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Wolfenstein 3D was my first video game. My brother and I had the Shareware version on our [unknown type] family computer running Windows 3.1. No soundblaster for us so we were treated to the generic alternative sounds from our built-in PC speakers (maybe somebody can add some illumination to this?). I still remember the cheat code (M+L+I) 25 years later and probably still know most of the secret passages. Lots of good memories from inside the castle.

Recordings do exist of PC speaker sound effects: https://youtu.be/5v36e4_jars

I used to play Wolfenstein 3D co-op with friends - one of us would 'steer' and the other would do the doors and gun. Bizarre now to think about it.

Not that bizarre actually. I played tens of hours of Serious Sam "local coop". Basically one player plays with arrow keys and mouse, the other player plays with WSAD and lookup/lookdown button. The general strategy is for the WSAD player to clear everything on the ground level, while the mouse player is killing stuff on higher ground and doing other precision shots.

No I mean two people playing one playable character. One running the legs and the other running the arms.

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