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>I don't know what the cause of the weirdness is though.

Because "dismantling the patriarchy" isn't what is happening to begin with, and the current actions are coming at the cost of young men. Meanwhile, it is questionable whether young women are getting much better from it.* There are many variables compounding on one another which are very difficult to interpret, despite people on both sides of the debate claiming they can.

The majority of people are still ruled primarily by a bunch of rich men. The majority of people are women and men. This hasn't changed at all. What has changed is the giant sandwich of men and women between the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich shuffling around, while they also have a smaller piece of the pie as a whole.

*: Yes obviously not being dependent on others is a good thing. However, there is an underlying connotation that women are better off in the workforce than they are doing what they would do as of old. Considering many other social factors at play, there is enough reason to doubt this.

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