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I would highly recommend learning more about webgl before diving into webGPU. https://webglfundamentals.org/ is a good place to start

from what i've read, they're pretty different abstractions, so i'm concerned that learning WebGL2 will give me a mental model that will be largely useless and just add to the confusion when switching to WebGPU. even the shader language is different (WGSL vs GLSL) [1]. how much knowledge will be transferable?

[1] https://dmnsgn.me/blog/from-glsl-to-wgsl-the-future-of-shade...

Think of it like algorithms and data structures are at their basis language agnostic.

Same applies to the 3D programming, while the way to implement something like deferred rendering (as an example) is different across APIs, it still is deferred rendering.

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