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I thought that number was a much stricture control. I think you have to do a lot more go get to the number you're talking about and there's no explanation for that one. It's been a bit since I looked but I don't think things improved that much. Even still, a 1% median difference on earnings is a pretty large number.

1% median difference on earnings is a pretty large number

1% of $60k is $600, which after tax is probably $400. Not exactly life changing money.

Since we're talking about a median, it would be interesting to see how many people you would need to remove from the top end to get the numbers to line up.

On a personal level, small difference. On a median level, big difference.

Compound that over a person’s working years and it adds up to a non-trivial number at the individual level. At the aggregate level it’s already non-trivial without any compounding or the like.

It’s also 1% that you maybe failed to account for by other means. What’s the error bar on your study anyway. 1% seems like noise

No one would ever have been talking about the disparity if it was only 1%

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