Events, promises and callback functions all work differently, exist in their own lanes and can co-exist in the same library. Each one is perfect in the use case it was designed for.
That said, while promises are a very useful tool, I consistently find events to be an easier mental model to work with in the context of the DOM. This is primarily due to the bubbling nature of events.
It's entirely possible that you and your friends concluded in a bubble that promises are the pattern to rule them all, but don't speak for all of us.
Events are foundational to JS, we've had them since the beginning and they're not broken. You don't need any nonsense to use them. They're also completely unrelated to promises in my opinion, so I'm not even sure what the ecosystem would look like if you tried to replace Events with promises.
The only parts I don't like are the event based APIs.
It's 2022, I feel like we've settled on promises as the best way to handle async.
The author wasn't particularly receptive to the issue I raised around it, even offering to create a PR.
I think event based APIs are really holding what would otherwise be a very nice component set back.