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Meta comment: I tried to click the link but since the title is so short and my mousing not very precise, I accidentally clicked the upvote arrow. I then clicked "unvote" and tried again, but the same thing happened. The third time round, I managed to click the link.

Takeaway: Very short titles might get you some upvotes from clumsy users :)

Yes! I came here to post the same thing - the link didn't work for me, and I inadvertently upvoted as well. I assume the article has merits of it's own, but I do notice a huge ratio of votes to comments, I guess some are inadvertent. It would be interesting to search through other very short titles and look at the ratio of comments to votes vs others above some vote threshold... (I'm on my phone or I'd try) - edit, is there a regex search for HN anywhere? It looks like algolia doesn't support them

lol same and would have never thought to comment on it because obviously user-error, then I saw this and thought twice.

The same happened with me...

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