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From the real world, I can assure you this is entirely untrue.

It may seem like that if you’re living in a super high cost of living city and everyone in your work social bubble is in their 20s and early 30s, but step outside of those small bubbles and age groups and there are plenty of happy parents.

This whole “lol parents are dumb” meme really needs to die.

Parents are not dumb but they are paying a high price that in a totally incentive-driven world nobody would pay. We (the public) who set the incentives need to do some soul-searching about the question of why we assign such a high cost to creating our future.

As somebody who lives in Europe in a country with one of the lowest reproductive rates in the world I can assure you that is is entirely true.

Sure, but, there is plenty of evidence that educational attainment is negatively correlated with number of children. And so we have this strange phenomenon of educational success negatively correlated to evolutionary success. Here is a graph: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/womens-educational-attain...

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