over engineered is much more interesting than you just thinking we need yet another system but in a different language. And javascript is certainly not the only way to achieve the goals you list. Just seems like an attempt to start a language war honestly.
Chef, Puppet and configuration management systems in general aren't as widely used or known as one would think. So yes, I'd argue that using a more widely accessible language is relevant.
I agree that JavaScript isn't the only way to achieve this. It's just that JavaScript is a language I like, so I thought I'd find out if there were others who shared my views. Perhaps I should have expanded more on things in my first comment. That being said, I'm pretty surprised by the negativity in the comments and downvoting.
I'm confused, are you proposing using Javascript instead of a DSL with a system like Chef or Puppet?
That's a separate issue from what the system itself is written in...
The downvoting is probably over confusion, shared by myself, about what the language used to write the system itself has to do with the merits of the system.
Chef uses Ruby for recipes, I propose using JavaScript. If the system itself was written in JavaScript, then writing recipes in it would allow for more flexibility.
(EDIT: perhaps having the ability to define recipes using a JSON only format would work as well)
Puppet is quite lightweight, and since Puppet configs are written in a DSL, the language shouldn't matter. Please don't reinvent the wheel just because server-side JS is cool right now.
Having been round the houses with cfengine, Chef, Puppet and more now I think these tools are, overall, a poor use of time. In general they're 99% used as config blasters: Yet Another Way To Put Files Onto A Computer.
Turns out, packaging systems already did that and have better dependency analysis.
This also helps to match the lifecycle of configuration management objects with that of the components they configure. I've seen far too many sites that had one big hairball of a Chef/Puppet repository that tried to service the needs of multiple conflicting application releases.
The final nail in the Chef coffin is that it encourages parameterisation of config files rather than configuration by convention, which is simpler and less prone to production-environment gotchas.
Everything else they do can be replaced by a very small shell script.